Define the basic properties of a Volumetric object
Volumetric <VolumetricPath> {Define | Compute | Clear | Reload | Export] [<Parameters>]
The Volumetric command allows you to define and use a specified volumetric instance.
With the Define command you can define the Volumetric in one of two ways: (1) specify a volume grid and, optionally, a spatial calculation to evaluate on the volume grid, (2) specify a file that contains a volume grid reference and satisfaction intervals for each grid point.
If the volumetric is defined by specifying a file, then no other Define parameters are valid.
Parameters for the Volumetric Define command can be:
Define <Parameters> | Description |
VolumeGrid "<VolumeGrid>" | Specify the grid that defines the
The default grid is the Earth GlobalCartographicUpTo1000km Volume Grid. |
SpatialCalculation { Off | "<SpatialCalc>" } | Specify a spatial calculation to
evaluate on the volume grid.
The default is Off. |
Interval "<Intervals>" | Specify an interval or interval list
The default interval is the Scenario AnalysisInterval. |
EvaluateCalc {AtInstant | TimeArray "<TimeArray>" | Step <step>} | Specify the method used to evaluate a
spatial calculation on a volume grid. The choices are at an instant
in time, at times from a time array, or at specified time steps.
<step> is entered in Connect time units. The default is a time step of 60.0 seconds. |
AutoRecompute {On | Off} | Enter On to automatically recompute
when the volumetric definition is updated.
The default is Off. |
SaveMode {Save | DontSave | ComputeOnLoad} |
The default is Save. |
File "<File>" [ReferenceSystem "<System>"] | Use the File option to specify a file
that contains a volume grid reference and satisfaction intervals
for each grid point, in HDF5 format. The valid file extension is
The ReferenceSystem option is only valid for HDF5 format files that do not include a reference system. If a file does not include a reference system and none is specified, the default will be Earth Fixed. Note: No other parameters are valid if the volumetric is defined using File "<File>". |
Use the Compute and Clear options to compute or clear computations for a volumetric. These options have no other parameters.
The Compute and Clear options are not valid for a volumetric defined using a file.
The Reload option is valid only for a volumetric defined using a file.
Export the computed data for a volumetric object in HDF5 format.
The syntax for the Volumetric command with the Export option is:
Volumetric <VolumetricPath> Export "<ExportFilePath>" {LinkGrid | EmbedGrid [IncludeCartPoints] [IncludeNativePoints] [IncludeRefSystem]}
"<ExportFilePath>" must have a .h5 extension.
All Include values, for EmbedGrid, default to Off.
Note: The Export option is valid only for a volumetric that has a volume grid and a spatial calculation defined.
To create a new Volumetric object, define it and compute it:
New / */Volumetric VolConnect1
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect1 Define VolumeGrid "Place/Place1 SimpleCart" SpatialCalculation "Place/Place1 Distance"
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect1 Define EvaluateCalc Step 30.0 AutoRecompute Off SaveMode Save
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect1 Compute
To export the data from VolConnect1:
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect1 Export "C:\Users\Test\VolumetricTest1a.h5" EmbedGrid IncludeCartPoints
To create a new Volumetric object, define it as file based, and reload the file:
New / */Volumetric VolConnect2
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect2 Define File "C:\Users\Test\VolumetricTest1a.h5"
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect2 Reload
To create a new Volumetric object, defined with a HDF5 format file that does not include a reference system:
New / */Volumetric VolConnect3
Volumetric */Volumetric/VolConnect3 Define File "C:\Users\Test\StaticCartData.vmc.h5" ReferenceSystem "Satellite/Satellite1 ICRF System"
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1