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EulerRotate Method (IAgGatorPluginResultAttCtrl)
See Also 
Rotation order
First rotation angle
Second rotation angle
Third rotation angle


Sets the current orientation using a sequence of euler rotations.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub EulerRotate( _
   ByVal Sequence As AgEEulerSequence, _
   ByVal First As Double, _
   ByVal Second As Double, _
   ByVal Third As Double _

public void EulerRotate(
AgEEulerSequence Sequence,
double First,
double Second,
double Third

[Managed C++]
public: void EulerRotate(
AgEEulerSequence Sequence,
double First,
double Second,
double Third

public  eulerRotate(
AgEEulerSequence Sequence,
double First,
double Second,
double Third

[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT EulerRotate(
AgEEulerSequence Sequence,
double First,
double Second,
double Third


Member Value Description
e121 121 Sequence defined by rotation about x-axis, then about rotated y-axis, then about rotated x-axis.
e123 123 Sequence defined by rotation about x-axis, then about rotated y-axis, then about rotated z-axis.
e131 131 Sequence defined by rotation about x-axis, then about rotated z-axis, then about rotated x-axis.
e132 132 Sequence defined by rotation about x-axis, then about rotated z-axis, then about rotated y-axis.
e212 212 Sequence defined by rotation about y-axis, then about rotated x-axis, then about rotated y-axis.
e213 213 Sequence defined by rotation about y-axis, then about rotated x-axis, then about rotated z-axis.
e231 231 Sequence defined by rotation about y-axis, then about rotated z-axis, then about rotated x-axis.
e232 232 Sequence defined by rotation about y-axis, then about rotated z-axis, then about rotated y-axis.
e312 312 Sequence defined by rotation about z-axis, then about rotated x-axis, then about rotated y-axis.
e313 313 Sequence defined by rotation about z-axis, then about rotated x-axis, then about rotated z-axis.
e321 321 Sequence defined by rotation about z-axis, then about rotated y-axis, then about rotated x-axis.
e323 323 Sequence defined by rotation about z-axis, then about rotated y-axis, then about rotated x-axis.
Rotation order
First rotation angle
Second rotation angle
Third rotation angle


Sets the attitude as an Euler rotation from the reference axes specified by three angles

See Also

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