Name | Description |
Earth Center | Used to report the selected point and its velocity in the object's central body ICRF coordinate system. The point must be defined in the Vector Geometry Tool. |
Earth L1 | L1 Libration point. |
Earth L2 | L2 Libration point. |
Sun Barycenter | Solar system barycenter point. |
Sun Center | Used to report the selected point and its velocity in the object's central body ICRF coordinate system. The point must be defined in the Vector Geometry Tool. |
Sun SEM_L1 | L1 Libration point. |
Sun SEM_L2 | L2 Libration point. |
Moon Center | Used to report the selected point and its velocity in the object's central body ICRF coordinate system. The point must be defined in the Vector Geometry Tool. |
Moon L1 | L1 Libration point. |
Moon L2 | L2 Libration point. |
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1