Name | Description |
Top | Time measures. |
Access | An Access calculation object that computes access between two objects. |
Cartesian Elems | Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in Cartesian components. Each Calc Object allows a choice of coordinate systems. The default is Earth Centered Inertial. |
Constants | Constant values used in astrodynamic calculations. |
Delaunay Elems | A set of canonical angle-action variables commonly used in general perturbation theories. An orbit is defined by a set of conjugate angle-action pairs. |
Environment | Calc Objects for the satellite environment. |
Equinoctial Elems | Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in equinoctial elements. Each Calc Object allows a choice of element type (Osculating elements, Kozai-Izsak Mean elements, Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using only short period terms, and Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using both short and long period terms). The default is osculating. Each Calc Object allows a choice of coordinate systems. The default is Earth Centered Inertial. |
Formation | Calc Objects for relative motion and close approaches with respect to the master satellite or a specified vehicle. See also Relative Motion. The close approach X axis is the unit vector in the direction of the cross product of the relative velocity vector with the orbit momentum vector of the reference vehicle. The close approach Y axis is the unit vector in the direction of the cross product of the X axis and the relative velocity vector. The close approach plane is the plane spanned by the X and Y axes. The close approach vector is the relative position vector from the reference vehicle. |
GeoStationary | Calc Objects that are useful for station keeping of geostationary satellites. Each Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth. |
Geodetic | Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in LLA elements. Each Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth. |
Ground Track | Calc Objects for maintaining a repeating ground track. |
Keplerian Elems | Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in keplerian (i.e., instantaneous two-body) elements. Each Calc Object allows a choice of element type (Osculating elements, Kozai-Izsak Mean elements, Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using only short period terms, and Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using both short and long period terms). The default is osculating. |
Maneuver | Maneuver related Calc Objects. |
Math | Used to perform functions on other Calc Objects. |
Mean Elems | Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in Keplerian elements. Each Calc Object allows a choice of element type (Osculating elements, Kozai-Izsak Mean elements, Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using only short period terms, and Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using both short and long period terms). The default is Kozai-Izsak mean elements. The mean elements are computed using mean element theory (not simply a numerical average of the element over a period), considering only gravity perturbations (J2 and for some theories J3 through J5). |
MultiBody | Used for targeting a different central body. See also B-plane targeting under Astrogator help. |
Other Orbit | Miscellaneous Calc Objects. |
Power | Calc Objects that compute power. |
Relative Motion | Calc Objects for relative ephemeris. The relative ephemeris is computed with respect to two rotating frames, the RIC (Radial, In-Track, Cross-Track) frame and the NTC (Normal, Tangential, and Cross-Track) frames, that are defined using the primary's ephemeris. Cross-track refers to the direction perpendicular to the position and inertial velocity; in-track refers to the direction perpendicular to both the radial and cross-track (positive in the direction of motion); tangential refers to the direction along the velocity vector; and normal refers to the direction perpendicular to the velocity and cross-track directions (positive outward along radial). Each Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth. See Also Formation |
SEET | Not defined for this class of object. |
Scalar | Scalar calculation component. |
Scripts | Values from Astrogator plugin scripts. |
Spacecraft Properties | Calc objects for spacecraft properties. |
Spherical Elems | Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in spherical elements. |
Target Vector | Data for incoming and outgoing asymptotes as well as C3 energy. |
Time | Time related Calc Objects. |
UserValues | User Variable related Calc Objects. |
Vector | Vector-related Calc Objects. |
Segment Data | Properties of each MCS segment in the Astrogator satellite. |
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1