AGI STK Object Broker 11 Send comments on this topic.
IAgStkBroker Interface Members
See Also  Overview 

Public Methods

Public Method GetEntityFromStkPath Returns the entity object being represented as the provided STK path.
Public Method GetStkPathFromEntity Returns the STK object path which represents the provided entity.
Public Method LoadChildObject Imports an STK object as a child of the provided Entity.
Public Method PickEntities Returns all entities within the provded latitude longitude bound in degrees.
Public Method ProcessCommandQueue Forces the broker command queue to be processed immediately.
Public Method PromoteAndLockObject Promotes the STK representation of an entity to the provided STK object type.
Public Method UnlockObject Allows a previously user-promoted object to be managed by the broker.
Public Method ViewEntities Zooms to a region defined by the entity locations.
Public Method ViewEntity Zooms to an entity.

Public Properties

Public Property AutoProcessCommands Toggles the automatic proccessing of Broker commands.
Public Property AutoProcessRate Rate, in seconds, at which the Broker command processing cycle will attempt to process commands.
Public Property AutoPromote If true, allows the broker to automatically promote from an MTO track as it sees fit. If false, the Broker will only promote an entity when explicitly told to do so.
Public Property PruneThreshold Any positions older than TimeInSeconds will be continually trimmed from all objects.
Public Property RotateMarkers If true, rotates entity markers to follow their velocity vector.
Public Property ScenarioCreationMode If true, entities removed from the broker are not removed from the STK scenario, instead, broker processing of that entity stops and the STK object representing it remains.  The resulting scenario can be saved with all previously loaded entities intact and then used offline for further non-realtime analysis.
Public Property SecondsBehind The number of seconds the broker has fallen behind attempting to process data at the previously set process rate.
Public Property ShowCorrelated Toggles the visualization of correlated entities.
Public Property Threshold The STK Broker threshold object.

See Also

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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1