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SetPartialCartographicWithIndicesOrder Method (IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive)
See Also  Example
The central body the positions are defined on.
An array of new positions used to update a subset of positions in the point batch, provided in the order latitude, longitude, altitude.
An array of integers containing the indices into positions. A set of latitude, longitude, and altitude elements is considered a single index.


For convenience. Updates a subset of positions in a point batch using Cartographic positions. Longitude and latitude are in radians, and altitude is in meters. This is equivalent to converting each position in positions to Cartesian and calling Set Partial


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub SetPartialCartographicWithIndicesOrder( _
   ByVal CentralBody As String, _
   ByRef Positions As System.Array, _
   ByRef Indices As System.Array, _
   ByVal IndicesOrderHint As AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint _

public void SetPartialCartographicWithIndicesOrder(
string CentralBody,
ref System.Array Positions,
ref System.Array Indices,
AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint IndicesOrderHint

[Managed C++]
public: void SetPartialCartographicWithIndicesOrder(
String __gc ^ CentralBody,
System::Array ^^ Positions,
System::Array ^^ Indices,
AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint IndicesOrderHint

public  setPartialCartographicWithIndicesOrder(
String CentralBody,
Object[] Positions,
Object[] Indices,
AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint IndicesOrderHint

[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT SetPartialCartographicWithIndicesOrder(
BSTR CentralBody,
SAFEARRAY ** Positions,
SAFEARRAY ** Indices,
AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint IndicesOrderHint


The central body the positions are defined on.
An array of new positions used to update a subset of positions in the point batch, provided in the order latitude, longitude, altitude.
An array of integers containing the indices into positions. A set of latitude, longitude, and altitude elements is considered a single index.
Member Value Description
eStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHintNotSorted 0 The indices passed to SetPartial are not sorted. Therefore, the primitive may sort them to improve performance of writing its geometry to video memory.
eStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHintSortedAscending 1 The indices passed to SetPartial are sorted in ascending order. Therefore, the primitive does not need to sort them. It is recommended to only use SortedAscending if it is easy and efficient for you to provide the indices in ascending order. For example, do not use a standard sorting algorithm to sort your indices so you can use SortedAscending. Instead use NotSorted and let the primitive decide what is most efficient.


See Set Partial for a full discussion.


Shows the format of the Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a point batch with cartographic positions.
[C#] Copy Code
Array positions = new object[] 

    39.88, -75.250
    38.85, -77.040
    29.98, -90.250
    37.37, -121.920 
Array colors = new object[] 

Array indices = new object[] 

    ref positions, 
    ref colors, 
    ref indices, 

Shows the format of the Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a point batch with cartographic positions.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim positions As Array = New Object() {39.88, -75.25, 0, 38.85, -77.04, 0, _
    29.98, -90.25, 0, 37.37, -121.92, 0}

Dim colors As Array = New Object() {Color.Red.ToArgb(), Color.Green.ToArgb(), Color.Blue.ToArgb(), Color.White.ToArgb()}

Dim indices As Array = New Object() {0, 1, 2, 3}

pointBatch.SetPartialCartographicWithColorsIndicesOrderAndRenderPass("Earth", positions, colors, indices, AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint.eStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHintSortedAscending, AgEStkGraphicsRenderPassHint.eStkGraphicsRenderPassHintOpaque)

See Also

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