Ship: Astrogator Values: GeoStationary

Calc Objects that are useful for station keeping of geostationary satellites. Each Calc Object allows a choice of a central body. The default is Earth.

Name Dimension Type Description
Time DateFormat Real Number Time.
Longitude_Drift_Rate AngleRateUnit Real Number The difference between the mean orbital rate and the central body rotation rate. The Calc Object allows a choice of element type (Osculating elements, Kozai-Izsak Mean elements, Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using only short period terms, and Brouwer-Lyddane Mean elements using both short and long period terms). The default is osculating. The mean orbital rate is computing using the element type and accounting for the effects of J2 of the central body.
Mean_Earth_Longitude AngleUnit Real Number Mean longitude, computed in the True Of Date coordinate system, minus the Greenwich hour angle. Note: this Calc Object is only valid for the Earth central body.
RectifiedLongitude AngleUnit Real Number Two-body rectified longitude with respect to central body. The rectified motion moves nearly uniformally in true anomaly. The value is computed by first determining the two-body orbital elements, re-assigning the true anomaly value to the value of the mean anomaly, computing the cartesian position using these modified elements, and then computing the corresponding longitude from that position.

STK Programming Interface 11.0.1