Satellite: Astrogator Maneuver Ephemeris Block Initial: Mean Elems

Calc Objects for the ephemeris of the object, expressed in Keplerian elements. Each Calc Object allows a choice of element type (Osculating elements, Kozai-Izsak Mean elements, Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using only short period terms, and Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using both short and long period terms). The default is Kozai-Izsak mean elements. The mean elements are computed using mean element theory (not simply a numerical average of the element over a period), considering only gravity perturbations (J2 and for some theories J3 through J5).

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
Mean_Argument_of_Latitude AngleUnit Real Number The sum of the argument of periapsis and true anomaly. The Calc Object allows a choice of coordinate systems. The default is Earth Centered Inertial.
Mean_Argument_of_Perigee AngleUnit Real Number The angle from the ascending node to the periapsis vector measured in the orbit plane in the direction of the object's motion. The periapsis vector locates the closest point of the orbit. For a circular orbit, the value is defined to be zero (i.e., periapsis at the ascending node). The Calc Object allows a choice of coordinate systems. The default is Earth Centered Inertial.
Mean_Eccentricity Unitless Real Number Not defined for this class of object.
Mean_Inclination AngleUnit Real Number Not defined for this class of object.
Mean_Mean_Anomaly AngleUnit Real Number Not defined for this class of object.
Mean_Orbit_Period TimeUnit Real Number Time required for a complete revolution as computed from osculating semi-major axis length. The Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth.
Mean_RAAN AngleUnit Real Number Not defined for this class of object.
Mean_Semimajor_Axis DistanceUnit Real Number A measure of the size of the orbit. Orbits with eccentricity <1 are ellipses, with major and minor axes identifying the symmetry axes of the ellipse, the major axis being the longer one. The value is half the length of the major axis. The Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth.
Mean_True_Anomaly AngleUnit Real Number The angle from the periapsis vector, measured in the orbit plane in the direction of motion, to the position vector. The Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1