Control the display of the persistance of lines intersecting a central body.
VO <SensorObjectPath> PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines {On | Off}
The VO PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines command allows you to specify the persistence of projected lines with regard to the intersection of a central body. If On is entered then the intersection projection is persistent as long as one point in the projection intersects the central body. If Off is entered then all points in the projection must intersect the central body for the projection to be persistent.
Note: If VO PersistSpaceProjLines has been enabled then this option will be ignored.
Specify that all projected lines will persist:
VO */Facility/Fac1/Sensor/domeSn PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines On
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1