Missile: Mixed Spherical Elements: TEMEOfEpoch

The true equator mean equinox coordinate system evaluated at the epoch of the object.

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
Detic Lat AngleUnit Real Number The detic latitude (i.e., angle between the detic subpoint's surface normal vector and the XY plane.)
Detic Lon LongitudeUnit Real Number The detic longitude (i.e., angle from the X-axis locating the projection of the detic subpoint's surface normal vector onto the XY plane.) Longitude increases in the direction found using the right-hand rule about the Z-axis.
Detic Alt DistanceUnit Real Number The altitude value (i.e., magnitude of the relative position vector between the object and its detic subpoint).
Horiz Flt Path Ang AngleUnit Real Number The angle between the position vector and the plane whose normal is the velocity vector.
Flt Path Azi LongitudeUnit Real Number The angle, measured in the plane perpendicular to the position vector, between the local north direction and the projection of the velocity vector onto that plane, measured as positive moving toward local east.
Velocity Rate Real Number The magnitude of the velocity vector, as observed in the object's central body fixed coordinate system.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1