Scenario: Formatted Dates

Gives a list of times in different formats.

Type: Time-varying data

Availability: Reports | Graphs | Dynamic Displays

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
Epoch Seconds Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch expressed as seconds.
Epoch Minutes Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch expressed as minutes.
Epoch Hours Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch expressed as hours.
Epoch Days Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch expressed as days.
Epoch Years Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch expressed as years (365.25 days).
Gregorian LCL Unitless Text Local Coordinated Time. Displayed in Gregorian format (1 Nov 2000 00:00:00.0000). Local time is as defined by the computer clock.
Gregorian UTC Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in Gregorian format (1 Nov 2000 00:00:00.0000).
Gregorian TDT Unitless Text Terrestrial Dynamic Time (TDT), now replaced by Terrestrial Time (TT). Displayed in Gregorian format (1 Jul 2005 12:01:04.184). TDT is equal to Atomic Time (TAI) plus 32.184 seconds.
Gregorian TAI Unitless Text International Atomic Time (TAI). Displayed in Gregorian format (1 Jul 2005 12:00:32.000). Can be defined by: TAI = TDT - 32.184 = UTC + (number of leap seconds).
Gregorian TDB Unitless Text Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB). Displayed in Gregorian format (1 Nov 2000 00:00:00.0000). Time scale associated with the solar system barycenter in general relativity. TDB is related to TDT by a periodic oscillation whose largest contribution arises from the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit about the Sun.
Julian LCL Unitless Text Local Coordinated Time. Displayed in day of year format, with two digits representing the year (182/05 08:00:00.000) (ddd/yy hh:mm:ss.sss). Local time is as defined by the computer clock.
Julian UTC Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in day of year format, with two digits representing the year (182/05 12:00:00.000) (ddd/yy hh:mm:ss.sss).
Julian4 UTC Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in day of year format, with four digits representing the year (306/2000 00:00:00.0000).
Julian TAI Unitless Text International Atomic Time (TAI). Displayed in Julian Date format (182/05 12:00:32.000). Can be defined by: TAI = TDT - 32.184 = UTC + (number of leap seconds).
YYDDD.ddd Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in SGP4 Epoch date format (05182.50000000).
YYYYDDD.hhmmss Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in YYYYDDD.hhmmss format (2005182.120000).
YYYYMMDD.ddd Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in YYYYMMDD.ddd format (20050701.50000000)
DD/MM/YYYY Time Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in the form DD/MM/YYYY and time (i.e. 01/07/2005 12:00:00.000).
YYYY/MM/DD Time Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in YYYY/MM/DD format (2005/07/01 12:00:00.000)
YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS.sss Time Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in the indicated format (2007:05:08:12:00:00.000).
Julian Date Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Displayed in the Julian Date format. The Julian Date is given as the number of days from GMT Noon on 1 January, 4713 B.C.
Jul Date Offset Unitless Text Number of days elapsed past a user defined epoch.
Modified Julian Date Unitless Text Coordinated Universal Time. Julian date, shifted by 2400000.5 days (i.e. MJD = JD - 2400000.5).
Julian Ephemeris Date Unitless Text Terrestrial Dynamic Time (TDT), now replaced by Terrestrial Time (TT). Displayed in Julian Date format. TDT is equal to Atomic Time (TAI) plus 32.184 seconds.
Gregorian GPS Time Unitless Text GPS time. Displayed in Gregorian format. In STK, GPS time is defined as UTC plus the number of leap seconds since 1 Jan 1980.
GPS Time Unitless Text GPS time. Displayed as the weeks:seconds from 1 Jan 1980 00:00:00.00 (i.e. 1329:475213.000). In STK, GPS time is defined as UTC plus the number of leap seconds since 1 Jan 1980.
GPS Z Count Unitless Text Time elapsed since the GPS reference epoch (1 Jan 1980 00:00:00.00 UTC), measured in 1.5 second incremements.
Mission Elapsed Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch. The format is number of days / time (121/18:30:00.000).
GMT System Unitless Text Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) based on Coordinated Universal Time. The format is number of days / number of seconds and year (182/43200 2005).
Earth Canonical Time Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch. Earth Canonical Time (ECT) is expressed in terms of ETC units where 1 ETC unit = 13.44686457 minutes.
Sun Canonical Time Unitless Text Time elapsed past the scenario epoch. Sun Canonical Time (SCT) is expressed in terms of STC units where 1 STC unit = approximately 1400 hours.
ISO8601 YMD UTC Unitless Text UTC date and time formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss where YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the two digit month, DD is the 2 digit day of the month, HH is the two digit hour, mm is the two digit minute and SS.SSS is a floating point representation of seconds into the minute where the precision is specified via the time precision setting.
ISO8601 YD UTC Unitless Text UTC date and time formatted as YYYY-DDDThh:mm:ss.sss where YYYY is the 4 digit year, DDD is the 3 digit day of the year, HH is the two digit hour, mm is the two digit minute and SS.SSS is a floating point representation of seconds into the minute where the precision is specified via the time precision setting.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1