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Project Overview


The HPOP Force Model plugin interfaces.


Objects Description
AgAsDensityModelPluginSample Sample DensityModel Plugin Class
AgAsDensityModelResultEval DensityModel plugin class used to get/set density settings during Evaluation call
AgAsDensityModelResultRegister DensityModel plugin interface used to register parameters that may be estimated.
AgAsDragModelPluginSample Sample DragModel Plugin Class
AgAsDragModelResult DragModel plugin class used to get/set particle reflection settings
AgAsDragModelResultEval DragModel plugin class used to get/set particle reflection settings during Evaluation call
AgAsDragModelResultRegister DragModel plugin interface used to register parameters that may be estimated.
AgAsEOMFuncPluginRegisterHandler Plugin class used to register plugin's inputs and outputs
AgAsEOMFuncPluginSetIndicesHandler Plugin class used to set plugin's indices
AgAsEOMFuncPluginStateVector Plugin class used to get and set state values during propagation in plugin's calc method
AgAsHpopPluginResult The CoClass for the IAgAsHpopPluginResult interface. Certain languages (like Visual Basic) use the coclass rather than the interface. They are functionally equivalent.

Several functions defined in IAgAsHpopPlugin pass this component as the lone argument.  This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.

AgAsHpopPluginResultEval The CoClass for the IAgAsHpopPluginResultEval interface. Certain languages (like Visual Basic) use the coclass rather than the interface. They are functionally equivalent.

This component is passed as the lone argument for the Evaluate() function of the plugin component.  This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.   More inputs and outputs are available than for AgAsHpopPluginResult.

AgAsHpopPluginResultPostEval The CoClass for the IAgAsHpopPluginResultPostEval interface. Certain languages (like Visual Basic) use the coclass rather than the interface. They are functionally equivalent.

This component is passed as the lone argument for the PostEvaluate() function of the plugin component.  This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.   More inputs and outputs are available than for AgAsHpopPluginResult.

AgAsLightReflectionPluginSample Sample Light Reflection Plugin Class
AgAsLightReflectionResult Light reflection plugin class used to get/set reflection settings
AgAsLightReflectionResultEval Light reflection plugin class used to get/set reflection settings during Evaluation call
AgAsLightReflectionResultRegister LightReflection plugin interface used to register parameters that may be estimated.


Objects Description
IAgAsDensityModelPlugin Density model plugin interface. A method returning false indicates an error.
IAgAsDensityModelPluginSample Density model sample plugin
IAgAsDensityModelResultEval DensityModel plugin interface used to get/set settings during evaluation. Supports the IAgEpoch interface.
IAgAsDensityModelResultRegister DensityModel plugin interface used to register parameters that may be estimated.
IAgAsDragModelPlugin Drag model plugin interface. A method returning false indicates an error.
IAgAsDragModelPluginSample Drag model sample plugin
IAgAsDragModelResult DragModel plugin interface used to get/set settings. Supports the IAgEpoch interface.
IAgAsDragModelResultEval DragModel plugin interface used to get/set settings during evaluation. Supports the IAgEpoch interface.
IAgAsDragModelResultRegister DragModel plugin interface used to register parameters that may be estimated.
IAgAsEOMFuncPlugin HPOP plugin engine interface for user-defined equations of motion.
IAgAsEOMFuncPluginRegisterHandler EOM func plugin interface used to register the plugin's inputs, outputs, and events.
IAgAsEOMFuncPluginSetIndicesHandler EOM func plugin interface used to set the indices of the plugin's input and output.
IAgAsEOMFuncPluginStateVector State vector interface for EOM func plugins.
IAgAsHpopPlugin A user implements this interface to create a COM component that can be called during the HPOP propagation. 

The COM component can be created using compiled code (C++, C#, Visual Basic, etc.) or using a Windows Script Component created using a script language (VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, etc.).   Each function of the interface must be implemented, though functions are not required to do anything other than return an error status (either true or false).  Once created, the user must register the component in the Windows Registry. After creation and registration, the user may choose to use this plugin component during HPOP propagation (using the standard GUI interface). 

The plugin component will be called at certain event times defined by the interface (see the members of the interface).  During these calls, the component may request input values and set output values that can affect the computation.  Inputs and outputs are accessed through an interface component (either IAgAsHpopPluginResult or IAgAsHpopPluginResultEval as defined by the interface function calls) . The interface component is sent to the plugin component as the lone argument to the function calls.

IAgAsHpopPluginResult Several functions defined in IAgAsHpopPlugin pass this component as the lone argument.  This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.
IAgAsHpopPluginResultEval This component is passed as the lone argument for the Evaluate() function of the plugin component.  This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.   More inputs and outputs are available than for IAgAsHpopPluginResult.

This component is passed as the lone argument for the PostEvaluate() function of the plugin component.  This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.   More inputs and outputs are available than for IAgAsHpopPluginResult.

IAgAsLightReflectionPlugin Light Reflection plugin interface. A method returning false indicates an error.
IAgAsLightReflectionPluginSample Light Reflection sample plugin
IAgAsLightReflectionResult LightReflection plugin interface used to get/set settings. Supports the IAgEpoch interface.
IAgAsLightReflectionResultEval LightReflection plugin interface used to get/set settings during evaluation. Supports the IAgEpoch interface.
IAgAsLightReflectionResultRegister LightReflection plugin interface used to register parameters that may be estimated.


Enumeration Description
AgEAccelType Enumeration of contributions to the total force model acceleration
AgEAsDensityModelErrorCodes Enumeration of AgAsDensityModelPlugin General Error Codes
AgEAsDragModelErrorCodes Enumeration of AgAsDragModelPlugin General Error Codes
AgEAsEOMFuncPluginErrorCodes Enumeration of AgAsEOMFuncPlugin General Error Codes
AgEAsEOMFuncPluginEventTypes Enumeration of event types
AgEAsEOMFuncPluginInputStateValues Enumeration of state vector input values
AgEAsEOMFuncPluginOutputStateValues Enumeration of state vector output values
AgEAsHpopPluginErrorCodes Error codes associated with the use of HPOP plugin interface components.
AgEAsHpopPluginEventIndicators Enumeration of AgAsHpopPlugin Event Indicators
AgEAsLightReflectionErrorCodes Enumeration of AgAsLightReflectionPlugin General Error Codes
AgEForceModelType Enumeration of force model contributors


The examples communicate the idea much better than the text.  The simplest example is the VBScript example. See the examples.
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