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IsControlParameterEnabled Method (IAgVAEngineIon)
See Also 


Sees if the specified control is enabled.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function IsControlParameterEnabled( _
   ByVal Param As AgEVAControlEngineIon _
) As Boolean

public bool IsControlParameterEnabled(
AgEVAControlEngineIon Param

[Managed C++]
public: bool IsControlParameterEnabled(
AgEVAControlEngineIon Param

public bool isControlParameterEnabled(
AgEVAControlEngineIon Param

[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT IsControlParameterEnabled(
AgEVAControlEngineIon Param,
VARIANT_BOOL * ReturnValue


Member Value Description
eVAControlEngineIonFlowRateC0 0 FlowRateModel.C0 - the constant coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonFlowRateC1 1 FlowRateModel.C1 - the linear coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonFlowRateC2 2 FlowRateModel.C2 - the quadratic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonFlowRateC3 3 FlowRateModel.C3 - the cubic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonGrav 4 Gravitational acceleration constant at sea level on the Earth.
eVAControlEngineIonIspC0 5 IspModel.C0 - the constant coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonIspC1 6 IspModel.C1 - the linear coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonIspC2 7 IspModel.C2 - the quadratic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonIspC3 8 IspModel.C3 - the cubic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonMassFlowEfficiencyC0 9 MassFlowEfficiencyModel.C0 - the constant coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonMassFlowEfficiencyC1 10 MassFlowEfficiencyModel.C1 - the linear coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonMassFlowEfficiencyC2 11 MassFlowEfficiencyModel.C2 - the quadratic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonMassFlowEfficiencyC3 12 MassFlowEfficiencyModel.C3 - the cubic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonMaxInputPower 13 Minimum power required for the engine to produce thrust.
eVAControlEngineIonMinRequiredPower 14 Maximum power that can be used by the engine to produce thrust.
eVAControlEngineIonPercentDegradationPerYear 15 The degradation factor is (1 - x)n, where n is the time since epoch in years, and x is the percent degradation per year.
eVAControlEngineIonPercentThrottle 16 Percentage of available thrust to use (100 is full on, 0 is off).
eVAControlEngineIonPowerEfficiencyC0 17 PowerEfficiencyModel.C0 - the constant coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonPowerEfficiencyC1 18 PowerEfficiencyModel.C1 - the linear coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonPowerEfficiencyC2 19 PowerEfficiencyModel.C2 - the quadratic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonPowerEfficiencyC3 20 PowerEfficiencyModel.C3 - the cubic coefficient.
eVAControlEngineIonReferenceEpoch 21 The date and time used as a reference epoch for degradation.

See Also

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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1