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IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters Interface


Optional per-string and per-batch parameters for Text Batch Primitive. To use optional parameters, create an instance of TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then call the desired methods or properties to define per-string and per-batch parameters, and finally pass the object to the text batch's Set or SetPartial method.

Public Methods

Public Method SetColors Defines a collection of colors, one for each string in the batch.
Public Method SetEyeOffsets Defines a collection of eye offsets, one for each string in the batch.
Public Method SetOrigins Defines a collection of origins, one for each string in the batch.
Public Method SetPixelOffsets Defines a collection of pixel offsets, one for each string in the batch.

Public Properties

Public Property EyeOffset Gets or sets the per-batch eye offset, which is applied to each string in the text batch. The array contains the components of the offset arranged in the order x, y, z.
Public Property MaximumStringLength Gets or sets the maximum length of each string in the text batch.
Public Property Origin Gets or sets the per-batch origin, which is applied to each string in the text batch.
Public Property PixelOffset Gets or sets the per-batch pixel offset, which is applied to each string in the text batch. The array contains one x pixel offset followed by one y pixel offset.
Public Property ScreenSpaceRendering Gets or sets a flag that informs the CTextBatchPrimitive to use rendering optimized for screen space text.

See Also

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