Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Load and display Vector Product Format data in the 3D window.


VO <ScenarioPath> VPF {Add | Modify | Delete} {VPFIdentification} ({VPFOption} <Value>)...


The VO VPF connect command is used to load and display Vector Product Format data in the 3D window.

{VPFIdentification} is used to identify the VPF data to display. This includes the database's path, coverage, library and the feature class, as follows:

DBPath "<FilePath>" Library <Library> Coverage <Coverage> Feature <FeatureClass>

"<FilePath>" is case insensitive, however it will be converted to uppercase before being processed. <Library>, <Coverage> and <FeatureClass> are case insensitive, but they will be converted to lowercase before being processed. The VPF standard requires these values to be lowercase and the "<FilePath>" be uppercase.

To have the {VPFIdentification} values processed using the case as entered issue the VO VPF CaseSensitive command with the On option:

VO <ScenarioPath> VPF CaseSensitive {On | Off}

Additional options to modify the display of VPF data are listed in the following table:

{VPFOption} <Value> Description
FeatureID <FeatureID> Used to address a particular feature in a feature class.

Note: This option is valid for Modify only.

Show {On | Off} Show or Hide this data.
Color {Color} Indicates the color of the VPF feature. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
LineWidth <Width> Indicates the width of the VPF feature line. If the data is points, then this option will set the point size. <Width> is a value between 1 and 10.
LineStyle {Style} Indicates the line style of the VPF feature. If the data is points, then this option will be ignored. Valid values for {Style} are Solid, Dashed, Dotted, DotDash, LongDash.

Notes on Debugging

If a VO * VPF command fails (due to invalid syntax, invalid feature class, etc), a NACK is returned. By default, VPF debugging is turned off. To get extended debugging information, enable VPF debugging with the following command:

VO * VPF Debug On

When debugging is enabled and a VO * VPF command NACKs, debugging information is displayed in the message viewer (In STK, go to View -> Message Viewer). This information will help you pinpoint what is wrong with the command. To disable VPF debugging use:

VO * VPF Debug Off

Note that the debugging state is not saved with the scenario, so it needs to be turned on before it is used.


To add the depthl Feature class of the input VPF data:

VO * VPF Add DBPath "E:\VPF\VMAP0_NOAMER\VMAPLV0" Library noamer Coverage bnd Feature depthl

To modify a specific feature in the depthl Feature class of the VPF data added above:

VO * VPF Modify DBPath "E:\VPF\VMAP0_NOAMER\VMAPLV0" Library noamer Coverage bnd Feature depthl FeatureID 13 Color Blue LineWidth 5

To delete the depthl Feature class of VPF data:

VO * VPF Delete DBPath "E:\VPF\VMAP0_NOAMER\VMAPLV0" Library noamer Coverage bnd Feature depthl


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


VO Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1