Radar: Radar Spectrum and Filter

Reports a radar's signal spectrum magnitude, transmit side filter and receive side filters' characteristics response.

Type: Fixed data. Intended to be used only with elements from this same data provider.

Availability: Reports

Name Dimension Type Description
BandFrequency BandwidthUnit Real Number The bandwidth frequency points for the communications channel of interest.
XmitSpectrumMag RatioUnit Real Number Displays the magnitude of the radar's transmit side spectrum as a function of bandwidth. The zero point represents the carrier frequency. The magnitude is normalized on a scale of 0 to 1. The vertical scale can be linear in the range of 0 to 1 or in dBs at 0 to -300.
XmitFilterMag RatioUnit Real Number Display the transmit side filter characteristics of a function bandwidth. The magnitude is normalized on a scale of 0 to 1. The units can be selected to be in dBs.
XmitFiltrdSpectrum RatioUnit Real Number The previous transmit side spectrum is multiplied (in the frequency domain) by the transmit side filter to compute the filtered transmit spectrum.
RcvFilterMag RatioUnit Real Number The receive side filter magnitude shows the characteristic response curve as a function of the bandwidth after the scale is normalized from 0 to 1. The units can be linear or dBs.
RcvFiltrdSpectrum RatioUnit Real Number The radar's return signal spectrum (which is the "XmitFiltrdSpectrum") is processed through the receive side filter to compute the final received signal spectrum. The scale is 0 to 1 and the units are user selectable.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1