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InitializeWithFormatTypeOrientationAlignmentAndRatio Method (IAgStkGraphicsRasterAttributesFactory)
See Also 
The width of the raster in pixels.
The height of the raster in pixels.
The Raster Format.
The Raster Type.
The Raster Orientation.
The row alignment, in bytes, of the raster.
The pixel aspect ratio of the raster.


Initializes a new instance with the width and height of the raster in pixels, and the given Raster Format, Raster Type, Raster Orientation, row alignment, and pixel aspect ratio.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function InitializeWithFormatTypeOrientationAlignmentAndRatio( _
   ByVal Width As Integer, _
   ByVal Height As Integer, _
   ByVal RasterFormat As AgEStkGraphicsRasterFormat, _
   ByVal RasterType As AgEStkGraphicsRasterType, _
   ByVal RasterOrientation As AgEStkGraphicsRasterOrientation, _
   ByVal RowAlignment As Integer, _
   ByVal PixelAspectRatio As Double _
) As IAgStkGraphicsRasterAttributes

public IAgStkGraphicsRasterAttributes initializeWithFormatTypeOrientationAlignmentAndRatio(
ppInteger Width,
ppInteger Height,
AgEStkGraphicsRasterFormat RasterFormat,
AgEStkGraphicsRasterType RasterType,
AgEStkGraphicsRasterOrientation RasterOrientation,
ppInteger RowAlignment,
double PixelAspectRatio


The width of the raster in pixels.
The height of the raster in pixels.
Member Value Description
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatRed 0 The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of red values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatGreen 1 The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of green values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBlue 2 The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of blue values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatAlpha 3 The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of alpha values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatRgb 4 The format of the Raster is three bands consisting of red, green, and blue values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBgr 5 The format of the Raster is three bands consisting of blue, green, and red values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatRgba 6 The format of the Raster is four bands consisting of red, green, blue, and alpha values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBgra 7 The format of the Raster is four bands consisting of blue, green, red, and alpha values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatLuminance 8 The format of the Raster is a single band consisting of luminance values.
eStkGraphicsRasterFormatLuminanceAlpha 9 The format of the Raster is two bands consisting of luminance and alpha values.
The Raster Format.
Member Value Description
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeUnsignedByte 0 Each value contained within a band can be represented with an unsigned byte.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeByte 1 Each value contained within a band can be represented with a byte.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeUnsignedShort 2 Each value contained within a band can be represented with an unsigned short.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeShort 3 Each value contained within a band can be represented with a short.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeUnsignedInt 4 Each value contained within a band can be represented with an unsigned int.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeInt 5 Each value contained within a band can be represented with an int.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeFloat 6 Each value contained within a band can be represented with a float.
eStkGraphicsRasterTypeDouble 7 Each value contained within a band can be represented with a double.
The Raster Type.
Member Value Description
eStkGraphicsRasterOrientationTopToBottom 0 The raster has a top to bottom orientation.
eStkGraphicsRasterOrientationBottomToTop 1 The raster has a bottom to top orientation.
The Raster Orientation.
The row alignment, in bytes, of the raster.
The pixel aspect ratio of the raster.

See Also

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