Description | Example | Return Message | Group

MapGraphics Resolution

Set the map resolution to be used on the 2D Graphics window


MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> Resolution {ResOptions}


The MapGraphics Resolution command allows you to set up an inverse relationship between viewing altitude and map resolution for the 2D Graphics window. The minimum viewing altitude for each resolution level can be set.

Note: Processing speed is affected if you are displaying STK high resolution maps. If the 2D Graphics window is updating too slowly, consider decreasing map resolution.

This table describes the {ResOptions}, at least one {ResOptions} pair must be included in the command.

{ResOptions} Description
Enable {On | Off} Enable the use of map resolution values.
WindowID <WinNumber> Enter the number of the 2D window to which the changes should be applied.
VeryLow <Value> Set the resolution value for None to VeryLow level.
Low <Value> Set the resolution value for VeryLow to Low level.
Medium <Value> Set the resolution value for Low to Medium level.
High <Value> Set the resolution value for Medium to High level.
VeryHigh <Value> Set the resolution value for High to VeryHigh level.
SuperHigh <Value> Set the resolution value for VeryHigh to SuperHigh level.

All <Values> are entered in Connect distance units.

Each resolution value must be greater or equal to the resolution value following it. VeryLow >= Low >= Medium >= High >= VeryHigh >= SuperHigh

The VeryHigh and SuperHigh values are only valid if the user has a STK Terrain, Imagery and Maps license.


After setting the Connect distance units to km, enable the use of Map resolution and set the values for VeryLow, Low and Medium:

MapGraphics * Resolution Enable On VeryLow 90 Low 17 Medium 12


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

2D Graphics Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1