LaunchVehicle: SEET SEP Fluence by Probability per Energy

A distribution of fluence and probablities for each energy level in the selected model.

Type: Time-varying data. Intended to be used only with elements from this same data provider.

Availability: Reports | Graphs

Name Dimension Type Description
Fluence Fluence Real Number The SEP fluence for the energy level indicated and probability.
Log(Fluence) Fluence Real Number The base-10 logarithm of the fluence when expressed in units of particles per square-centimeter.
Probability Unitless Real Number The reference probability for exceeding the designated fluence at the given energy level.
Log(Probability) Unitless Real Number The base-10 logarithm of the probability for exceeding the designated fluence at the given energy level.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1