Satellite: Attitude Segment Euler Angles: Seq 312

The Euler angle rotation sequence defined by successive rotations about the Z axis, then the new X axis, and then finally about the newest Y axis.

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
A AngleUnit Real Number The angle of rotation about the first axis specified in the sequence of rotation.
B AngleUnit Real Number The angle of rotation about the second axis specified in the sequence of rotation.
C AngleUnit Real Number The angle of rotation about the third axis specified in the sequence of rotation.
Segment Name Unitless Text The name of the segment that produced ephemeris over this interval.
Segment Type Unitless Text The type of the segment.
Segment Long Name Unitless Text The description associated with the name of the attitude segment being used at the given time.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1