Report Additional Data

Related Commands


Some Report Styles require additional data, such as a comparison object for the RIC report for a Satellite. For these types of reports you must include the AdditionalData "<Data>" option. The following Table shows a sampling of "<Style>" that require this option, and the "<Data>" value.

<ObjectPath> Type "<Style>" "<Data>"
Satellite "RIC", "Relative Motion", "Ephemeris Diff" "<TruncObjectPath>", where <TruncObjectPath> specifies another satellite.
Satellite (Astrogator) "Segment Summary", "Astrogator Script Summary" "<AttributePath>"

For the "Segment Summary" style, enter the Astrogator attribute path for a specific segment. The AdditionalData option can be omitted for the "Segment Summary" report style to return a report on all segments.

For the "Astrogator Script Summary" style, enter the Astrogator attribute path for a Scripting Tool. The report will show the results from the last run of a script created using the Scripting Tool.

CommSystem "Carrier to Noise PDF", "Power Flux Density PDF", "Power Flux Density CDF", "Link Information", "Interference Information" "<TruncObjectPath>"

The <TruncObjectPath> specifies a receiver or transmitter. For report styles that can take more than one object, separate the multiple values with a semi-colon: "<TruncObjectPath>;<TruncObjectPath>".

FigureOfMerit "Time Value By Point" "<DateTime>" entered in Scenario Date units
Scenario "Out of Date TLE" "<FilePath>, <DateTime>"

Specify the tle file path and enter <DateTime> in Scenario Date units

Vehicle "Vector Choose Axes" "<ReferenceCrdn>"
Vehicle "Position Covariance Projection", "Position Covariance CrossSection", "Position Covariance in Axes" "<Scale> [<SEPProb>]"
Vehicle "Position Covariance Choose Axes" "<Scale> <SEPProb> <AxesPath> <AxesName>"

<AxesPath> is the truncated path of the axes parent.

Vehicle "Position Covariance Projection Choose Plane", "Position Covariance CrossSection Choose Plane" "<Scale> <SEPProb> <PlanePath> <PlaneName>"

<PlanePath> is the truncated path of the plane parent.

Sensor "EOIR Sensor-to-Target Metrics" "<TruncObjectPath> <Band>"

<TruncObjectPath> specifies the target object, and <Band> specifies the spatial, spectral, optical and radiometric band of the sensor as specified in the sensor's EOIR properties.

Antenna, Radar, Receiver, Transmitter "Antenna Gain" "GainCutType {Azimuth | Elevation} <Parameters> [Time '<DateTimeValue>']"

If GainCutType is Azimuth, then the following <Parameters> are required (in any order):

  • MinElevation <Value> MaxElevation <Value> ElevationStep <Value> AzimuthValue <Value>

If GainCutType is Elevation, then the following <Parameters> are required (in any order):

  • MinAzimuth <Value> MaxAzimuth <Value> AzimuthStep <Value> ElevationValue <Value>

All above <Value> are entered in scenario angle units. The Min, Max, AzimuthValue and ElevationValue values should be between 0 and 360 degrees. The Min must be less than the Max. The Step value should be between 0.001 and 30.0 degrees.

The Time option allows the user to enter the time of the computation. If not entered the current scenario animation time will be used. If entered, the '<DateTimeValue>' is in Scenario Date units, enclosed in single quotes.

Antenna, Radar, Receiver, Transmitter "Antenna GainMatrix" "MinElevation <Value> MaxElevation <Value> ElevationStep <Value> MinAzimuth <Value> MaxAzimuth <Value> AzimuthStep <Value> [Time '<DateTimeValue>']"

The above parameters can be entered in any order. The Min, Max and Step <Value> are entered in scenario angle units. The Min and Max values should be between 0 and 360 degrees. The Min must be less than the Max. The Step value should be between 0.001 and 30.0 degrees.

The Time option allows the user to enter the time of the computation. If not entered the current scenario animation time will be used. If entered, the '<DateTimeValue>' is in Scenario Date units, enclosed in single quotes.

Some report styles require a "<ReferenceCrdn>" as the AdditionalData "<Data>". The following format is used to specify a "<ReferenceCrdn>":

"<TruncObjectPath> <CrdnName>"

Specify the truncated path of the object followed by a space and the CrdnName, all in quotes. For example: "Satellite/attSat VNC", specifies the VNC axes of attSat. If specifying the Crdn of a central body, include the truncated path of the central body followed by a space and the CrdnName, all in quotes. For example: "CentralBody/Earth Inertial".


To generate and save a report of Relative Motion between two Satellites:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Sat1 Type Save Style "Relative Motion" File "C:\stk\User\stkData\RelMotion.rpt" AdditionalData "Satellite/Sat2"

To generate and save a report of the point's coordinates in the selected system:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Satellite1 Type Save Style "Point Choose System" File "c:/MyTemp/PointChoose.txt" AdditionalData "CentralBody/Earth Fixed"

To generate and save a report of the satellite's position covariance cross section, choosing the plane:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Satellite1 Style "PosCovarXPlane" Type Display AdditionalData "2.543 0.45 Satellite/Satellite1 BodyXY"

To generate and display a report of the segment information for the Astrogator satellite's Prop10_days segment:

ReportCreate */Satellite/TargetDV Style "Segment Summary" Type Display AdditionalData "MainSequence.SegmentList.Prop10_days"

To produce an Antenna Gain report for a Receiver:

Report_RM */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 Style "Antenna Gain" AdditionalData "GainCutType Azimuth MinElevation 0.0 MaxElevation 10.0 ElevationStep 1.0 AzimuthValue 10.0"

To produce an Antenna Gain Matrix report, specifying Time:

Report_RM */Facility/Facility1/Receiver/Receiver1 Style "Antenna GainMatrix" AdditionalData "MinAzimuth -180.0 MaxAzimuth 180.0 AzimuthStep 10.0 Time '24 Jul 2009 16:00:10.0' MinElevation 0.0 MaxElevation 90.0 ElevationStep 10.0"

To generate and display a report of the results of running the specified script for the Astrogator satellite:

ReportCreate */Satellite/Molniya Style "Astrogator Script Summary" Type Display AdditionalData "MainSequence.SegmentList.Target_Sequence.Profiles.Scripting_Tool"

To generate and display a report of EOIR Metrics to the specified Missile:

ReportCreate */Facility/Facility1/Sensor/Sensor1 Style "EOIR Sensor-to-Target Metrics" Type Display AdditionalData "Missile/Missile1 Band"

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1