Facility/Place/Target: LineOfSight Info

The facility, place, or target uses its ground altitude to construct an ellipsoid to be used in the LineOfSight computations. This ellipsoid passes thru the ground position and has the same surface normal as the central body shape does at that point. This report displays relevant characteristics of this ellipsoid.

Type: Fixed data

Availability: Reports

Name Dimension Type Description
Ellipsoid x DistanceUnit Real Number The X semi-axis of the LineofSight ellipsoid for a facility/place/target.
Ellipsoid y DistanceUnit Real Number The Y semi-axis of the LineofSight ellipsoid for a facility/place/target.
Ellipsoid z DistanceUnit Real Number The Z semi-axis of the LineofSight ellipsoid for a facility/place/target.
Difference in Ellipsoid x DistanceUnit Real Number The difference in the X semi-axis between that of the obstruction ellipsoid and the reference ellipsoid.
Difference in Ellipsoid y DistanceUnit Real Number The difference in the Y semi-axis between that of the obstruction ellipsoid and the reference ellipsoid.
Difference in Ellipsoid z DistanceUnit Real Number The difference in the Z semi-axis between that of the obstruction ellipsoid and the reference ellipsoid.
ScaleFactor x Unitless Real Number The ratio of the X semi-axis of the obstruction ellipsoid and the reference ellipsoid.
ScaleFactor y Unitless Real Number The ratio of the Y semi-axis of the obstruction ellipsoid and the reference ellipsoid.
ScaleFactor z Unitless Real Number The ratio of the Z semi-axis of the obstruction ellipsoid and the reference ellipsoid.
ScaleFactor-1.0 x Unitless Real Number The scale factor for the X semi-axis, minus one.
ScaleFactor-1.0 y Unitless Real Number The scale factor for the Y semi-axis, minus one.
ScaleFactor-1.0 z Unitless Real Number The scale factor for the Z semi-axis, minus one.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1