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IAgCrdnConfiguredAxes Interface


Crdn Axes object interface which computes its quaternion.

Public Methods

Public Method CurrentValue Computes the quaternion representing the Axes at the interface's current time.
Public Method CurrentValue_Array Computes the quaternion representing the Axes at the interface's current time, returned as an array representing q1, q2, q3, q4. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method Evaluate Computes the quaternion representing the Axes at the given time
Public Method Evaluate_Array Computes the quaternion representing the Axes at the given time returned as an array representing q1, q2, q3, q4. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method TransformComponents Transforms vector components given wrt Axes into those wrt RefAxes at the interface's current time.
Public Method TransformComponents_Array Transforms vector components given wrt Axes into those wrt RefAxes at the interface's current time, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method TransformComponentsAtEpoch Transforms vector components given wrt Axes into those wrt RefAxes at the given time.
Public Method TransformComponentsAtEpoch_Array Transforms vector components given wrt Axes into those wrt RefAxes at the given time, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.

Public Properties

Public Property ErrorText Text explaining configuration errors, if any
Public Property IsConfigured Flag indicating whether object is configured properly for use.

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnConfiguredAxes

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