Facility/Place/Target: Condition Set: HoursBeforeStop

Defines a set of conditions for when the elapsed time falls within specified time limits.

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
below_Hour_11 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_11_to_Hour_10 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_10_to_Hour_9 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_9_to_Hour_8 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_8_to_Hour_7 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_7_to_Hour_6 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_6_to_Hour_5 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_5_to_Hour_4 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_4_to_Hour_3 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_3_to_Hour_2 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_2_to_Hour_1 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_1_to_Hour_0 Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.
Hour_0_above Unitless Real Number Condition is met when time is between the hours specified.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1