C# Code Snippets


The following code snippets demonstrate tasks that are commonly encountered when working with the STK Object Model.

How do I ...


STK Objects

STK Plugins



2D Windows

3D Windows


Create instance of AgStkObjectRoot in STK Engine application

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// Before instantiating AgStkObjectRoot an instance of AgSTKXApplication or an STK X control must be created
AgStkObjectRoot root = new AgStkObjectRoot();

Get a reference to the AgStkObjectRoot using the running STK instance

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// Get reference to running STK instance
AgUiApplication uiApplication = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("STK11.Application"as AgUiApplication;

// Get our IAgStkObjectRoot interface
IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot = uiApplication.Personality2 as IAgStkObjectRoot;

Get a reference to the AgStkObjectRoot with display alerts turned off.

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// Get reference to running STK instance
AgUiApplication uiApplication = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("STK11.Application"as AgUiApplication;

//Create a new instance of the application model root object.
AgUiApplication uiApplication2 = uiApplication.CreateApplication() as AgUiApplication;

//Set DisplayAlerts to false to suppress certain alerts and messages.
//This is useful when automating tasks.
uiApplication2.DisplayAlerts = false;

// Get our IAgStkObjectRoot interface with display alerts turned off
IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot = uiApplication2.Personality2 as IAgStkObjectRoot;

Start STK and get a reference to IAgStkObjectRoot

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// Create an instance of STK
AgUiApplication uiApplication = new AgUiApplication();
uiApplication.Visible = true;

// Get our IAgStkObjectRoot interface
IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot = uiApplication.Personality2 as IAgStkObjectRoot;

Create an area target (on the current scenario central body)

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root

// Create the AreaTarget on the current scenario central body (use
// NewOnCentralBody to specify explicitly the central body)
IAgAreaTarget areaTarget = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eAreaTarget, "MyAreaTarget"as IAgAreaTarget;

Define area target boundary and position from list of lat/lon/alt

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
// IAgAreaTarget areaTarget: AreaTarget object

// By using the fine grained interfaces,
// BeginUpdate/EndUpdate prevent intermediate redraws
areaTarget.AreaType = AgEAreaType.ePattern;
IAgAreaTypePatternCollection patterns = areaTarget.AreaTypeData as IAgAreaTypePatternCollection;

Define area target boundary and position from list of lat/lon/alt (using common tasks)

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
// IAgAreaTarget areaTarget: AreaTarget object

// By using the CommonTasks interface,
// make an array of lattitude and longitude boundary points
Array boundary = new object[,]
        { 48.89718.637 },
        { 46.53413.919 },
        { 44.17321.476 }

// SetAreaTypePattern expects a two dimensional array of latitude and longitude values
areaTarget.CommonTasks.SetAreaTypePattern(ref boundary);

List all points in an area target

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// IAgAreaTarget areaTarget: AreaTarget object

if (areaTarget.AreaType == AgEAreaType.ePattern)
    // Get IAgAreaTypePatternCollection interface from AreaTypeData
    IAgAreaTypePatternCollection patternPoints = areaTarget.AreaTypeData as IAgAreaTypePatternCollection;

    // ToArray returns a two dimensional array of latitude and longitude points
    Array areaTargetPoints = patternPoints.ToArray();

    Console.WriteLine("All points in Area Target");
    for (int i = 0; i < areaTargetPoints.GetLength(0); ++i)
        Console.WriteLine("  Latitude {0} Longitude: {1}",
            Convert.ToDouble(areaTargetPoints.GetValue(i, 0)),
            Convert.ToDouble(areaTargetPoints.GetValue(i, 1)));

Set an elliptical area target

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
// IAgAreaTarget areaTarget: AreaTarget object

// By using the fine grained interfaces,
// BeginUpdate/EndUpdate prevent intermediate redraws
areaTarget.AreaType = AgEAreaType.eEllipse;
IAgAreaTypeEllipse ellipse = areaTarget.AreaTypeData as IAgAreaTypeEllipse;
ellipse.SemiMajorAxis = 85.25// in km (distance dimension)
ellipse.SemiMinorAxis = 80.75// in km (distance dimension)
ellipse.Bearing = 44// in deg (angle dimension)

Set an elliptical area target (using common tasks)

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
// IAgAreaTarget areaTarget: AreaTarget object

// By using the CommonTasks interface

Configure the chain compute time period.

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// IAgChain chain: Chain object

IAgChUserSpecifiedTimePeriod userSpecifiedTimePeriod = chain.TimePeriod as IAgChUserSpecifiedTimePeriod;
userSpecifiedTimePeriod.TimeInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 May 2015 04:00:00.000""1 May 2015 05:00:00.000");

Create a chain (on the current scenario central body)

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root

// Create the Chain on the current scenario central body (use
// NewOnCentralBody to specify explicitly the central body)
IAgChain chain = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eChain, "MyChain"as IAgChain;

Define and compute a chain (advance)

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// IAgChain chain: Chain object

// Remove all previous accesses

// Add some objects to chain

// Configure chain parameters
chain.AutoRecompute = false;
chain.EnableLightTimeDelay = false;
chain.TimeConvergence = 0.001;
chain.DataSaveMode = AgEDataSaveMode.eSaveAccesses;

// Specify our own time period

// Get chain time period interface
IAgChUserSpecifiedTimePeriod chainUserTimePeriod = chain.TimePeriod as IAgChUserSpecifiedTimePeriod;
chainUserTimePeriod.SetTimePeriod("1 Jul 2005 12:00:00""2 Jul 2005 12:00:00");

// Compute the chain

Define and compute a chain (basic)

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// IAgChain chain: Chain object

// Add some objects to chain (using STK path)

// Compute the chain

Prints the strand intervals of chain object

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// IAgChain chain: Chain Object

IAgStkObject chainAsStkObject = chain as IAgStkObject;

// Compute the chain access if not done already.

// Considered Start and Stop time
Console.WriteLine("Chain considered start time: {0}", chainAsStkObject.Vgt.Events["ConsideredStartTime"].FindOccurrence().Epoch);
Console.WriteLine("Chain considered stop time: {0}", chainAsStkObject.Vgt.Events["ConsideredStopTime"].FindOccurrence().Epoch);

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection objectParticipationIntervals = chainAsStkObject.Vgt.EventIntervalCollections["StrandAccessIntervals"];
IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult intervalListResult = objectParticipationIntervals.FindIntervalCollection();

for (int i = 0; i < intervalListResult.IntervalCollections.Count; ++i)
    if (intervalListResult.IsValid)
        Console.WriteLine("Link Name: {0}", objectParticipationIntervals.Labels.GetValue(i));
        for (int j = 0; j < intervalListResult.IntervalCollections[i].Count; ++j)
            object startTime = intervalListResult.IntervalCollections[i][j].Start;
            object stopTime = intervalListResult.IntervalCollections[i][j].Stop;
            Console.WriteLine("Start: {0}, Stop: {1}", startTime, stopTime);

Delete a STK Object

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// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object to be removed


Export a STK Object to a file

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// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object to be exported
// String outputPath: Output path

string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.Combine(outputPath, "MySatellite1");

Import an existing STK Object file into an object collection

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// IAgStkObjectCollection col: STK Object Collection
// String stkObjectLocation: Path of STK Object external file


Rename a STK Object

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// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object to be renamed

stkObject.InstanceName = "NewObjectName";

Set/Get the STK Object description

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// IAgStkObject stkobject: STK Object

// Set STK Object description
stkobject.LongDescription = "This is a very very very long description";
stkobject.ShortDescription = "This is a short description";

// Get STK Object description
string longDescription = stkobject.LongDescription;
string shortDescription = stkobject.ShortDescription;

Add an access constraint to an STK Object

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// IAgStkObject stkobject: STK Object

IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints = stkobject.AccessConstraints;

// Add constraints

Add and configure a lighting condition access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints: Access Constraint collection

// Condition constraint
IAgAccessCnstrCondition light = accessConstraints.AddConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrLighting) as IAgAccessCnstrCondition;
light.Condition = AgECnstrLighting.eDirectSun;

Add and configure a LOS sun exclusion access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints: Access Constraint collection

// Angle constraint
IAgAccessCnstrAngle cnstrAngle = accessConstraints.AddConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrLOSSunExclusion) as IAgAccessCnstrAngle;
cnstrAngle.Angle = 176.0;

Add and configure a lunar elevation angle access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints: Access Constraint collection

IAgAccessCnstrMinMax minmax = accessConstraints.AddConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrLunarElevationAngle) as IAgAccessCnstrMinMax;
minmax.EnableMin = true;
minmax.Min = 11.1;
minmax.EnableMax = true;
minmax.Max = 88.8;

Add and configure a sun elevation angle access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints: Access Constraint collection

IAgAccessCnstrMinMax minmax = accessConstraints.AddConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrSunElevationAngle) as IAgAccessCnstrMinMax;
minmax.EnableMin = true;
minmax.Min = 22.2;
minmax.EnableMax = true;
minmax.Max = 77.7;

Add and configure a third body obstruction access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessconstraints: Access Constraint collection

// Get IAgAccessCnstrThirdBody interface
IAgAccessCnstrThirdBody thirdBodyConstraint = accessconstraints.AddConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrThirdBodyObstruction) as IAgAccessCnstrThirdBody;

// AvailableObstructions returns a one dimensional array of obstruction paths
Array availableArray = thirdBodyConstraint.AvailableObstructions;

// In this example add all available obstructions
Console.WriteLine("Available obstructions");
foreach (string available in availableArray)

// AssignedObstructions returns a one dimensional array of obstruction paths
Array assignedArray = thirdBodyConstraint.AssignedObstructions;

Console.WriteLine("Assigned obstructions");
foreach (string assigned in assignedArray)

Add and configure an altitude access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints: Access Constraint collection

// Attitude constraint
IAgAccessCnstrMinMax altitude = accessConstraints.AddConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrAltitude) as IAgAccessCnstrMinMax;
altitude.EnableMin = true;
altitude.Min = 20.5;

Add multiple access constraints of the same type to an STK Object

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// IAgStkObject stkobject: STK Object

IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints = stkobject.AccessConstraints;

// Add constraints
// Only the eCstrApparentTime, eCstrDuration, eCstrGMT, eCstrIntervals, eCstrLocalTime constraint
// types can be added multiple times to the constraint collection.

Compute an access and get constraint data from data provider

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Compute Access between the facility and the satellite
IAgStkObject sat1 = root.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/Satellite1");
IAgStkObject fac1 = root.GetObjectFromPath("Facility/Facility1");
IAgStkAccess access = sat1.GetAccessToObject(fac1);

// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Set unit preferences - change to get your preferred units

// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[]

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = access.DataProviders["Constraint Data"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
    object startTime = null, stopTime = null;

    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);

    Console.WriteLine("Access Interval #{0} - Start={1} Stop={2}", index0, startTime, stopTime);

    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60ref dataPrvElements);

    Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues();
    Array fromAngularRateValues = result.DataSets[1].GetValues();
    Array fromRangeValues = result.DataSets[2].GetValues();

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: FromAngularRate={1} FromRange={2}",


Compute an access between two STK Objects (using IAgStkObject interface)

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// IAgStkObject stkObject1: STK Object
// IAgStkObject stkObject2: STK Object

// Get access by STK Object
IAgStkAccess access = stkObject1.GetAccessToObject(stkObject2);

// Compute access

Compute an access between two STK Objects (using object path)

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// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object

// Get access by object path
IAgStkAccess access = stkObject.GetAccess("Facility/fac1");

// Compute access

Compute an access for one point

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// IAgStkObject facility: Facility object

IAgOnePtAccess onePtAccess = facility.CreateOnePointAccess("Satellite/Satellite1");

// Configure properties (if necessary)
onePtAccess.StartTime = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";
onePtAccess.StopTime = "1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000";
onePtAccess.StepSize = 120;
onePtAccess.SummaryOption = AgEOnePtAccessSummary.eOnePtAccessSummaryDetailed;

// Compute results
IAgOnePtAccessResultCollection results = onePtAccess.Compute();

// Print results
for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
    IAgOnePtAccessResult result = results[i];

    Console.WriteLine("Time: {0}, HasAccess: {1}", result.Time, result.AccessSatisfied);

    for (int j = 0; j < result.Constraints.Count; j++)
        IAgOnePtAccessConstraint constraint = result.Constraints[j];
        Console.WriteLine("Constraint: {0}, Object {1}, Status {2}, Value {3}",

Compute and extract access interval times

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// IAgStkAccess access: Access calculation

// Get and display the Computed Access Intervals
IAgIntervalCollection intervalCollection = access.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Set the intervals to use to the Computed Access Intervals
Array computedIntervals = intervalCollection.ToArray(0, -1);
access.SpecifyAccessIntervals(ref computedIntervals);

Configure the access analysis time period to specified time instants.

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// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgStkObject uav = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV");
IAgStkObject sensor = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAVSensor");
IAgStkObject coloradoSprings = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Place/ColoradoSprings");

// For this code snippet, let's use the time interval when the UAV reached min and max altitude values.
// Note, this assumes time at min happens before time at max.
IAgCrdnEvent timeOfAltMin = uav.Vgt.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin"];
IAgCrdnEvent timeOfAltMax = uav.Vgt.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax"];

// Set the access time period with the times we figured out above.
IAgStkAccess access = sensor.GetAccessToObject(coloradoSprings);
access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime;
IAgAccessTimePeriod accessTimePeriod = access.AccessTimePeriodData as IAgAccessTimePeriod;

accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.State = AgECrdnSmartIntervalState.eCrdnSmartIntervalStateStartStop;

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch accessStartEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStartEpoch();

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch accessStopEpoch = accessTimePeriod.AccessInterval.GetStopEpoch();

Configure the access interval to the availability time span of the object where access is being computed to.

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// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgStkObject satellite = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Satellite/GEO");
IAgStkObject otherObject = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAVSensor");
IAgStkAccess access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(otherObject);

access.AccessTimePeriod = AgEAccessTimeType.eUserSpecAccessTime;
IAgAccessTimePeriod accessTimePeriod = access.AccessTimePeriodData as IAgAccessTimePeriod;

if (otherObject.Vgt.EventIntervals.Contains("AvailabilityTimeSpan"))
    IAgCrdnEventInterval availabilityTimeSpan = otherObject.Vgt.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"];

Enumerate the available constraints collection

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints: Access Constraint collection

// The AvailableConstraints method returns a rectangular two-dimensional array of available constraints.
// A row of the array consists of two elements where the first element is a symbolic name of the constraint,
// and the second is a corresponding enumeration value.

Array arAvailable = accessConstraints.AvailableConstraints();
for (int i = 0; i < arAvailable.GetLength(0); i++)
    string availName = (string)arAvailable.GetValue(i, 0);
    AgEAccessConstraints eAccessConstraint = (AgEAccessConstraints)(int)arAvailable.GetValue(i, 1);
    Console.WriteLine("\tConstraint {0}: {1} ({2})", i, availName, eAccessConstraint);

GetAccessBetweenObjectsByPath using the output of GetExistingAccesses

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// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgScenario scenario = stkRoot.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;
Array accesses = scenario.GetExistingAccesses();

int numAccesses = accesses.GetLength(0);  // number of accesses

string object1 = accesses.GetValue(00).ToString();    // e.g. "Facility/Fac1"
string object2 = accesses.GetValue(01).ToString();    // e.g. "Satellite/Sat1"
bool computed = (bool)accesses.GetValue(02);          // e.g. true  (if access has been computed)

IAgStkAccess access = scenario.GetAccessBetweenObjectsByPath(object1, object2);

List all exclusion zones of an access constraint

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// IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessconstraints: Access Constraint collection

IAgAccessCnstrExclZonesCollection excZones = accessconstraints.GetActiveConstraint(AgEAccessConstraints.eCstrExclusionZone) as IAgAccessCnstrExclZonesCollection;

if (excZones != null)
    // ToArray returns a two dimensional array
    // The second dimension is an array of minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat values
    Array zones = excZones.ToArray(0, -1);

    for (int i = 0; i < zones.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
        Console.WriteLine("MinLon: {0}, MinLat: {1}, MaxLon: {2}, MaxLat {3}", zones.GetValue(i, 0), zones.GetValue(i, 1), zones.GetValue(i, 2), zones.GetValue(i, 3));

Remove an access constraint from a STK Object

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// IAgStkObject stkobject: STK Object

IAgAccessConstraintCollection accessConstraints = stkobject.AccessConstraints;

// Remove constraints

Coarse grain approach to retrieving a fixed data provider

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// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgStkObject facility: STK Object that contains fixed data provider

IAgDataPrvFixed dp = facility.DataProviders.GetDataPrvFixedFromPath("Terrain Info//LocalHorizontal");
IAgDrResult result = dp.Exec();

Coarse grain approach to retrieving a interval data provider

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// IAgStkObject facility: STK Object

IAgDataPrvInterval dp = facility.DataProviders.GetDataPrvIntervalFromPath("Lighting Times//Sunlight");
IAgDrResult result = dp.Exec("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000");

Coarse grain approach to retrieving a time var data provider

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// IAgStkObject facility: STK Object

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = facility.DataProviders.GetDataPrvTimeVarFromPath("Lighting AER");
IAgDrResult result = dp.Exec(
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000",

Coarse grain approach to retrieving data provider information

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// IAgStkObject facility: Facility STK Object

// The path separator is //
IAgDataProviderInfo dp = facility.DataProviders.GetDataPrvInfoFromPath("Lighting Times//Sunlight");
string dpiName              = dp.Name;
AgEDataProviderType dpiType = dp.Type;
bool isGroup                = dp.IsGroup();

Execute a non time dependent data provider (for instance facility position)

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// IAgStkObject facility: STK Object

IAgDataPrvFixed dpInfo = facility.DataProviders["Cartesian Position"as IAgDataPrvFixed;
IAgDrResult resInfo = dpInfo.Exec();

Execute a non time dependent data provider (for instance facility position) and request only the specified elements

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// IAgStkObject facility: STK Object

Array elems = new object[]

IAgDataPrvFixed dpInfo = facility.DataProviders["Cartesian Position"as IAgDataPrvFixed;

// ExecElements expects a one dimensional array of element names
IAgDrResult resInfo = dpInfo.ExecElements(ref elems);

Execute a time dependent data provider and request all elements for the specified time interval

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// IAgStkObject facility: STK Object

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dpInfo = facility.DataProviders["Lighting AER"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult resInfo = dpInfo.Exec(
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000",

Execute a time dependent data provider and returning all elements for a single time

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// IAgStkObject satellite: STK Object

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = satellite.DataProviders["Precision Passes"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult resInfo = dp.ExecSingle("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");

Execute a time dependent data provider and returning the specified elements at the specified time

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// IAgStkObject satellite: STK Object

Array times = new object[]
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""1 Jan 2012 12:00:20.000",
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:00:40.000"
Array elems = new object[]
                  "Precision Pass Number"

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = satellite.DataProviders["Precision Passes"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

// ExecSingleElementsArray expects each safe array parameter to be one dimensional,
// all arrays must have the same length
IAgDrTimeArrayElements resInfo = dp.ExecSingleElementsArray(ref times, ref elems);

Execute a time dependent data provider and returning the specified elements for a single time

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject satellite: STK Object

Array elems = new object[]
                  "Precision Pass Number"

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = satellite.DataProviders["Precision Passes"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

// ExecSingleElements expects as the second parameter a one dimensional array of element names
IAgDrResult resInfo = dp.ExecSingleElements("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000"ref elems);

Execute a time dependent data provider which uses preData and returning the specified elements

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject satObj: Satellite STK Object

Array elems = new object[]
"Range""Radial Rate" };
IAgDataPrvTimeVar RICdp = satObj.DataProviders["Relative Motion"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
(RICdp as IAgDataProvider).PreData = "Satellite/Satellite123";
IAgDrResult result = RICdp.ExecElements("26 Jan 2015 17:00:00.000""27 Jan 2015 17:00:00.000"120ref elems);
IAgDrDataSetCollection datasets = result.DataSets;

if (result.DataSets.Count > 0)
    System.Array arrayRange = datasets[0].GetValues();
    System.Array arrayRadialRate = datasets[1].GetValues();

Execute a time dependent group data provider which uses preData and returning the specified elements

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject satObj: Satellite STK Object

Array elems = new object[]
"Time""x""y""z" };
IAgDataProviderGroup dpVectorChoose = satObj.DataProviders["Vector Choose Axes"as IAgDataProviderGroup;
IAgDataProvider groupPosition = dpVectorChoose.Group["Position"as IAgDataProvider;
groupPosition.PreData = "Satellite/Sat2 Body";
IAgDataPrvTimeVar timeVarDP = groupPosition as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult result = timeVarDP.ExecElements("26 Jan 2015 17:00:00.000""27 Jan 2015 17:00:00.000"120ref elems);
IAgDrDataSetCollection datasets = result.DataSets;

if (result.DataSets.Count > 0)
    System.Array arrayTime = datasets[0].GetValues();
    System.Array arrayX = datasets[1].GetValues();
    System.Array arrayY = datasets[2].GetValues();
    System.Array arrayZ = datasets[2].GetValues();

Execute an interval data provider (for instance access times) and returning all elements

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject satellite: Satellite STK Object
// IAgStkObject areatarget: Area Target STK Object

IAgStkAccess Access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(areatarget) as IAgStkAccess;

IAgDataPrvInterval dpInfo = Access.DataProviders["Access Data"as IAgDataPrvInterval;

IAgDrResult resInfo = dpInfo.Exec(
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    "2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");

Execute an interval data provider (for instance access times) and returning only the specified elements

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject satellite: Satellite STK Object
// IAgStkObject areatarget: Area Target STK Object

IAgStkAccess access = satellite.GetAccessToObject(areatarget) as IAgStkAccess;

IAgDataPrvInterval dp = access.DataProviders["Access Data"as IAgDataPrvInterval;

Array elems = new object[]
                  "Start Time",
                  "Stop Time",
                  "Access Number",
                  "From Pass Number",
                  "To Pass Number",
                  "From Start Alt",
                  "From Stop Alt"

// ExecElements expects the third parameter to be a one dimensional array of element names
IAgDrResult resInfo = dp.ExecElements(
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    "2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    ref elems);

Execute an object coverage data provider and dump its result

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object

IAgStkObject aircraft = root.CurrentScenario.Children["aircraft340"];

IAgStkObjectCoverage objectCoverage = aircraft.ObjectCoverage;

IAgDataPrvTimeVar provider = objectCoverage.DataProviders["FOM by Time"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

IAgDrResult result = provider.Exec("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00""1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.00"1);

foreach (IAgDrSubSection section in result.Sections)
    foreach (IAgDrInterval interval in section.Intervals)
        Array arBoundaries = new object[]

        // MultipleThresholdCrossings expects the second parameter
        // to be a one demensional array of boundary index values
        Array arRanges = interval.MultipleThresholdCrossings("FOM Value"ref arBoundaries);

        for (int iRange = 0; iRange < arRanges.GetLength(0); iRange++)
            Console.Write("\nRange: {0}\n", iRange);

            Array arTimeSpans = arRanges.GetValue(iRange) as Array;
            for (int iSpan = 0; iSpan < arTimeSpans.GetLength(0); iSpan++)
                string strStart = arTimeSpans.GetValue(iSpan, 0).ToString();
                string strStop = arTimeSpans.GetValue(iSpan, 1).ToString();

                Console.Write("Start: {0} Stop: {1}\n", strStart, strStop);

Extract data from IAgDrDataSetCollection (generic)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDrDataSetCollection datasets: Data provider data sets

foreach (String name in datasets.ElementNames)
    //If the data set collection spans multiple intervals then the GetDataSetByName method will only
    //get the first intervals dataset.  See the Extract data from IAgDrDataSetCollection across
    //multiple intervals code snippet to see how to access all of the data sets in the result.
    IAgDrDataSet dataset = datasets.GetDataSetByName(name);

    Array datasetValues = dataset.GetValues();

    Console.WriteLine("{0}", dataset.ElementName);

    foreach (object value in datasetValues)
        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", value.ToString());

Extract data from IAgDrDataSetCollection across multiple intervals.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDrDataSetCollection datasets: Data provider data sets

foreach (IAgDrDataSet set in datasets)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}", set.ElementName);
    foreach (object value in set.GetValues())
        Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", value.ToString());

Extract data from IAgDrIntervalCollection (generic)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDrIntervalCollection intervals: Data provider intervals

// Enumerate IAgDrIntervalCollection collection
foreach (IAgDrInterval interval in intervals)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", interval.StartTime, interval.StopTime);

    foreach (IAgDrDataSet dataset in interval.DataSets)
        Array values = dataset.GetValues();

        Console.WriteLine("{0}", dataset.ElementName);

        foreach (object value in values)
            Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", value.ToString());

Extract data from IAgDrResult based on its category (generic)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDrResult result: Data provider result

// Look at the Category property to find out which interface to use
switch (result.Category)
    case AgEDrCategories.eDrCatDataSetList:
        IAgDrDataSetCollection datasets = result.DataSets;
        // See IAgDrDataSetCollection inteface
    case AgEDrCategories.eDrCatIntervalList:
        IAgDrIntervalCollection intervals = result.Intervals;
        // See IAgDrIntervalCollection interface
    case AgEDrCategories.eDrCatMessage:
        IAgDrTextMessage message = result.Message;
        // See IAgDrTextMessage interface
    case AgEDrCategories.eDrCatSubSectionList:
        IAgDrSubSectionCollection section = result.Sections;
        // See IAgDrSubSectionCollection interface

Extract data from IAgDrSubSectionCollection (generic)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDrSubSectionCollection subSection: Subsection collection

foreach (IAgDrSubSection section in subSection)

    foreach (IAgDrInterval interval in section.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("\tTime {0} - {1}", interval.StartTime, interval.StopTime);

        foreach (IAgDrDataSet dataset in interval.DataSets)
            Array values = dataset.GetValues();

            Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", dataset.ElementName);

            foreach (object value in values)
                Console.WriteLine("\t\t{0}", value.ToString());

Extract data from IAgDrTextMessage (generic)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDrTextMessage message: 

foreach (object messagei in message.Messages)

Set STK Object Display to always on

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object

IAgDisplayTm display = stkObject as IAgDisplayTm;

Set STK Object Display to use during access mode

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object

// Attempt to cast STK Object to the IAgDisplayTm interface
IAgDisplayTm display = stkObject as IAgDisplayTm;
if (display != null)
    // Configure during access
    if (display.IsDisplayStatusTypeSupported(AgEDisplayTimesType.eDuringAccess))

        IAgDuringAccess duringAccess = display.DisplayTimesData as IAgDuringAccess;

        // Add subsequent existing stk objects to access diplay ...

Set STK Object Display to use intervals mode

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject stkObject: STK Object

// Attempt to cast STK Object to the IAgDisplayTm interface
IAgDisplayTm display = stkObject as IAgDisplayTm;
if (display != null)
    // Configure display intervals
    if (display.IsDisplayStatusTypeSupported(AgEDisplayTimesType.eUseIntervals))

        // Get IAgIntervalCollection interface
        IAgIntervalCollection intervalCollection = display.DisplayTimesData as IAgIntervalCollection;

        // Add subsequent intervals...
            "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00",
            "1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000");

Set scenario display to hide and show STK Objects in a specified 2D window

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object

IAgScGraphics gfx = scenario.Graphics;

// Individually

// In Batches
// HideObjects and ShowObjects expects as the first parameter a one dimensional array of object paths
Array objects = new object[]
gfx.HideObjects(ref objects, "1");
gfx.ShowObjects(ref objects, "all");

Configure 3D data display

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVODataDisplayCollection datadisplaycol: Data Display Collection

// Add existing data display
// See AvailableData property for available data display
IAgVODataDisplayElement displayElement = datadisplaycol.Add("Solar Intensity");

// Configure data display as needed
displayElement.TitleText = "Sol. Intensity";
displayElement.IsVisible = true;
displayElement.Location = AgEVOLocation.e3DWindow;
displayElement.FontColor = Color.White;
displayElement.FontSize = AgEVOFontSize.eSmall;
displayElement.UseBackground = true;
displayElement.BgColor = Color.Orange;
displayElement.UseAutoSizeWidth = false;
displayElement.UseAutoSizeHeight = false;
displayElement.BgHeight = 55;
displayElement.BgWidth = 260;
displayElement.BackgroundTranslucency = 0.5;
displayElement.UseBackgroundTexture = false;
displayElement.UseBackgroundBorder = true;
displayElement.BackgroundBorderColor = Color.White;

Configure 3D model articulations

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVOModel model: VO Model from an STK Object

// Configure articulation
IAgVOModelArtic modelArticulation = model.Articulation;
modelArticulation.EnableDefaultSave = false;
modelArticulation.EnableSaveArticFile = false;

// Set our articulation and transformations
// For this sample, these articulations exist for a default satellite model
int levelOfDetail = 0;
string articulation = "Satellite";
string transformation = "Size";

// Get the current transition value
double currentTransVal = modelArticulation.GetTransValue(levelOfDetail, articulation, transformation);

// Change the value
double newTransVal = currentTransVal * 0.50;

// Set our new transition value
modelArticulation.SetTransValue(levelOfDetail, articulation, transformation, newTransVal);

Configure 3D model file

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVOModel model: VO model

// Set new ModelFile.Filename
model.ModelType = AgEModelType.eModelFile;
IAgVOModelFile modelFile = model.ModelData as IAgVOModelFile;
modelFile.Filename = @"\STKData\VO\Models\Space\alexis.mdl";

// Configure basic settings
model.Visible = true;
model.ScaleValue = 4.800;

Configure 3D model level of detail

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVOModel model: VO Model from an STK Object

// Configure level of details
IAgVODetailThreshold detail = model.DetailThreshold;
detail.EnableDetailThreshold = true;

// (assuming unit preferences set to km)
detail.All = 2.51189;
detail.ModelLabel = 158489;
detail.MarkerLabel = 2.51189e+006;
detail.Marker = 2.511e+007;
detail.Point = 1e+012;

Configure 3D vector

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVOVector vector: VO Vector

// See AvailableCrdns for supported elements
vector.RefCrdns.Add(AgEGeometricElemType.eVectorElem, ((IAgCrdn)m_Root.CentralBodies["Earth"].Vgt.Vectors["Moon"]).QualifiedPath);
vector.RefCrdns.Add(AgEGeometricElemType.eAxesElem, ((IAgCrdn)m_Root.CentralBodies["Moon"].Vgt.Vectors["Position"]).QualifiedPath);
vector.RefCrdns.Add(AgEGeometricElemType.eVectorElem, ((IAgCrdn)m_Root.CentralBodies["Sun"].Vgt.Vectors["Velocity(Barycenter)"]).QualifiedPath);

// Draw on Central Body
IAgVORefCrdnVector body = vector.RefCrdns.GetCrdnByName(AgEGeometricElemType.eAxesElem, ((IAgCrdn)m_Root.CentralBodies["Earth"].Vgt.Vectors["Moon"]).QualifiedPath) as IAgVORefCrdnVector;
((IAgVORefCrdn)body).Color = Color.Yellow;
body.DrawAtCB = true;
body.Axes = "CentralBody/Earth Fixed Axes";
body.ArrowType = AgEArrowType.e3D;

vector.ScaleRelativeToModel = true;
vector.AngleSizeScale = 4.5;
vector.ArrowPtSize = 11.0;

List all 3D model articulations

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
// IAgVOModel model: VO Model from an STK Object

// Enumerating through the transformation collection is helpful if you do not
// know what tranformations exist or their value ranges

IAgVOModelArtic modelArticulation = model.Articulation;

for (int lod = 0; lod < modelArticulation.LODCount; lod++)
    // Get all articulations
    // GetAvailableArticulations returns a one dimensional array of articulation names
    Array articulations = modelArticulation.GetAvailableArticulations(lod);

    // Enumerate through available articulations
    for (int articulation = 0; articulation < articulations.Length; articulation++)
        // We need the articulation string to call the GetAvailableTransformations function
        String articulationString = articulations.GetValue(articulation) as String;

        // Get all transformations
        IAgVOModelTransCollection transformations = modelArticulation.GetAvailableTransformations(lod, articulationString);

        // Enumerate through available transformations
        foreach (IAgVOModelTrans trans in transformations)
            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Current {1}, Max {2}, Min {3}", trans.Name, trans.Value, trans.Max, trans.Min);

Sets the interval of the object coverage to the sunlight times of an object

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Root

// For this example, set the access times to use the light intervals of the area target.
IAgStkObject uavAircraft = root.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV/Sensor/UAV_Camera");
IAgStkObject airspaceAreaTarget = root.GetObjectFromPath("AreaTarget/Airspace");

IAgCrdnEvent firstSunlightEpoch = airspaceAreaTarget.Vgt.Events["LightingIntervals.Sunlight.First.Start"];
IAgCrdnEvent lastSunlightEpoch = airspaceAreaTarget.Vgt.Events["LightingIntervals.Sunlight.First.Stop"];

uavAircraft.ObjectCoverage.UseObjectTimes = false;
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch startEpoch = uavAircraft.ObjectCoverage.AccessInterval.GetStartEpoch();

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch stopEpoch = uavAircraft.ObjectCoverage.AccessInterval.GetStopEpoch();

uavAircraft.ObjectCoverage.AccessInterval.SetStartAndStopEpochs(startEpoch, stopEpoch);

Compute a link budget for a Transmtiter and Receiver pair, using complex models

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgTransmitter geoTransmitter: Transmitter object
// IAgReceiver facilityReceiver: Receiver object
// IAgAntenna facilityDish: Antenna object
// IAgRFEnvironment scenarioRFEnv: Scenario RF Environment

IAgStkObject xmtrAsStkObject = geoTransmitter as IAgStkObject;
IAgStkObject rcvrAsStkObject = facilityReceiver as IAgStkObject;

//Enable the rain loss computation on the scenario RF environment
scenarioRFEnv.PropagationChannel.EnableRainLoss = true;

//Set the transmitter to the complex model
geoTransmitter.SetModel("Complex Transmitter Model");
IAgTransmitterModelComplex complexTrans = geoTransmitter.Model as IAgTransmitterModelComplex;

//Set the complex transmitter model's frequency to 3.2 GHz
complexTrans.Frequency = 3.2;

//Set the complex transmitter model's Power to 50 dBW
complexTrans.Power = 50.0;

//Set the complex transmitter's embedded antenna model to helix

//Set the beamwidth of the parablic antenna to 2 degrees
IAgAntennaModelHelix helix = complexTrans.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModel as IAgAntennaModelHelix;
helix.NumberOfTurns = 30.0;

//Orient the complex transmitter embedded antenna's boresight to point directly at the receiver's location
complexTrans.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModelOrientation.AssignAzEl(287.283.4, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate);

//Set the receiver to the complex model
facilityReceiver.SetModel("Complex Receiver Model");
IAgReceiverModelComplex complexRcvr = facilityReceiver.Model as IAgReceiverModelComplex;

//Configure the complex receiver to use the antenna object on the same parent facility, by linking
complexRcvr.AntennaControl.ReferenceType = AgEAntennaControlRefType.eAntennaControlRefTypeLink;
complexRcvr.AntennaControl.LinkedAntennaObject = "Antenna/FacilityDish";

//Enable rain loss computation on the receiver
complexRcvr.UseRain = true;
complexRcvr.RainOutagePercent = 0.001;

//Enable the receiver system noise temperature computation.
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate;

//Enable the antenna noise temperature computation
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate;
complexRcvr.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.UseRain = true;

//Orient the antenna object's boresight to point directly at the transmitter's location
facilityDish.Orientation.AssignAzEl(202.641.2, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate);

//Set the antenna object's model to parabolic

//Set the antenan object's design frequency to match the transmitter's 3.2 GHz
facilityDish.Model.DesignFrequency = 3.2;

//Set the antenna object's parabolic model diameter to 5 m.
IAgAntennaModelParabolic parabolic = facilityDish.Model as IAgAntennaModelParabolic;
parabolic.InputType = AgEAntennaModelInputType.eAntennaModelInputTypeDiameter;
parabolic.Diameter = 5.0;

//Create an access object for the access between the transmitter and recevier objects
IAgStkAccess linkAccess = xmtrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(rcvrAsStkObject);

//Compute access

// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = linkAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[] { "Time""Xmtr Gain""Rcvr Gain""Eb/No""BER" };

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = linkAccess.DataProviders["Link Information"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
    object startTime = null, stopTime = null;

    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);

    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60ref dataPrvElements);

    Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues();
    Array xmtrGain = result.DataSets[1].GetValues();
    Array rcvrGain = result.DataSets[2].GetValues();
    Array ebno = result.DataSets[3].GetValues();
    Array ber = result.DataSets[4].GetValues();

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
        string time = (string)timeValues.GetValue(index1);
        double xmtrGainVal = (double)xmtrGain.GetValue(index1);
        double rcvrGainVal = (double)rcvrGain.GetValue(index1);
        double ebnoVal = (double)ebno.GetValue(index1);
        double berVal = (double)ber.GetValue(index1);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: Xmtr Gain = {1} Rcvr Gain = {2} Eb/No={3} BER={4}", time, xmtrGainVal, rcvrGainVal, ebnoVal, berVal);


Compute a link budget for a Transmtiter and Receiver pair, using simple models

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgTransmitter geoTransmitter: Transmitter object
// IAgReceiver facilityReceiver: Receiver object

IAgStkObject xmtrAsStkObject = geoTransmitter as IAgStkObject;
IAgStkObject rcvrAsStkObject = facilityReceiver as IAgStkObject;

//Set the transmitter to the simple model
geoTransmitter.SetModel("Simple Transmitter Model");
IAgTransmitterModelSimple simpleTrans = geoTransmitter.Model as IAgTransmitterModelSimple;

//Set the simple transmitter model's frequency to 3.2 GHz
simpleTrans.Frequency = 3.2;

//Set the simple transmitter model's EIRP to 60 dBW
simpleTrans.Eirp = 60.0;

//Set the receiver to the simple model
facilityReceiver.SetModel("Simple Receiver Model");
IAgReceiverModelSimple simpleRcvr = facilityReceiver.Model as IAgReceiverModelSimple;

//Set the simple receiver model's G/T to 60 dB/K
simpleRcvr.GOverT = 60.0;

//Create an access object for the access between the transmitter and recevier objects
IAgStkAccess linkAccess = xmtrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(rcvrAsStkObject);

//Compute access

// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = linkAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[] { "Time""Eb/No""BER" };

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = linkAccess.DataProviders["Link Information"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
    object startTime = null, stopTime = null;
    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);

    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60ref dataPrvElements);

    Array timeValues = result.DataSets[0].GetValues();
    Array ebno = result.DataSets[1].GetValues();
    Array ber = result.DataSets[2].GetValues();

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
        string time = (string)timeValues.GetValue(index1);
        double ebnoVal = (double)ebno.GetValue(index1);
        double berVal = (double)ber.GetValue(index1);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: Eb/No={1} BER={2}", time, ebnoVal, berVal);


Add a STK Object to constellation using IAgStkObject interface

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgConstellation constellation: Constellation object
// IAgStkObject alos: Satellite Object that is to be added to constellation

// Add object to constellation

Add a STK Object to constellation using STK Object Path

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgConstellation constellation: Constellation object

// Add object to constellation

Compute a coverage definition access

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage Definition

// Set AutoRecomputer for Accesses
coverageDefinition.Advanced.AutoRecompute = false;

// Compute

// Export to File

// Clear accesses if necessary

Create a coverage definition (on the current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root

// Create the CoverageDefinition
IAgCoverageDefinition cd = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eCoverageDefinition, "cd1"as IAgCoverageDefinition;

Define a coverage definition assets

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage definition object

IAgCvAssetListCollection assetCollection = coverageDefinition.AssetList;
string assetName = "Satellite/sat1";
string subAssetName = "Facility/North";

// Remove asset collection if necessary

IAgCvAssetListElement satAsset1 = null;

// AvailableAssets returns a one dimensional array of assets
if (Array.IndexOf(assetCollection.AvailableAssets, assetName) != -1)
    // Add assets to coverageDefintion
    if (assetCollection.CanAssignAsset(assetName))
        satAsset1 = assetCollection.Add(assetName);

        // Configure asset element
        satAsset1.Required = true;
        satAsset1.Grouping = AgECvAssetGrouping.eGrouped;

    // Add subassets to assets
    if (satAsset1.ContainsSubAssets())
        IAgCvAssetListCollection subAssetCollection = satAsset1.SubAssetList;
        if (subAssetCollection.CanAssignAsset(subAssetName))

Define a coverage definition by points

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage Definition
// String regionFilePath: Path of region file

// Get the IAgCvGrid interface
IAgCvGrid cvGrid = coverageDefinition.Grid;

// Define custom region
cvGrid.BoundsType = AgECvBounds.eBoundsCustomRegions;
IAgCvBoundsCustomRegions oBoundsCustom = cvGrid.Bounds as IAgCvBoundsCustomRegions;

// Create an Array of LLA points
// Array should contain Lat, Lon, Alt values
Array points = new object[,]
    { 6.9346423789e+01, -5.0260748372e+010.0000000000e+00 },
    { 3.9613371741e+01, -6.6285429903e+010.0000000000e+00 },
    { 3.9880319688e+01, -7.3881767479e+010.0000000000e+00 },
    { 4.0700636942e+01, -1.1224999998e+020.0000000000e+00 }

// SetPointsLLA expects a two dimensional array of LLA points
coverageDefinition.PointDefinition.SetPointsLLA(ref points);

Define a custom grid using area targets

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage Definition

// Get the IAgCvGrid interface
IAgCvGrid cvGrid = coverageDefinition.Grid;

// Set bound region type to use custom regions
cvGrid.BoundsType = AgECvBounds.eBoundsCustomRegions;

// Get IAgCvBoundsCustomRegions interface
IAgCvBoundsCustomRegions boundRegion = cvGrid.Bounds as IAgCvBoundsCustomRegions;

// Add custom regions

Define a grid resolution by latitude and longitude

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage definition object

// Get the IAgCvGrid interface
IAgCvGrid grid = coverageDefinition.Grid;

// Set resolution type
grid.ResolutionType = AgECvResolution.eResolutionLatLon;

// Get the resolution interface
IAgCvResolution resolution = grid.Resolution;
IAgCvResolutionLatLon latLonResolution = resolution as IAgCvResolutionLatLon;

// Assign LatLon used to define grid resolution
// Uses Angle Dimension
latLonResolution.LatLon = 3.0;

Define and configure grid constraint options

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage definition object

IAgCvPointDefinition pointDefinition = coverageDefinition.PointDefinition;

// Set facility as object seed instance
pointDefinition.GridClass = AgECvGridClass.eGridClassFacility;
pointDefinition.UseGridSeed = true;
pointDefinition.SeedInstance = "Facility/North";

// Configure Altitude
pointDefinition.AltitudeMethod = AgECvAltitudeMethod.eAltitude;
pointDefinition.Altitude = 0.0;
coverageDefinition.PointDefinition.GroundAltitudeMethod = AgECvGroundAltitudeMethod.eCvGroundAltitudeMethodUsePointAlt;

Set the coverage analysis time to the asset object time periods.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Root
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverage: An instance of the coverage definition object

string currentDateFormat = stkRoot.UnitPreferences.GetCurrentUnitAbbrv("DateFormat");

// For this example, we will set the coverage analysis time to the times the asset is available.
// Note, this doesn't handle subassets. To do that, you'll just have to iterate through the subasset list.
IAgDate minStartTime = null;
IAgDate maxStartTime = null;

foreach (IAgCvAssetListElement cvAsset in coverage.AssetList)
    IAgStkObject subAsset = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath(cvAsset.ObjectName);
    if (subAsset.Vgt.EventIntervals.Contains("AvailabilityTimeSpan"))
        IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult availableTimeSpan = subAsset.Vgt.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"].FindInterval();
        IAgDate startDate = stkRoot.ConversionUtility.NewDate(currentDateFormat, availableTimeSpan.Interval.Start.ToString());
        if (!(minStartTime != null) || startDate.OLEDate < minStartTime.OLEDate)
            minStartTime = startDate;

        IAgDate stopTime = stkRoot.ConversionUtility.NewDate(currentDateFormat, availableTimeSpan.Interval.Stop.ToString());
        if (!(maxStartTime != null) || stopTime.OLEDate > maxStartTime.OLEDate)
            maxStartTime = stopTime;

if (minStartTime != null && maxStartTime != null)
    // Now, that we have the minimum start time and the maximum stop time of the asset list, we can explicitly set the coverage analysis time.
    coverage.Interval.AnalysisInterval.SetExplicitInterval(minStartTime.Format(currentDateFormat), maxStartTime.Format(currentDateFormat));

    "Coverage Analysis Interval, StartTime = {0}, StopTime = {1}",

Configure a coverage definition adaptive sampling

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage definition object

// Get the Sampling interface
IAgCvAdvanced advanced = coverageDefinition.Advanced;
IAgAccessSampling sampling = advanced.Sampling;

// Set the Sampling Method
IAgSamplingMethodAdaptive adaptive = sampling.Strategy as IAgSamplingMethodAdaptive;

// Set properties on the Adaptive sampling method interface
adaptive.MaxTimeStep = 180.0;
adaptive.MinTimeStep = 1.0;

Configure a coverage definition fixed step sampling

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition coverageDefinition: Coverage definition object

// Get the Sampling interface
IAgCvAdvanced advanced = coverageDefinition.Advanced;
IAgAccessSampling sampling = advanced.Sampling;

// Set the Sampling Method
IAgSamplingMethodFixedStep fixedStep = sampling.Strategy as IAgSamplingMethodFixedStep;

// Set properties on the Fixed Stop sampling method interface
fixedStep.FixedTimeStep = 360.0;
fixedStep.TimeBound = 5.0;

Configure a coverage definition graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCvGraphics cvGraphics: Coverage definition

// Configure animation
IAgCvGfxAnimation cvAnimation = cvGraphics.Animation;
cvAnimation.IsSatisfactionVisible = true;
cvAnimation.Color = Color.Green;

// Configure progress
IAgCvGfxProgress cvProgress = cvGraphics.Progress;
cvProgress.IsVisible = true;
cvProgress.Color = Color.Red;

// Configure static
IAgCvGfxStatic cvStatic = cvGraphics.Static;
cvStatic.Color = Color.Blue;
cvStatic.MarkerStyle = "Star";

Create a facility (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create a facility on current scenario central body
IAgFacility facility = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eFacility, "MyFacility"as IAgFacility;

Create a facility from facility database

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Get STK database location using Connect
IAgExecCmdResult result = root.ExecuteCommand("GetDirectory / Database Facility");
string facDataDir = result[0];
string filelocation = Path.Combine(facDataDir, @"stkFacility.fd");

// Import object from database using Connect
string command = "ImportFromDB * Facility \"" + filelocation + "\" Class Facility SiteName Weilheim";

IAgFacility facility = root.GetObjectFromPath("Facility/Weilheim"as IAgFacility;

Create a facility on Earth at lat/lon/alt

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgFacility facility = root.CurrentScenario.Children.NewOnCentralBody(AgESTKObjectType.eFacility, "MyFacility""Earth"as IAgFacility;

// Assuming unit preferences are set to radians for latitude and longitude and km for distance
facility.Position.AssignPlanetodetic(0.4506, -1.40114);

Create a facility on specified central body at lat/lon/alt

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgFacility facObject = root.CurrentScenario.Children.NewOnCentralBody(AgESTKObjectType.eFacility, "Facility1""Mars"as IAgFacility;

// Assuming unit preferences are set to radians for latitude and longitude and km for distance

Move a facility while use terrain option is set true

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFacility fac: Facility object

// Set altitude automatically by using terrain data
fac.UseTerrain = true;

// Set the position ignores the altitude value in AssignGeodetic
fac.Position.AssignGeodetic(29.98, -90.259);

// Ignores the altitude value in AssignGeocentric
fac.Position.AssignGeocentric(32.12, -110.93787);

// Ignores the radius value in AssignSpherical
fac.Position.AssignSpherical(40.65, -73.787);

Configure access duration figure of merit

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// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

// Set figure of merit defintion to eFmAccessDuration

// Get IAgFmDefCompute interface
IAgFmDefCompute defComp = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefCompute;

if (defComp.IsComputeTypeSupported(AgEFmCompute.ePercentAbove))
    // Set Compute type to supported compute option

    // Get compute option compute interface
    IAgFmDefDataPercentLevel fomData = defComp.Compute as IAgFmDefDataPercentLevel;
    fomData.PercentLevel = .25;

Configure coverage time figure of merit

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

// Set figure of merit defintion to eFmCoverageTime

// Get IAgFmDefCompute interface
IAgFmDefCompute defComp = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefCompute;

if (defComp.IsComputeTypeSupported(AgEFmCompute.eTotalTimeAbove))
    // Set Compute type to supported compute option

    // Get compute option compute interface
    IAgFmDefDataMinAssets fomData = defComp.Compute as IAgFmDefDataMinAssets;
    fomData.MinAssets = 15;

Configure figure of merit Age Of Data definition

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

// Get the IAgFmDefAgeOfData interface
IAgFmDefAgeOfData ageOfData = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefAgeOfData;

// Set the minimum number of assets for computing
ageOfData.MinAssets = 2;

Configure figure of merit contours

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFmGfxContours contours: Figure of Merit properties

contours.IsVisible = true;
contours.ContourType = AgEFmGfxContourType.eSmoothFill;
contours.ColorMethod = AgEFmGfxColorMethod.eExplicit;

// Add level ranges (batch)
IAgFmGfxLevelAttributesElement firstLevel = contours.LevelAttributes[0];
firstLevel.Color = Color.Blue;

// Add one level (individually)
IAgFmGfxLevelAttributesElement level = contours.LevelAttributes.AddLevel(55);
level.Color = Color.Red;

Configure figure of merit definition altitude access constraint

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

// Set access constraint defintion to altitude

// Get IAgFmDefAccessConstraint interface
IAgFmDefAccessConstraint defAccessCnstr = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefAccessConstraint;

// Confiure access constraint properties
defAccessCnstr.AcrossAssets = AgEFmAcrossAssets.eFmMinimum;
defAccessCnstr.TimeStep = 60.0;

Configure figure of merit Scalar Calculation definition

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

// Set the Scalar Calculation definition.
IAgFmDefScalarCalculation scalarCalculation = fom.SetScalarCalculationDefinition("CentralBody/Earth ElapsedTimeFromStart");

Configure figure of merit Scalar Calculation definition using VGT

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

// Get the qualified path of a Scalar Calculation (e.g.
IAgCrdnProvider provider = stkRoot.VgtRoot.GetProvider("CentralBody/Sun");
IAgCrdnCalcScalar calcScalar = provider.CalcScalars[0];
string calcScalarQualifiedPath = (calcScalar as IAgCrdn).QualifiedPath;

// Set the Scalar Calculation definition using the qualified path
IAgFmDefScalarCalculation scalarCalculation = fom.SetScalarCalculationDefinition(calcScalarQualifiedPath);

Configure figure of merit System Response Time

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime systemResponseTime = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime;

systemResponseTime.CommandStationPath = @"/Application/STK/Scenario/CodeSnippetScenario/Facility/Facility1";

Configure figure of merit System Response Time reset

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime systemResponseTime = fom.Definition as IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime;

systemResponseTime.CommandStationPath = "NONE";

Create a figure of merit on a coverage definition

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCoverageDefinition covdef: Coverage Definition object

// Get the coverage definition as a IAgStkObject interface
IAgStkObject covdefObject = covdef as IAgStkObject;

// Create the figure of merit
IAgFigureOfMerit fom = covdefObject.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eFigureOfMerit, "MyFigureOfMerit"as IAgFigureOfMerit;

Inspect grid by selecting a point

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

IAgFmGridInspector gridInspector = fom.GridInspector;
gridInspector.SelectPoint(-13.864, -51.088);

IAgDataPrvTimeVar pointFom = gridInspector.PointFOM as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult pointFomResult = pointFom.ExecSingle("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00");

IAgDataPrvInterval pointSatisfaction = gridInspector.PointSatisfaction as IAgDataPrvInterval;
IAgDrResult pointSatisfactionResult = pointSatisfaction.Exec("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00");

IAgDataPrvTimeVar regionFom = gridInspector.RegionFOM as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult regionFomResult = regionFom.ExecSingle("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00");

IAgDataPrvInterval regionSatisfaction = gridInspector.RegionSatisfaction as IAgDataPrvInterval;
IAgDrResult regionSatisfactionResult = regionSatisfaction.Exec("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.00");

Set the figure of merit definition to access constraint by enumeration

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

IAgFmDefAccessConstraint acd = fom.SetAccessConstraintDefinition(AgEFmConstraintName.eFmAzimuthRate);

Set the figure of merit definition to access constraint by name

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgFigureOfMerit fom: Figure of Merit properties

IAgFmDefAccessConstraint defAccessCnstr = fom.SetAccessConstraintDefinitionName("AzimuthRate");

// Confiure access constraint properties
defAccessCnstr.AcrossAssets = AgEFmAcrossAssets.eFmMinimum;
defAccessCnstr.TimeStep = 60.0;

Add MTO track

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: MTO object

IAgMtoTrackCollection trackCollection = mto.Tracks;

Array time = new object[]
                 "1 Jan 2012 12:10:00.000""1 Jan 2012 12:20:00.000"
Array latitude = new object[]
                     27.97, -26.51
Array longitude = new object[]
Array altitude = new object[]

// AddTrack expects each safe array parameter to be two dimensional,
// all arrays must have the same length
IAgMtoTrack track = trackCollection.AddTrack(1ref time, ref latitude, ref longitude, ref altitude);

Configure MTO

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgMto mto: Mto Object

IAgScenario scenario = root.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;
scenario.SetTimePeriod("1 Feb 2008 12:00:00.000""2 Feb 2008 12:00:00.000");

// Number of tracks and points to add
double trackCount = 10;
double pointCount = 20;

// Initial values from which we will interpolate
double lat0 = 40.04;
double lon0 = -75.595;
double alt0 = 0;

root.BeginUpdate(); // Call BeginUpdate for STK engine to delay updates

for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; ++i)
    IAgMtoTrack track = mto.Tracks.Add(i);
    IAgDate date = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG", scenario.StartTime as string);

    // Interpolate mto points
    for (int j = 0; j < pointCount; ++j)
        double lat = lat0 + 1 * i;
        double lon = lon0 + 0.1 * j;
        double alt = alt0;

        date = date.Add("sec"120);

        track.Points.AddPoint(date.Format("UTCG"), lat, lon, alt);


Create a MTO (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create the MTO
IAgMto mto = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eMTO,  "mto1"as IAgMto;

Extend MTO track

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMtoTrackPointCollection trackPointCollection: Track point collection

Array time = new object[]
                 "1 Jan 2012 12:20:00.000""1 Jan 2012 12:30:00.000"
Array latitude = new object[]
Array longitude = new object[]
Array altitude = new object[]

// Extend expects each parameter to be a two dimensional array,
// all arrays must have the same length
trackPointCollection.Extend(ref time, ref latitude, ref longitude, ref altitude);

Load MTO track points from file

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMtoTrack track: MTO track object
// String filePath: Path of ephemeris file

// LoadPoints expects the path an Ephemeris file path

Remove MTO track

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: MTO object

IAgMtoTrackCollection trackCollection = mto.Tracks;

// Build tracksToRemove Array
Array tracksToRemove = new object[]
                           trackCollection[0], trackCollection[1]

// RemoveTracks expects a one dimensional array of IAgMtoTrack objects
trackCollection.RemoveTracks(ref tracksToRemove);

Remove MTO tracks by ids

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: MTO object

IAgMtoTrackCollection trackCollection = mto.Tracks;

// RemoveTracksById expects a one dimensional array of mto track ids
Array tracks = new object[]
trackCollection.RemoveTracksById(ref tracks);

Compute MTO field of view

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: MTO object

IAgMtoAnalysisFieldOfView fov = mto.Analysis.FieldOfView;

// AreTracksInFOV expects a one dimensional array of mto track ids
Array tracks = new object[]

bool tracksInView = fov.AreTracksInFOV(AgEMtoTrackEval.eMtoTrackEvalAny, ref tracks, "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");

Compute MTO ranges

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: MTO object

IAgMtoAnalysisRange range = mto.Analysis.Range;
range.StkObjectPath = "Satellite/J2Satellite";

// ComputeRanges expects a one dimensional array of mto track ids
// ComputeRanges returns a two dimensional array of track id, visibility, and range
Array tracks = new object[]

Array result = range.ComputeRanges(AgEMtoRangeMode.eMtoRangeModeEach, ref tracks, "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");

// Print results
for (int i = 0; i < result.GetLength(0); i++)
    Console.WriteLine("Track #: {0}, Visible: {1}, Range: {2}", result.GetValue(i, 0), result.GetValue(i, 1), result.GetValue(i, 2));

Compute visibility with MTO tracks

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgMto mto: MTO object to use for visibility analysis

// Are all the tracks visible from the other STK Object at the specified time?

IAgMtoAnalysisVisibility mtoVisibility = mto.Analysis.Visibility;
mtoVisibility.UseTerrain = false// Set to true to use terrain instead of line of sight.
mtoVisibility.Entirety = AgEMtoEntirety.eMtoEntiretyPartial; // Only applies if MTO is static (i.e. non time dependent).

mtoVisibility.StkObjectPath = "Satellite/J2Satellite";
bool allTracksAreVisible = mtoVisibility.AreAllTracksVisible("1 Jan 2012 14:02:00.000");

Determine if all the specified tracks (i.e. a subset of the MTO tracks) are visible from the other STK Object at the specified time?

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgMto mto: MTO object to use for visibility analysis

IAgMtoAnalysisVisibility mtoVisibility = mto.Analysis.Visibility;
mtoVisibility.UseTerrain = false// Set to true to use terrain instead of line of sight.
mtoVisibility.Entirety = AgEMtoEntirety.eMtoEntiretyPartial; // Only applies if MTO is static (i.e. non time dependent).

mtoVisibility.StkObjectPath = "Satellite/J2Satellite";

Array tracksOfInterest = new object[]

// AreTracksVisible expects as the second parameter a one dimensional array of mto track ids
bool areTracksAreVisible = mtoVisibility.AreTracksVisible(AgEMtoTrackEval.eMtoTrackEvalAll, ref tracksOfInterest, "1 Jan 2012 12:02:00.000");

Determine if any track is visible from other STK Object at the specified time

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgMto mto: MTO object to use for visibility analysis

IAgMtoAnalysisVisibility mtoVisibility = mto.Analysis.Visibility;
mtoVisibility.UseTerrain = false// Set to true to use terrain instead of line of sight.
mtoVisibility.Entirety = AgEMtoEntirety.eMtoEntiretyPartial; // Only applies if MTO is static (i.e. non time dependent).

mtoVisibility.StkObjectPath = "Satellite/J2Satellite";
bool anyTrackIsVisible = mtoVisibility.IsAnyTrackVisible("1 Jan 2012 14:02:00.000");

Determine which tracks are visible from the other STK Object at the specified time

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: MTO object to use for visibility analysis

IAgMtoAnalysisVisibility mtoVisibility = mto.Analysis.Visibility;
mtoVisibility.UseTerrain = false// Set to true to use terrain instead of line of sight.
mtoVisibility.Entirety = AgEMtoEntirety.eMtoEntiretyPartial; // Only applies if MTO is static (i.e. non time dependent).

mtoVisibility.StkObjectPath = "Satellite/J2Satellite";

// ComputeAllTracks returns a two dimensional array whose elements are trackid and visibility
Array trackVisibilityArray = mtoVisibility.ComputeAllTracks(AgEMtoVisibilityMode.eVisibilityModeEach, "1 Jan 2008 12:00:00.000");

// Ouput results
for (int i = 0; i < trackVisibilityArray.GetLength(0); ++i)
    Console.WriteLine("   Track {0} visibility: {1}",
        Convert.ToInt32(trackVisibilityArray.GetValue(i, 0)),
        Convert.ToInt32(trackVisibilityArray.GetValue(i, 1)));

Which tracks of the specified subset of tracks are visible from the other STK Object at the specified time?

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgMto mto: MTO object to use for visibility analysis

IAgMtoAnalysisVisibility mtoVisibility = mto.Analysis.Visibility;
mtoVisibility.UseTerrain = false// Set to true to use terrain instead of line of sight.
mtoVisibility.Entirety = AgEMtoEntirety.eMtoEntiretyPartial; // Only applies if MTO is static (i.e. non time dependent).

Array tracksOfInterest = new object[]

mtoVisibility.StkObjectPath = "Satellite/J2Satellite";

// ComputeTracks expects as the second parameter a one dimensional array of mto track ids
// ComputeTracks returns a two dimensional array whose values are track id and visiblity
Array trackVisibilityArray = mtoVisibility.ComputeTracks(AgEMtoVisibilityMode.eVisibilityModeEach, ref tracksOfInterest, "1 Jan 2012 12:05:00.000");

// Output results
for (int i = 0; i < trackVisibilityArray.GetLength(0); ++i)
    Console.WriteLine("   Track {0} visibility: {1}",
        Convert.ToInt32(trackVisibilityArray.GetValue(i, 0)),
        Convert.ToInt32(trackVisibilityArray.GetValue(i, 1)));

Configure MTO graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMto mto: Mto object

IAgMtoVOTrackCollection tracks = mto.VO.Tracks;
foreach (IAgMtoVOTrack element in tracks)
    element.Marker.PixelSize = 12;
    element.Marker.OrientationMode = AgEVOMarkerOrientation.eVOMarkerOrientationAngle;
    element.Marker.XOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eRight;
    element.Marker.YOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eBottom;
    element.Marker.Angle = 1.23;

    element.Marker.MarkerType = AgEMarkerType.eImageFile;

    element.Model.IsVisible = true;
    element.Model.Filename = @"STKData\VO\Models\Land\ariane-lp.mdl";
    element.Model.InitialBearing = 3.0;
    element.Model.ScaleValue = 2.0;
    element.Model.ZPointsNadir = true;

    element.Label.Enable = true;
    element.Label.X = 33.5;
    element.Label.Y = 82.2;
    element.Label.Z = 100.0;
    element.Label.OffsetFrame = AgEOffsetFrameType.eOffsetFrameCartesian;

Configure MTO track marker

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMtoVOTrack track: Mto VO track properties

IAgMtoVOMarker marker = track.Marker;
marker.PixelSize = 12;
marker.OrientationMode = AgEVOMarkerOrientation.eVOMarkerOrientationAngle;
marker.XOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eRight;
marker.YOrigin = AgEVOMarkerOriginType.eBottom;
marker.Angle = 1.23;
marker.MarkerType = AgEMarkerType.eImageFile;

Configure MTO track model

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMtoVOTrack track: Mto VO track properties

IAgMtoVOModel model = track.Model;
model.IsVisible = true;
model.Filename = @"STKData\VO\Models\Land\ariane-lp.mdl";
model.InitialBearing = 3.0;
model.ScaleValue = 2.0;
model.ZPointsNadir = true;

Create a place (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create a place on current scenario central body
IAgPlace place = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.ePlace, "MyPlace"as IAgPlace;

Create a place from facility database

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Get STK database location using Connect
IAgExecCmdResult result = root.ExecuteCommand("GetDirectory / Database Facility");
string facDataDir = result[0];
string filelocation = Path.Combine(facDataDir, "stkFacility.fd");

// Import object from database using Connect
string command = "ImportFromDB * Facility \"" + filelocation + "\" Class Place SiteName Weilheim";

IAgPlace place = root.GetObjectFromPath("Place/Weilheim"as IAgPlace;

Create a place on Earth at lat/lon/alt

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgPlace place = root.CurrentScenario.Children.NewOnCentralBody(AgESTKObjectType.ePlace, "MyPlace""Earth"as IAgPlace;

// Assuming unit preferences are set to radians for latitude and longitude and km for distance
place.Position.AssignPlanetodetic(0.4506, -1.40114);

Create a place on specified central body at lat/lon/alt

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgPlace placeObject = root.CurrentScenario.Children.NewOnCentralBody(AgESTKObjectType.ePlace, "Place1""Mars"as IAgPlace;

// Assuming unit preferences are set to radians for latitude and longitude and km for distance

Move a place while use terrain option is set true

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgPlace place: Place object

// Set altitude automatically by using terrain data
place.UseTerrain = true;

// Set the position ignores the altitude value in AssignGeodetic
place.Position.AssignGeodetic(29.98, -90.259);

// Ignores the altitude value in AssignGeocentric
place.Position.AssignGeocentric(32.12, -110.93787);

// Ignores the radius value in AssignSpherical
place.Position.AssignSpherical(40.65, -73.787);

Configure a planet

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgPlanet planet: Planet

planet.PositionSource = AgEPlPositionSourceType.ePosCentralBody;

// Get IAgPlPosCentralBody interface
IAgPlPosCentralBody body = planet.PositionSourceData as IAgPlPosCentralBody;

body.AutoRename = false;
body.CentralBody = "Jupiter";

// AvailableEphemSourceTypes is a one dimensional array of AgEEphemSourceType values
if (Array.IndexOf(body.AvailableEphemSourceTypes, (int)AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemAnalytic) != -1)
    body.EphemSource = AgEEphemSourceType.eEphemAnalytic;

Configure a planet position by ephemeris source file(using common tasks)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgPlanet planet: Planet
// String planetEphemeris: Planet Ephemeris file

// Position source files traditionally have .pe extensions

Configure a planet graphics

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// IAgPlGraphics graphics: Planet graphics

graphics.Inherit = false;

graphics.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.MarkerStyle = "Circle";
graphics.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eMDashDot;
graphics.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e4;

graphics.InertialPositionVisible = false;
graphics.SubPlanetPointVisible = false;
graphics.PositionLabelVisible = false;
graphics.SubPlanetLabelVisible = false;
graphics.OrbitVisible = true;
graphics.OrbitDisplay = AgEPlOrbitDisplayType.eOrbitDisplayTime;
IAgPlOrbitDisplayTime displayTime = graphics.OrbitDisplayData as IAgPlOrbitDisplayTime;
displayTime.Time = 10000.00;

Compute the probability of detection of a target for a monostatic search/track radar

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// IAgRadar radar: Radar object
// IAgAircraft targetAircraft: Aircraft object
// IAgRFEnvironment scenarioRFEnv: Scenario RF Environment

IAgStkObject rdrAsStkObject = radar as IAgStkObject;
IAgStkObject tgtAsStkObject = targetAircraft as IAgStkObject;

//Enable the rain loss computation on the scenario RF environment
scenarioRFEnv.PropagationChannel.EnableRainLoss = true;

//Configure the radar object as a monostatic model.
IAgRadarModelMonostatic monostaticModel = radar.Model as IAgRadarModelMonostatic;

//Orient the radar antenna in the direction of the target
radar.Model.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModelOrientation.AssignAzEl(50.936.8, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate);

//Set the radar antenna model to parabolic
IAgAntennaModelParabolic parabolic = radar.Model.AntennaControl.EmbeddedModel as IAgAntennaModelParabolic;

//Give the parabolic antenna a 2 deg beamwidth;
parabolic.InputType = AgEAntennaModelInputType.eAntennaModelInputTypeBeamwidth;
parabolic.Beamwidth = 2.0;

//Put the monostatic radar model in Search/Track mode
monostaticModel.SetMode("Search Track");
IAgRadarModeMonostaticSearchTrack searchTrackMode = monostaticModel.Mode as IAgRadarModeMonostaticSearchTrack;

//Set the waveform type to fixed prf
IAgRadarWaveformMonostaticSearchTrackFixedPRF fixedPrf = searchTrackMode.Waveform as IAgRadarWaveformMonostaticSearchTrackFixedPRF;
fixedPrf.PulseDefinition.Prf = 0.002//2 kHz

//Set the pulse width to 1e-8 sec
fixedPrf.PulseDefinition.PulseWidth = 1.0e-8//sec

//Set the number of pulses
fixedPrf.PulseDefinition.NumberOfPulses = 25;

//Set the pulse integration strategy to goal SNR
fixedPrf.PulseIntegrationType = AgERadarPulseIntegrationType.eRadarPulseIntegrationTypeGoalSNR;
IAgRadarPulseIntegrationGoalSNR pulseIntGoalSNR = fixedPrf.PulseIntegration as IAgRadarPulseIntegrationGoalSNR;
pulseIntGoalSNR.SNR = 40.0//dB

//Set the transmit frequency
monostaticModel.Transmitter.FrequencySpecification = AgERadarFrequencySpec.eRadarFrequencySpecFrequency;
monostaticModel.Transmitter.Frequency = 2.1//GHz

//Set the transmit power
monostaticModel.Transmitter.Power = 50.0//dBW

//Enable rain loss computation on the receiver
monostaticModel.Receiver.UseRain = true;
monostaticModel.Receiver.RainOutagePercent = 0.001;

//Enable the receiver system noise temperature computation.
monostaticModel.Receiver.SystemNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate;

//Enable the antenna noise temperature computation
monostaticModel.Receiver.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.ComputeType = AgENoiseTempComputeType.eNoiseTempComputeTypeCalculate;
monostaticModel.Receiver.SystemNoiseTemperature.AntennaNoiseTemperature.UseRain = true;

//Don't inherit the radar cross section settings from the scenario
targetAircraft.RadarCrossSection.Inherit = false;
IAgRadarCrossSectionModel rcs = targetAircraft.RadarCrossSection.Model as IAgRadarCrossSectionModel;

//Set the radar cross section compute strategy to constan value
rcs.FrequencyBands[0].SetComputeStrategy("Constant Value");
IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyConstantValue constValRcs =
    rcs.FrequencyBands[0].ComputeStrategy as IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyConstantValue;

//Set the constant radar cross section to 0.5 dBsm
constValRcs.ConstantValue = 0.5//dBsm

//Create an access object for the access between the radar and target
IAgStkAccess radarAccess = rdrAsStkObject.GetAccessToObject(tgtAsStkObject);

//Compute access

// Get the access intervals
IAgIntervalCollection accessIntervals = radarAccess.ComputedAccessIntervalTimes;

// Extract the access intervals and the range information for each access interval
Array dataPrvElements = new object[] { "Time""S/T SNR1""S/T PDet1""S/T Integrated SNR""S/T Integrated PDet" };

IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = radarAccess.DataProviders["Radar SearchTrack"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;

for (int index0 = 0; index0 < accessIntervals.Count; ++index0)
    object startTime = null, stopTime = null;
    accessIntervals.GetInterval(index0, out startTime, out stopTime);

    IAgDrResult result = dp.ExecElements(startTime, stopTime, 60ref dataPrvElements);

    Array timeValues = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("Time").GetValues();
    Array snr1 = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("S/T SNR1").GetValues();
    Array pdet1 = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("S/T PDet1").GetValues();
    Array integSnr = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("S/T Integrated SNR").GetValues();
    Array integPdet = result.DataSets.GetDataSetByName("S/T Integrated PDet").GetValues();

    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < timeValues.GetLength(0); ++index1)
        string time = (string)timeValues.GetValue(index1);
        double snr1Val = (double)snr1.GetValue(index1);
        double pdet1Val = (double)pdet1.GetValue(index1);
        double integSnrVal = (double)integSnr.GetValue(index1);
        double integPdetVal = (double)integPdet.GetValue(index1);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: SNR1={1} PDet1={2} Integrated SNR={3} Integrated PDet={4}", time, snr1Val, pdet1Val, integSnrVal, integPdetVal);


Add analytical terrain to the scenario on Earth central body

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String terrainFile: Path of Terrain data file

// Retrieve the IAgScenario interface
IAgScenario scenario = root.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;

IAgCentralBodyTerrainCollection terrainCollection = scenario.Terrain;
IAgTerrainCollection elementCollection = terrainCollection["Earth"].TerrainCollection;

// Add terrain data file to current scenario's terrain collection
// Terrain data files traditionally have .dte extensions
IAgTerrain terrain = elementCollection.Add(terrainFile, AgETerrainFileType.eMUSERasterFile);

// Set Scenario to use terrain data file
terrain.UseTerrain = true;

Configure scenario animation

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// IAgScenario scenario: Scenario

IAgScAnimation animation = scenario.Animation;

animation.StartTime = "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00";
animation.EnableAnimCycleTime = true;
animation.AnimCycleType = AgEScEndLoopType.eEndTime;
animation.AnimCycleTime = "2 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00";
animation.AnimStepValue = 1000;
animation.RefreshDeltaType = AgEScRefreshDeltaType.eRefreshDelta;
animation.RefreshDelta = 0.02;

Configure scenario text font

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgScenario scenario: Scenario

IAgSc3dFont fonts = scenario.VO.LargeFont;

fonts.Bold = true;
fonts.Italic = true;
fonts.PtSize = AgESc3dPtSize.eSc3dFontSize36;

if (fonts.IsFontAvailable("Impact"))
    fonts.Name = "Impact";

// AvailableFonts returns a one dimensional array of font strings
Array allFonts = fonts.AvailableFonts;
int index = Array.IndexOf(allFonts, "Courier");
if (index != -1)
    fonts.Name = allFonts.GetValue(index) as string;

Add a new STK Object to the scenario

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eShip, "Ship1");

Import an existing STK Object file into the scenario

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String stkObjectLocation: Path of STK Object external file


Retrieve the list of scenario's children of a given type

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// AgESTKObjectType type: Object type in scenario that we want to list

IAgStkObjectElementCollection allChildrenOfType = root.CurrentScenario.Children.GetElements(type);

foreach (IAgStkObject o in allChildrenOfType)

Close a scenario

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root


Create a new scenario (closing the current scenario if necessary)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Close current scenario
if (root.CurrentScenario != null)

// Get IAgScenario interface
IAgScenario scenario = root.CurrentScenario as IAgScenario;

// Set scenario start and stop times
scenario.SetTimePeriod("1 Jun 1999 12:00:00.00""2 Jun 1999 12:00:00.00");

Load a scenario (closing the current scenario if necessary)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String scenarioLocation: Specified path of scenario

// close current scenario
if (root.CurrentScenario != null)

Save a scenario

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root


Save a scenario to a new location (Save as)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String fileName: Specified path and file name of scenario


Define a complex sensor

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// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

IAgSnComplexConicPattern patterndata = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternComplexConic(;
patterndata.AngularResolution = 0.5;

Define a custom sensor

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
// String sensorPatternPath: Path of Custom Sensor data file

// Set pattern type to Custom
IAgSnCustomPattern customPattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternCustom(sensorPatternPath);
customPattern.AngularResolution = 6.0;
customPattern.UseNativeResolution = false;

Define a half power sensor

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Configure pattern
IAgSnHalfPowerPattern pattern = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternHalfPower(;

Define a SAR sensor

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Configure pattern
IAgSnSARPattern patterndata = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternSAR(;

Define a simple conic sensor

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

IAgSnSimpleConicPattern patternData = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPatternSimpleConic(40.00.1);

Define and compute sensor swath

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// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Configure swath display properties
IAgSwath swath = sensor.Swath;
swath.Enable = true;
swath.Color = Color.Red; // red
swath.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eLMSDash;
swath.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e2;

// New swath properties
swath.UseMaximumCone = true;
swath.CurvatureTolerance = 90.0;
swath.ScatteringTolerance = 70.0;
swath.MinimumStep = 5;
swath.MaximumStep = 10;

swath.AddTimeInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000");
swath.AddTimeInterval("1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000""1 Jan 2012 15:00:00.000");

Define external sensor pointing

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
// String externalSensorPointingPath: Path of sensor external file

// Sensor pointing data files traditionally have .sp extensions

IAgSnPtExternal external = sensor.Pointing as IAgSnPtExternal;

Define fixed location

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Set sensor's location to fixed

// Configure sensor location
IAgPosition pos = sensor.LocationData as IAgPosition;
pos.AssignCartesian(595.20, -110.124.6);

Define fixed sensor pointing

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

IAgSnPtFixed fixedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingFixedAzEl(4.5, -45.0, AgEAzElAboutBoresight.eAzElAboutBoresightRotate);

Define location from Vector Geometry Tool point

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Set location type to VGT

// Get IAgLocationCrdnPoint interface
IAgLocationCrdnPoint vgtPoint = sensor.LocationData as IAgLocationCrdnPoint;

// point sensor to an already existing object
vgtPoint.PointPath = "Facility/Facility1 Center";

Define location on 3D model

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Set pointing type to 3d model

// Point to model attach point (in this example: "SolarArrays-000000")
IAgSnPt3DModel model = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointing3DModel("Solar_PanelsNode");

Define sensor to use azimuth elevation mask file

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object
// String maskFilePath: Path to external az-el data file

// Specify Mask file

// Get Mask File interface
IAgSnAzElMaskFile maskFile = sensor.AzElMaskData as IAgSnAzElMaskFile;

// Configure MaskFile as needed
maskFile.BoresightAxis = AgESnAzElBsightAxisType.ePlus_MinusZ;

Define spinning sensor pointing

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Set pattern type to Spinning
IAgSnPtSpinning spinning = sensor.Pointing as IAgSnPtSpinning;

// Configure sensor
spinning.SpinAxisAzimuth = 14.24;
spinning.SpinAxisElevation = 7.68;
spinning.SpinAxisConeAngle = 42.46;
spinning.ScanMode = AgESnScanMode.eSnContinuous;
spinning.SpinRate = 88.921;
spinning.OffsetAngle = 110.44;

Define spinning sensor pointing (using common tasks)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

// Configure sensor (using common taks)

Define targeted sensor pointing

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSensor sensor: Sensor object

IAgSnPtTargeted targetedSensor = sensor.CommonTasks.SetPointingTargetedTracking(
    AgETrackModeType.eTrackModeTransmit, AgEBoresightType.eBoresightLevel, "*/AreaTarget/AreaTarget1");

Configure sensor 3D projection

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSnVO sensorVo: Sensor VO object

sensorVo.ProjectionType = AgESnVOProjectionType.eProjectionAllIntersections;
sensorVo.InheritFrom2D = AgESnVOInheritFrom2D.eSnVOInheritFrom2DExtentOnly;
sensorVo.SpaceProjection = 2000.0;

Configure basic properties

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// IAgStar star: Star object

// Units depend on current unit preferences
star.LocationDeclination = -40.0;
star.LocationRightAscension = 120.0// in arcSec
star.Magnitude = -1.0;
star.Parallax = 0.0// in arcSec
star.ProperMotionDeclination = 1.5// in arcSec
star.ProperMotionRadialVelocity = 0.75// in meters
star.ProperMotionRightAscension = -0.5// in arcSec

Create a star (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create the Star
IAgStar star = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eStar, "MyStar"as IAgStar;

Create a star from a star database

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Import object from database using Connect
string command = "ImportFromDB * Star ScenarioCollection VisualMagnitude 0 1.0 RightAsc 200.0 230.0 Constellation ImportedFromStarDB";

IAgStar star = root.GetObjectFromPath("Star/Star-65474"as IAgStar;

Change a target position

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgTarget target: Target

IAgPosition pos = target.Position;

Configure a target from azimuth mask file

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgTarget target: Target
// String maskfile: Path of maskfile

target.UseLocalTimeOffset = true;
target.LocalTimeOffset = 200.0;
target.UseTerrain = true;
// Note, if SetAzElMask is set to a type other than AgEAzElMaskType.eMaskFile,
// the second parameter is ignored.
target.SetAzElMask(AgEAzElMaskType.eMaskFile, maskfile);
target.TerrainNorm = AgETerrainNormType.eSlopeAzimuth;
target.AltRef = AgEAltRefType.eMSL;
target.HeightAboveGround = 1472.0;

Create a target (on the current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create the Target on the current scenario central body (use
// NewOnCentralBody to specify explicitly the central body)
IAgTarget areaTarget = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eAreaTarget, "MyAreaTarget"as IAgTarget;

Configure an aircraft route using the Great Arc propagator

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// IAgAircraft aircraft: Aircraft object

// Set ship route to great arc

// Retrieve propagator interface
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator = aircraft.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;
propagator.ArcGranularity = 51.333;

// Set Ref type to WayPtAltRefTerrain and retreive IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain interface
IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain altRef = propagator.AltitudeRef as IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain;
altRef.Granularity = 51.33;
altRef.InterpMethod = AgEVeWayPtInterpMethod.eWayPtEllipsoidHeight;

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineTimeAccFromVel;

// Add waypoints
IAgVeWaypointsElement point1 = propagator.Waypoints.Add();
point1.Latitude = 39.7674;
point1.Longitude = -79.7292;
point1.Altitude = 3.0;
point1.Speed = 0.0772;

IAgVeWaypointsElement point2 = propagator.Waypoints.Add();
point2.Latitude = 38.3721;
point2.Longitude = -120.1160;
point2.Altitude = 3.0;
point2.Speed = 0.0772;

// Add more way points if necessary...

// Propagate

Set an aircraft to use Great Arc propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgAircraft aircraft: Aircraft object

// Set ship route to great arc

// Retrieve propagator interface
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator = aircraft.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;

Add ground ellipse element and data element

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVeGroundEllipsesCollection ellipsesCollection: Ellipses collection

// Add ground ellipse
IAgVeGroundEllipseElement ellipse = ellipsesCollection.Add("MyEllipses");

// Add ellipse data element
IAgVeEllipseDataElement element = ellipse.EllipseData.Add();

// Configure element properties
element.Time = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";
element.Latitude = 35.2920;
element.Longitude = -93.7299;
element.SemiMajorAxis = 400.0;
element.SemiMinorAxis = 300.0;
element.Bearing = 35.71;

Export a vehicle attitude to an external file

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgScenario scenario: Current Scenario Object.
// IAgVeAttitudeExportTool attitudeExport: Attitude Export Tool

// Set and configure attitude coordinate axes
IAgVeCoordinateAxesCustom customAxes = attitudeExport.CoordinateAxes as IAgVeCoordinateAxesCustom;
customAxes.ReferenceAxesName = "CentralBody/Sun J2000 Axes";

attitudeExport.VersionFormat = AgEExportToolVersionFormat.eExportToolVersionFormatCurrent;
attitudeExport.Include = AgEAttInclude.eAttIncludeQuaternionsAngularVelocity;

// Set the attitude file to use Scenario start and stop time
attitudeExport.TimePeriod.TimePeriodType = AgEExportToolTimePeriod.eExportToolTimePeriodSpecify;
attitudeExport.TimePeriod.Start = scenario.StartTime;
attitudeExport.TimePeriod.Stop = scenario.StopTime;

attitudeExport.StepSize.StepSizeType = AgEExportToolStepSize.eExportToolStepSizeSpecify;
attitudeExport.StepSize.Value = 3600;

// Save Attitude File

Export a vehicle STK ephemeris to an external file

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
// IAgVeEphemerisStkExportTool stkEphem: STK Ephemeris Export Tool
// String ephemFilePath: The fully qualified file path where the Ephemeris is to be exported to

// set export parameters
stkEphem.CoordinateSystem = AgEStkEphemCoordinateSystem.eStkEphemCoordinateSystemFixed;
stkEphem.IncludeInterp = true;
stkEphem.VersionFormat = AgEExportToolVersionFormat.eExportToolVersionFormatCurrent;
stkEphem.TimePeriod.TimePeriodType = AgEExportToolTimePeriod.eExportToolTimePeriodSpecify;

// Set the ephemeris to the Scenario start and stop times
stkEphem.TimePeriod.Start = scenario.StartTime;
stkEphem.TimePeriod.Stop = scenario.StopTime;

stkEphem.StepSize.StepSizeType = AgEExportToolStepSize.eExportToolStepSizeEphem;

Add attitude data based on a time-ordered set of Euler angles

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// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set Attitude to Standard
// Get IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard interface
IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard standard = satellite.Attitude as IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard;

// Set Profile to Inertially Fixed
// Get IAgVeProfileInertial interface
IAgVeProfileInertial interfix = standard.Basic.Profile as IAgVeProfileInertial;


Add attitude data based on a time-ordered set of quaternions

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard standard = satellite.Attitude as IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard;
IAgVeProfileInertial interfix = standard.Basic.Profile as IAgVeProfileInertial;

interfix.Inertial.AssignQuaternion(-0.34298, -0.470810.703450.40725);

Add attitude data based on a time-ordered set of quaternions interpreted relative to CBF

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
// Array cpfQuaternion: Array that contains CPF Quaternion data

IAgVeAttitudeRealTime realtime = satellite.Attitude as IAgVeAttitudeRealTime;

for (int i = 0; i < cpfQuaternion.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
        cpfQuaternion.GetValue(i, 0),
        (double)cpfQuaternion.GetValue(i, 1),
        (double)cpfQuaternion.GetValue(i, 2),
        (double)cpfQuaternion.GetValue(i, 3),
        (double)cpfQuaternion.GetValue(i, 4));

Configure real-time attitude

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// set attitude type to real time
IAgVeAttitudeRealTime realtime = satellite.Attitude as IAgVeAttitudeRealTime;

// Set our Attitude Look Ahead method to Extrapolate
realtime.LookAheadMethod = AgEVeLookAheadMethod.eExtrapolate;

// Duration
IAgVeDuration duration = realtime.Duration;
duration.LookAhead = 1600.0;
duration.LookBehind = 1600.0;

// BlockFactor
realtime.BlockFactor = 40;

Set attitude profile type (if profile is supported)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard standard = satellite.Attitude as IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard;
if (standard.Basic.IsProfileTypeSupported(AgEVeProfile.eProfileSpinning))

Configure access intervals graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess accessAttributes: Access Attributes graphics


accessAttributes.DuringAccess.IsVisible = true;
accessAttributes.DuringAccess.Color = Color.Yellow;
accessAttributes.NoAccess.IsVisible = true;
accessAttributes.NoAccess.Color = Color.Red;

Configure basic graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic basicAttributes: Basic Attributes graphics

// Change display
basicAttributes.IsVisible = true;
basicAttributes.Color = Color.Red;
basicAttributes.Line.Style = AgELineStyle.eDotted;
basicAttributes.Line.Width = AgELineWidth.e3;
basicAttributes.MarkerStyle = "Square";

Configure custom intervals graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom customAttributes: Custom Attributes graphics

IAgVeGfxIntervalsCollection customIntervals = customAttributes.Intervals;

// Add intervals
customIntervals.Add("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000");
customIntervals.Add("2 Jan 2012 01:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 02:00:00.000");

// Deconflict intervals if necessary

Configure elevation contours

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// IAgVeGfxElevContours gfxContours: Gfx contours
// IAgVeVOElevContours voContours: VO contours

gfxContours.IsVisible = true;
gfxContours.IsFillVisible = true;
gfxContours.FillStyle = AgEFillStyle.eFillStyleHorizontalStripe;
gfxContours.NumOfDecimalDigits = 5;

// Add contour elevation level
IAgVeGfxElevationsElement elevation = gfxContours.Elevations.AddLevel(25.0);

// Configure contour elevation element
elevation.Color = Color.Red;
elevation.DistanceVisible = true;
elevation.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDotted;
elevation.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e3;
elevation.UserTextVisible = true;
elevation.UserText = "My new elevation";

// Set contours to visible on scenario
voContours.IsVisible = true;
voContours.Fill = true;
voContours.FillTranslucency = 80.0;

Configure sunlight lighting graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVeGfxLighting lighting: Vehicle graphics lighting

IAgVeGfxLightingElement sunlight = lighting.Sunlight;

sunlight.Visible = true;
sunlight.Color = Color.Red;
sunlight.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDotted;
sunlight.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e3;
sunlight.MarkerStyle = "Circle";

Set a vehicle's graphics to access intervals

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGreatArcGraphics graphics: Great Arc graphics

if (graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesAccess))
    // Set graphics to access intervals

    // Get IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess interface
    IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess accessAttributes = graphics.Attributes as IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess;

    // adjust the access intervals graphics

Set a vehicle's graphics to basic

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGreatArcGraphics graphics: Great Arc graphics

if (graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesBasic))
    // Set graphics to basic

    // Get IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic interface
    IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic basicAttributes = graphics.Attributes as IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic;

    // adjust the basic graphics

Set a vehicle's graphics to custom intervals

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGreatArcGraphics graphics: Great Arc graphics

if (graphics.IsAttributesTypeSupported(AgEVeGfxAttributes.eAttributesCustom))
    // Set graphics to custom

    // Get IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom interface
    IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom customAttributes = graphics.Attributes as IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom;

    // adjust the custom intervals graphics

Configure 3D dropline graphics

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVeVODropLinePathItem dropLine: Drop line

dropLine.IsVisible = true;
dropLine.Use2DColor = false;
dropLine.Color = Color.Red;
dropLine.LineStyle = AgELineStyle.eDashed;
dropLine.LineWidth = AgELineWidth.e4;
dropLine.Interval = 100.000// in sec

Configure 3D pass graphics

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// IAgVeVOPass pass: Vehicle pass

// Set lead data type to fraction, retrieved IAgVeGfxLeadData implementation


pass.TickMarks.GroundTrack.IsVisible = true;
pass.TickMarks.Orbit.IsVisible = true;
pass.TickMarks.TimeBetweenTicks = 180;

Configure control from a propagate segment with Design Explorer Optimizer

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVAMCSTargetSequence sequence: Target sequence object

string deoStr = "Design Explorer Optimizer";

// Retrieve sequence profile
if (Array.IndexOf(sequence.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, deoStr) != -1)
    // Add a propagate segment on the Target Sequence in order to provide a control
    IAgVAMCSPropagate propagate = sequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypePropagate, "MyPropagate""-"as IAgVAMCSPropagate;

    // Enable the propagate "StoppingConditions.Duration.TripValue" control
    IAgVAStoppingConditionElement durationControl = propagate.StoppingConditions["Duration"];

    IAgVAProfileDEOptimizer deo = sequence.Profiles.Add(deoStr) as IAgVAProfileDEOptimizer;

    // Retrieve result reference
    IAgVADEControlCollection controls = deo.ControlParameters;
    IAgVADEControl prop1Duration = controls.GetControlByPaths("MyPropagate""StoppingConditions.Duration.TripValue");

    // Configure IAgVADEControl properties
    prop1Duration.Enable = true;
    prop1Duration.Perturbation = 0.01;
    prop1Duration.LowerBound = 0;
    prop1Duration.UpperBound = 43200;
    prop1Duration.ScalingMethod = AgEVADEScalingMethod.eVADEScalingMethodCustom;
    prop1Duration.ScalingValue = 0.000055;

Configure initial state segment

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// Add a new segment and cast the segment to the IAgVAMCSInitialState interface
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeInitialState, "Inner Orbit""-");
IAgVAMCSInitialState initState = segment as IAgVAMCSInitialState;

initState.CoordSystemName = "CentralBody/Earth Fixed";
initState.OrbitEpoch = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";

// Set element type and cast the Element property to the appropriate interface
// configure the element as necessary
IAgVAElementCartesian cartesian = initState.Element as IAgVAElementCartesian;
cartesian.Vx = 8051.21;
cartesian.Y = 55;
cartesian.Z = 0;
cartesian.Vx = 0.45;
cartesian.Vy = 8.10158;
cartesian.Vz = 3.51009;

// Configure fuel tank if necessary
initState.FuelTank.FuelDensity = 1001;
initState.FuelTank.FuelMass = 501;
initState.FuelTank.TankPressure = 5001;
initState.FuelTank.TankTemperature = 292;

// Configure spacecraft parameters
initState.SpacecraftParameters.Cd = 2.3;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.Ck = 1.1;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.Cr = 1.3;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.DragArea = 21;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.DryMass = 501;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.K1 = /*$k1$K1*/2;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.K2 = 3;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.RadiationPressureArea = 23.0;
initState.SpacecraftParameters.SolarRadiationPressureArea = 22.0;

Configure launch segment

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// Add launch sequence and retrieve the
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeLaunch, "MyLaunch""-");
IAgVAMCSLaunch launch = segment as IAgVAMCSLaunch;

// Configure launch properties
launch.CentralBodyName = "Mars";
launch.Epoch = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";
launch.StepSize = 6;
launch.UsePreviousSegmentState = false;
launch.PreLaunchTime = 1;
launch.TimeOfFlight = 500;
launch.AscentType = AgEVAAscentType.eVAAscentTypeEllipseQuarticMotion;
launch.InitialAcceleration = 0.02;

// Configure display type
IAgVADisplaySystemGeocentric llr = (IAgVADisplaySystemGeocentric)launch.DisplaySystem;
llr.Latitude = 35.581;
llr.Longitude = -92.263;
llr.Radius = 1000;

// Configure launch type
launch.AscentType = AgEVAAscentType.eVAAscentTypeEllipseQuarticMotion;
launch.InitialAcceleration = 0.02;
launch.AscentType = AgEVAAscentType.eVAAscentTypeEllipseCubicMotion;

// Configure burnout type
IAgVABurnoutVelocity velocity = launch.BurnoutVelocity;
velocity.BurnoutOption = AgEVABurnoutOptions.eVABurnoutOptionsInertialVelocity;
velocity.InertialVelocity = 20.0;
velocity.InertialHorizontalFPA = 22;
velocity.InertialVelocityAzimuth = 55;
velocity.BurnoutOption = AgEVABurnoutOptions.eVABurnoutOptionsFixedVelocity;
velocity.FixedVelocity = 20;

Configure maneuver segment

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// Add launch sequence and retrieve the IAgVAMCSManeuver interface
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "MyManeuver""-");
IAgVAMCSManeuver maneuver = segment as IAgVAMCSManeuver;

// Set Maneuver to Impulsive
IAgVAManeuverImpulsive impulse = maneuver.Maneuver as IAgVAManeuverImpulsive;

// Set Impulsive attitude to VelocityVector
IAgVAAttitudeControlImpulsiveVelocityVector velVec = impulse.AttitudeControl as IAgVAAttitudeControlImpulsiveVelocityVector;
velVec.DeltaVMagnitude = 1.0;

impulse.SetPropulsionMethod(AgEVAPropulsionMethod.eVAPropulsionMethodThrusterSet, "Thruster Set");
impulse.UpdateMass = true;

Configure propagate segment

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// Add a propagate segment to our sequence
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypePropagate, "Propagate""-");
IAgVAMCSPropagate propagate = segment as IAgVAMCSPropagate;
propagate.PropagatorName = "Earth Point Mass";

// Configure propagtor advanced properties
propagate.MinPropagationTime = 0;
propagate.EnableMaxPropagationTime = true;
propagate.MaxPropagationTime = 72000000;
propagate.EnableWarningMessage = true;

// Configure stopping conditions
IAgVAStoppingCondition duration = propagate.StoppingConditions["Duration"].Properties as IAgVAStoppingCondition;
duration.Trip = 7200;
duration.Tolerance = 0.00001;

// Add any addition stopping conditions
IAgVAStoppingCondition lightning = propagate.StoppingConditions.Add("Lighting"as IAgVAStoppingCondition;

Configure result from a maneuver segment with Design Explorer Optimizer

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVAMCSTargetSequence sequence: Target sequence object

// Add a maneuver segment on the Target Sequence in order to provide access result
IAgVAMCSManeuver maneuver = sequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "MyManeuver""-"as IAgVAMCSManeuver;

// Add results the Access result to the manuever

string deoStr = "Design Explorer Optimizer";

// Retrieve sequence profile
if (Array.IndexOf(sequence.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, deoStr) != -1)
    IAgVAProfileDEOptimizer deo = sequence.Profiles.Add(deoStr) as IAgVAProfileDEOptimizer;

    // Retrieve result reference
    IAgVADEResult altitudeResult = deo.Results.GetResultByPaths("MyManeuver""Access");

    // Configure VADEResult properties

    altitudeResult.Enable = true;
    altitudeResult.Goal = AgEVADEGoal.eVADEGoalMaximize;
    altitudeResult.Weight = 2.00000;
    altitudeResult.ScalingMethod = AgEVADEScalingMethod.eVADEScalingMethodInitialValue;

Configure sequence segment with scripting tool

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// Add launch sequence and retrieve the
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeSequence, "MySequence""-");
IAgVAMCSSequence sequence = segment as IAgVAMCSSequence;

IAgVAScriptingTool scriptTool = sequence.ScriptingTool;
scriptTool.Enable = true;
scriptTool.LanguageType = AgEVALanguage.eVALanguageVBScript;
DeltaArg = dArg

&#39;  Set the optimizers desired results
DEOdArgUB = DeltaArg
DEOdArgLB = DeltaArg

&#39;  Initial guess tool:
&#39;  Assume transfer orbit is something like a circular orbit linking apoapse of initial orbit to apoapse of final orbit
&#39;  Constants:
mu = 398600
pi = 3.14159265358979

&#39;  Step 1:  propagate to apoapsis
Prop1Dur = Period_0/2

&#39;  Step 2:  conditions at end of initial orbit:
SMA_0 = 0.5*(RadApo_0 + RadPeri_0)
VelApo_0 = sqr( (RadPeri_0*mu) / (RadApo_0*SMA_0) )

&#39;  Step 3:  evaluate properties of the circular transfer orbit
Rcirc = RadApo_0
Vcirc = sqr(mu/Rcirc)
PeriodCirc = 2*pi*Sqr( Rcirc*Rcirc*Rcirc / mu)

&#39;  Step 4:  set first maneuver to enter transfer orbit
Burn1X = Vcirc - VelApo_0
Burn1Z = 0

&#39;  Step 5:  propagate along transfer orbit the desired change in argument of periapse
If DeltaArg >= 0 Then
 TransferDur = PeriodCirc*(DeltaArg/360)
 TransferDur = PeriodCirc*(360+DeltaArg)/360
End If

&#39; Step 6:  set second maneuver to enter desired final orbit
Burn2X = -Burn1X
Burn2Z = 0

// Configure the script tool's segments

IAgVAScriptingSegment burn1X = scriptTool.SegmentProperties.Add("Burn1X");

if (Array.IndexOf(burn1X.AvailableObjectNames, "Optimize_Delta_w.Burn1") != -1)
    burn1X.ObjectName = "Optimize_Delta_w.Burn1";
    burn1X.Attribute = "ImpulsiveMnvr.Cartesian.X";
    burn1X.Unit = "km/sec";

IAgVAScriptingCalcObject period0 = scriptTool.CalcObjects.Add("Period_0");
period0.CalcObjectName = "Segments/Value At Segment";
IAgVAStateCalcValueAtSegment valAtSeg = period0.CalcObject as IAgVAStateCalcValueAtSegment;
valAtSeg.CalcObjectName = "Keplerian Elems/Orbit Period";

Configure target sequence segment

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// First add a sequence target
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeTargetSequence, "Start Transfer""-");
IAgVAMCSTargetSequence targetSequence = segment as IAgVAMCSTargetSequence;

targetSequence.Action = AgEVATargetSeqAction.eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles;
targetSequence.WhenProfilesFinish = AgEVAProfilesFinish.eVAProfilesFinishRunToReturnAndContinue;
targetSequence.ContinueOnFailure = false;

// Add as many child segments to target
IAgVAMCSManeuver dv1 = targetSequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "DV1""-"as IAgVAMCSManeuver;
IAgVAMCSManeuver dv2 = targetSequence.Segments.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeManeuver, "DV2""-"as IAgVAMCSManeuver;

// Add more profiles if necessary
string profileName = "Change Maneuver Type";
if (Array.IndexOf(targetSequence.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, profileName) != -1)
    IAgVAProfile newProfile = targetSequence.Profiles.Add(profileName);

// Enable controls
IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector dc = targetSequence.Profiles["Differential Corrector"as IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector;
IAgVADCControl controlParam = dc.ControlParameters.GetControlByPaths("DV1""ImpulsiveMnvr.Cartesian.X");
controlParam.Enable = true;
controlParam.MaxStep = 0.3;

// Enable results
IAgVADCResult roaResult = dc.Results.GetResultByPaths("DV1""Epoch");
roaResult.Enable = true;

// Confiure the differential corrector
dc.MaxIterations = 50;
dc.EnableDisplayStatus = true;
dc.Mode = AgEVAProfileMode.eVAProfileModeIterate;
targetSequence.Action = AgEVATargetSeqAction.eVATargetSeqActionRunActiveProfiles;

Configure target sequence with Differential Corrector profile

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

IAgVAMCSTargetSequence startTransfer = driver.MainSequence["Start Transfer"as IAgVAMCSTargetSequence;

string dcString = "Differential Corrector";

if (Array.IndexOf(startTransfer.Profiles.AvailableProfiles, dcString) != -1)
    IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector dc = startTransfer.Profiles.Add(dcString) as IAgVAProfileDifferentialCorrector;

    // Configure differential corrector
    dc.ClearCorrectionsBeforeRun = true;
    dc.ConvergenceCriteria = AgEVAConvergenceCriteria.eVAConvervenceCriteriaEitherEqualityConstraintsOrControlParams;
    dc.EnableBPlaneNominal = false;
    dc.EnableBPlanePerturbations = false;
    dc.EnableDisplayStatus = true;
    dc.EnableHomotopy = true;
    dc.HomotopySteps = 2;
    dc.EnableHomotopy = false;
    dc.EnableLineSearch = true;
    dc.LineSearchLowerBound = 0.001;
    dc.LineSearchTolerance = 0.001;
    dc.LineSearchUpperBound = 5.0;
    dc.MaxLineSearchIterations = 5;
    dc.MaxIterations = 20;

    // Apply

Configure the Astrogrator propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object


IAgVADriverMCS driver = satellite.Propagator as IAgVADriverMCS;

// Remove if necessary

// Configure properties as necessarily
driver.Options.DrawTrajectoryIn3D = true;
driver.Options.GraphicsUpdateRate = 0.90;
driver.Options.UpdateAnimationTimeForAllObjects = false;
driver.Options.StoppingConditionTimeTolerance = 0.00000005;
driver.Options.EnableLogging = true;

Configure update segment

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVADriverMCS driver: Astrogrator driver object

// Add launch sequence and retrieve the
IAgVAMCSSegment segment = driver.MainSequence.Insert(AgEVASegmentType.eVASegmentTypeUpdate, "MyUpdate""-");
IAgVAMCSUpdate update = segment as IAgVAMCSUpdate;

// Specify the element to be changed, the action, and the value

// Add values
update.SetActionAndValue(AgEVAUpdateParam.eVAUpdateParamCd, AgEVAUpdateAction.eVAUpdateActionAddValue, 2);
update.SetActionAndValue(AgEVAUpdateParam.eVAUpdateParamFuelDensity, AgEVAUpdateAction.eVAUpdateActionAddValue, 1);

// Set to new value
update.SetActionAndValue(AgEVAUpdateParam.eVAUpdateParamTankPressure, AgEVAUpdateAction.eVAUpdateActionSetToNewValue, 6000);
update.SetActionAndValue(AgEVAUpdateParam.eVAUpdateParamTankTemp, AgEVAUpdateAction.eVAUpdateActionSetToNewValue, 5);

// Subtract values
update.SetActionAndValue(AgEVAUpdateParam.eVAUpdateParamSRPArea, AgEVAUpdateAction.eVAUpdateActionSubtractValue, 10);
update.SetActionAndValue(AgEVAUpdateParam.eVAUpdateParamSRPArea, AgEVAUpdateAction.eVAUpdateActionSubtractValue, 1);

Configure the Ballistic propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorBallistic propagator: Ballistic propagator

propagator.Step = 30;

IAgVeLaunchLLA launch = propagator.Launch as IAgVeLaunchLLA;
launch.Lat = 30.338;
launch.Lon = 33.468;
launch.Alt = 1.5;


IAgVeImpactLocationPoint impactLocation = propagator.ImpactLocation as IAgVeImpactLocationPoint;

IAgVeImpactLLA impact = impactLocation.Impact as IAgVeImpactLLA;
impact.Lat = 25.474;
impact.Lon = 68.306;
impact.Alt = 0.0;

IAgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaV fixedDeltaV = impactLocation.LaunchControl as IAgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaV;
fixedDeltaV.DeltaV = 7.545;


Configure the GPS propagator with an almanac

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGPS propagator: GPS propagator
// String almanacPath: Almanac path
// IAgStkObject scenario: Current scenario

// Configure properties
// Use the scenario's analysis interval

// PRN must be set before configuring GPS almanac
propagator.PRN = Int32.Parse((string)propagator.AvailablePRNs.GetValue(0));

// Turn the Auto-update off
propagator.AutoUpdateEnabled = false;

// Specify a catalog
propagator.SpecifyCatalog.Filename = almanacPath;

// Configure the properties specific to the chosen almanac
switch (propagator.SpecifyCatalog.Properties.Type)
    case AgEVeGPSAlmanacType.eGPSAlmanacTypeSEM:
            /* configure the SEM almanac */
            IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSEM sem = propagator.SpecifyCatalog.Properties as IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSEM;
            sem.ReferenceWeek = AgEGPSReferenceWeek.eGPSReferenceWeek22Aug1999;
    case AgEVeGPSAlmanacType.eGPSAlmanacTypeSP3:
            /* SP3 almanac contains no configurable properties */
            IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSP3 sp3 = propagator.SpecifyCatalog.Properties as IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSP3;
    case AgEVeGPSAlmanacType.eGPSAlmanacTypeYUMA:
            /* configure the YUMA almanac */
            IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesYUMA yuma = propagator.SpecifyCatalog.Properties as IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesYUMA;
            yuma.ReferenceWeek = AgEGPSReferenceWeek.eGPSReferenceWeek22Aug1999;

// Propagate

Configure the Great Arc propagator with a list of waypoints

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great arc propagator

// Array with waypoints to insert
object[,] waypoints = new object[,]
        { 20.3619.410, -99.125"1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000" },
        { 20.3019.421, -99.135"1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000" },
        { 20.3019.434, -99.137"1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000" }

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineVelFromTime;

// Remove any previous waypoints

// Insert the waypoints
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.GetLength(0); i++)
    IAgVeWaypointsElement waypoint = propagator.Waypoints.Add();
    waypoint.Altitude = (double) waypoints[i, 0];
    waypoint.Latitude = waypoints[i, 1];
    waypoint.Longitude = waypoints[i, 2];
    waypoint.Time = waypoints[i, 3];

// Propagate ground vehicle

Configure the Great Arc propagator with a list of waypoints and velocity

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great arc propagator

// Array with waypoints to insert
// Consists of: altitude, latitude, longitude, speed
double[,] waypoints = new double[,]
        { 20.3619.410, -99.12510.5 },
        { 20.3019.421, -99.13512.5 },
        { 20.3019.434, -99.13715.0 }

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineTimeAccFromVel;

// Remove any previous waypoints

// Insert the waypoints
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.GetLength(0); i++)
    IAgVeWaypointsElement waypoint = propagator.Waypoints.Add();
    waypoint.Altitude = waypoints[i, 0];
    waypoint.Latitude = waypoints[i, 1];
    waypoint.Longitude = waypoints[i, 2];
    waypoint.Speed = waypoints[i, 3];

// Propagate ground vehicle

List all waypoints in a Waypoint Collection

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great arc propagator

// Array with waypoints to insert
object[,] waypoints = new object[,]
        { 20.3619.410, -99.125"1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000" },
        { 20.3019.421, -99.135"1 Jan 2012 13:00:00.000" },
        { 20.3019.434, -99.137"1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000" }

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineVelFromTime;

// Remove any previous waypoints

// Insert the waypoints
for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.GetLength(0); i++)
    IAgVeWaypointsElement waypoint = propagator.Waypoints.Add();
    waypoint.Altitude = (double)waypoints[i, 0];
    waypoint.Latitude = waypoints[i, 1];
    waypoint.Longitude = waypoints[i, 2];
    waypoint.Time = waypoints[i, 3];

// List the waypoints after extracting them into an array
Array waypointArray = propagator.Waypoints.ToArray();
for (int j = 0; j < waypointArray.GetLength(0); ++j)
    Console.WriteLine("  Time: {0} Latitude: {1} Longitude: {2} Altitude: {3}",
        waypointArray.GetValue(j, 0),
        Convert.ToDouble(waypointArray.GetValue(j, 1)),
        Convert.ToDouble(waypointArray.GetValue(j, 2)),
        Convert.ToDouble(waypointArray.GetValue(j, 3)));

Set Waypoints (Derive Time and Acceleration from Velocity) and Propagate

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great arc propagator

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineTimeAccFromVel;

Array waypoints = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), 46);

// Point #1
waypoints.SetValue(0.000); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.001); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3500002); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3503); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.004); // Acc
waypoints.SetValue(0.005); // Turn radius

// Point #2
waypoints.SetValue(0.110); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.111); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3510012); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3513); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.014); // Acc
waypoints.SetValue(0.215); // Turn radius

// Point #3
waypoints.SetValue(0.220); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.221); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3520022); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3523); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.024); // Acc
waypoints.SetValue(0.025); // Turn radius

// Point #4
waypoints.SetValue(0.030); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.031); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3520032); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3533); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.034); // Acc
waypoints.SetValue(0.035); // Turn radius

propagator.SetPointsSpecifyVelocityAndPropagate(ref waypoints);

Assert.AreEqual(4, propagator.Waypoints.Count);

Set Waypoints (Derive Time from Velocity and Acceleration) and Propagate

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great arc propagator

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineTimeFromVelAcc;

Array waypoints = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), 45);
// Point #1
waypoints.SetValue(0.000); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.001); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3500002); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3503); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.004); // Turn radius
// Point #2
waypoints.SetValue(0.110); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.111); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3510012); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3513); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.214); // Turn radius
// Point #3
waypoints.SetValue(0.220); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.221); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3520022); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3523); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.024); // Turn radius
// Point #4
waypoints.SetValue(0.030); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.031); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3520032); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(3533); // Vel
waypoints.SetValue(0.034); // Turn radius

propagator.SetPointsSmoothRateAndPropagate(ref waypoints);

Assert.AreEqual(4, propagator.Waypoints.Count);

Set Waypoints (Derive Velocity from Time) and Propagate

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great arc propagator

propagator.Method = AgEVeWayPtCompMethod.eDetermineVelFromTime;

Array waypoints = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), 45);
// Point #1
waypoints.SetValue("17 Jan 2013 17:00:00.000"00); // Time
waypoints.SetValue(0.001); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.002); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3500003); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(0.004); // Turn radius

// Point #2
waypoints.SetValue("17 Jan 2013 17:01:00.000"10); // Time
waypoints.SetValue(0.111); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.112); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3510013); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(0.214); // Turn radius

// Point #3
waypoints.SetValue("17 Jan 2013 17:02:00.000"20); // Time
waypoints.SetValue(0.221); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.222); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3520023); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(0.024); // Turn radius

// Point #4
waypoints.SetValue("17 Jan 2013 17:03:00.000"30); // Time
waypoints.SetValue(0.031); // Lat
waypoints.SetValue(0.032); // Lon
waypoints.SetValue(3520033); // Alt
waypoints.SetValue(0.034); // Turn radius

propagator.SetPointsSpecifyTimeAndPropagate(ref waypoints);

Assert.AreEqual(4, propagator.Waypoints.Count);

Sets the ephemeris start time to an explicit time, and then add waypoints relative to that time.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator: Great Arc propagator

// Set the epoch time to tomorrow.
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch startEpoch = propagator.EphemerisInterval.GetStartEpoch();

// Waypoints time start from explicit start time that we set above.
Array waypointsAndTimes = new object[,]
    { 40.329, -76.36600.01540 },
    { 40.380, -76.35900.01540 },
    { 40.406, -76.32900.01540 },
    { 40.417, -76.31100.01540 },

propagator.SetPointsSmoothRateAndPropagate(ref waypointsAndTimes);

for (int i = 0; i < propagator.Waypoints.Count; ++i)
    Console.WriteLine("Waypoint {0}, Lat = {1}, Lon = {2}, Time = {3}",

Configure the HPOP propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set satellite propagator to HPOP

// Get IAgVePropagatorLOP interface
IAgVePropagatorHPOP hpopProp = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorHPOP;

// Configure force model
IAgVeHPOPForceModel hpopForceModel = hpopProp.ForceModel;
hpopForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.File = @"STKData\CentralBodies\Earth\GGM02C.grv";
hpopForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.MaxDegree = 45;
hpopForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.MaxOrder = 10;
hpopForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.UseOceanTides = true;

hpopForceModel.Drag.Use = true;
IAgVeHPOPDragModelSpherical hpopDragModel = hpopForceModel.Drag.DragModel as IAgVeHPOPDragModelSpherical;
hpopDragModel.Cd = 1.890000;
hpopDragModel.AreaMassRatio = 0.05;
hpopForceModel.Drag.AtmosphericDensityModel = AgEAtmosphericDensityModel.eMSIS90;


// Propagate

Configure the J2 Perturbation propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set propagator to SGP4

// J2 Perturbation propagator
IAgVePropagatorJ2Perturbation j2prop = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorJ2Perturbation;

// Configure time period
j2prop.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
j2prop.Step = 60.0;

// Configure propagator initial state
IAgVeJxInitialState initial = j2prop.InitialState;
initial.Representation.Epoch = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";
    -1514.4,       // in km (assuming unit preferences set to km)
    -6790.1,       // in km
    -1.25,         // in km
    4.8151,        // in km/sec (assuming unit preferences set to km/sec)
    1.7710,        // in km/sec
    5.6414);       // in km/sec
initial.EllipseOptions = AgEVeEllipseOptions.eSecularlyPrecessing;

// Propagate

Configure the J4 Perturbation propagator to a circular orbit

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
// Double incl: Inclination (default 45.0)
// Double altitude: Atitude (default 500 km)

IAgVePropagatorJ4Perturbation prop = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorJ4Perturbation;

IAgOrbitStateClassical keplerian = prop.InitialState.Representation.ConvertTo(AgEOrbitStateType.eOrbitStateClassical) as IAgOrbitStateClassical;

keplerian.SizeShapeType = AgEClassicalSizeShape.eSizeShapeAltitude;
IAgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude size = keplerian.SizeShape as IAgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude;

size.ApogeeAltitude = altitude;
size.PerigeeAltitude = altitude;

keplerian.Orientation.Inclination = incl;
keplerian.Orientation.ArgOfPerigee = 0;
keplerian.Orientation.AscNodeType = AgEOrientationAscNode.eAscNodeRAAN;
(keplerian.Orientation.AscNode as IAgOrientationAscNodeRAAN).Value = 0;

keplerian.LocationType = AgEClassicalLocation.eLocationTrueAnomaly;
(keplerian.Location as IAgClassicalLocationTrueAnomaly).Value = 0;


Configure the J4 Perturbation propagator to a critically inclined orbit

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object
// Double apogeeAlt: Apogee altitude (default 12000 km)
// Double perigeeAlt: Perigee altitude (default 400 km)
// Double ascNodeLon: Longitude of ascending node (default -100 deg

IAgVePropagatorJ4Perturbation prop = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorJ4Perturbation;

IAgOrbitStateClassical keplerian = prop.InitialState.Representation.ConvertTo(AgEOrbitStateType.eOrbitStateClassical) as IAgOrbitStateClassical;

keplerian.SizeShapeType = AgEClassicalSizeShape.eSizeShapeAltitude;
IAgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude size = keplerian.SizeShape as IAgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude;

size.ApogeeAltitude = apogeeAlt;
size.PerigeeAltitude = perigeeAlt;

keplerian.Orientation.Inclination = 63.434949;
keplerian.Orientation.ArgOfPerigee = 270.000000;
keplerian.Orientation.AscNodeType = AgEOrientationAscNode.eAscNodeLAN;
(keplerian.Orientation.AscNode as IAgOrientationAscNodeLAN).Value = ascNodeLon;

keplerian.LocationType = AgEClassicalLocation.eLocationTrueAnomaly;
(keplerian.Location as IAgClassicalLocationTrueAnomaly).Value = 90.000000;


Configure the LOP propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set satellite propagator to LOP

// Get IAgVePropagatorLOP interface
IAgVePropagatorLOP lopProp = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorLOP;

// Configure time period
lopProp.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
lopProp.Step = 86400;

// Configure propagator initial state
IAgOrbitState orbit = lopProp.InitialState.Representation;
orbit.Epoch = "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000";
    -1120.32,          // in km (assuming unit preferences set to km)
    -9520.84,         // in km
    0.129,      // in km
    2.155,      // in km/sec (assuming unit preferences set to km/sec)
    -1.54416,      // in km/sec
    5.668412);     // in km/sec

// Configure force model
IAgVeLOPForceModel lopForceModel = lopProp.ForceModel;
lopForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.MaxDegree = 15;
lopForceModel.CentralBodyGravity.MaxOrder = 8;
lopForceModel.Drag.Use = true;
lopForceModel.Drag.Cd = 3.55;
lopForceModel.SolarRadiationPressure.Use = true;
lopForceModel.SolarRadiationPressure.Cp = 1.1250;
lopForceModel.SolarRadiationPressure.AtmosHeight = 125;
lopForceModel.PhysicalData.DragCrossSectionalArea = 0.001555512;
lopForceModel.PhysicalData.SRPCrossSectionalArea = 0.001810026;
lopForceModel.PhysicalData.SatelliteMass = 1505.001;

// Propagate

Add realtime LLA positions

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorRealtime propagator: Realtime Propagator

IAgVeRealtimeLLAPoints points = propagator.PointBuilder.LLA;
points.Add("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000"39.693, -76.3990.0390.034580.012230.05402);

Add realtime LLA positions in batches

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorRealtime propagator: Realtime Propagator

// Add realtime LLA points in batches
Array times = new object[]
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:01:00.000",
                  "1 Jan 2012 12:02:00.000"
Array lat = new object[]
Array lon = new object[]
                -76.399, -74.266, -78.578
Array alt = new object[]
Array latrate = new object[]
Array lonrate = new object[]
Array altrate = new object[]

IAgVeRealtimeLLAPoints points = propagator.PointBuilder.LLA;

// AddBatch expects each parameter to be a one dimensional array and all of the same length
points.AddBatch(ref times, ref lat, ref lon, ref alt, ref latrate, ref lonrate, ref altrate);

Configure the Realtime propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgVePropagatorRealtime propagator: Realtime propagator

// Set Realtime Propagator settings if they should be other than
// the defaults.
propagator.InterpolationOrder = 1;
propagator.TimeoutGap = 30.0;
propagator.TimeStep = 60.0;

// Since we want to use the Two Body Look Ahead Propagator, check
// to see that it is supported before we set the Realtime Propagator
// to use this look ahead type
if (propagator.IsLookAheadPropagatorSupported(AgELookAheadPropagator.eLookAheadTwoBody))
    // Set the look ahead type
    propagator.LookAheadPropagator = AgELookAheadPropagator.eLookAheadTwoBody;

    // Set the duration time to look ahead and look behind
    IAgVeDuration duration = propagator.Duration;
    duration.LookAhead = 3600.0;
    duration.LookBehind = 3600.0;

    // Apply the Realtime Propagator settings

Configure the SGP4 propagator with file source

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorSGP4 propagator: An SGP4 propagator
// String tleFilePath: Path to the external TLE data file

// Configure propagator's TLE file path
propagator.CommonTasks.AddSegsFromFile("2215", tleFilePath);

// Propagate

Configure the SGP4 propagator with online source

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorSGP4 propagator: An SGP4 propagator

// Configure time period
propagator.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
propagator.Step = 60.0;

// Add segments

// Propagate

Set SGP4 to auto-update from file source

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorSGP4 propagator: SGP4 satellite propagator
// String fileUpdateSource: File update source

propagator.AutoUpdateEnabled = true;
propagator.AutoUpdate.SelectedSource = AgEVeSGP4AutoUpdateSource.eSGP4AutoUpdateSourceFile;
propagator.AutoUpdate.FileSource.Filename = fileUpdateSource;

// Preview TLEs (optional)
// Preview() returns a one dimension string of tles
Array tles = propagator.AutoUpdate.FileSource.Preview();

Regex rx = new Regex(@"^(?<ssc>[-]?\d+) (?<orbitepoch>[-]?\d+[.]?\d+) (?<revnumber>[-]?\d+)$");
foreach (object line in tles)
    Match m = rx.Match(line.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("SCC: {0}, orbit epoch: {1}, rev number: {2}", m.Groups["ssc"], m.Groups["orbitepoch"], m.Groups["revnumber"]);

// Propagate

Set SGP4 to auto-update from online source

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorSGP4 propagator: SGP4 satellite propagator

propagator.AutoUpdateEnabled = true;
propagator.AutoUpdate.SelectedSource = AgEVeSGP4AutoUpdateSource.eSGP4AutoUpdateSourceOnline;

// Preview TLEs (optional)
// Preview() returns a one dimension string of tles
Array tles = propagator.AutoUpdate.FileSource.Preview();

Regex rx = new Regex(@"^(?<ssc>[-]?\d+) (?<orbitepoch>[-]?\d+[.]?\d+) (?<revnumber>[-]?\d+)$");
foreach (object line in tles)
    Match m = rx.Match(line.ToString());
    Console.WriteLine("SCC: {0}, orbit epoch: {1}, rev number: {2}", m.Groups["ssc"], m.Groups["orbitepoch"], m.Groups["revnumber"]);

// Propagate

Configure the Simple Ascent propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorSimpleAscent propagator: The Simple Ascent Propagator

// Configure time period
propagator.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
propagator.Step = 60.0;

// Set the initial state
propagator.InitialState.Launch.AssignGeodetic(38.3721, -77.640225.0);
propagator.InitialState.Burnout.AssignGeodetic(48.1395, -82.514525.0);
propagator.InitialState.BurnoutVel = 7.7258;

// Propagate

Configure the SPICE propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgVePropagatorSPICE propagator: The SPICE propagator
// String spiceFile: Path of SPICE file

// Set the SPICE file
propagator.Spice = spiceFile;

// Configure time period
propagator.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
propagator.Step = 60.0;
propagator.BodyName = "-200000";

// Propagate

Create a ground vehicle (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root

// Create the ground vehicle
IAgGroundVehicle launchVehicle = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eGroundVehicle,  "MyGroundVehicle"as IAgGroundVehicle;

Get the ground vehicle Attitude Export tool

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGroundVehicle groundVehicle: GroundVehicle whose attitude we want to export

IAgVeAttitudeExportTool attExTool = groundVehicle.ExportTools.GetAttitudeExportTool();

Get the ground vehicle Propagator Definition Export tool

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGroundVehicle groundVehicle: GroundVehicle whose propagator definition we want to export

IAgVePropDefExportTool attExTool = groundVehicle.ExportTools.GetPropDefExportTool();

Get the ground vehicle STK Ephemeris Export tool

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGroundVehicle groundVehicle: GroundVehicle whose ephemeris we want to export

IAgVeEphemerisStkExportTool stkEphem = groundVehicle.ExportTools.GetEphemerisStkExportTool();

Set ground vehicle to use Great Arc propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGroundVehicle groundVehicle: Ground Vehicle object

// Set ground vehicle route to great arc

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator = groundVehicle.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;

Set ground vehicle to use Realtime propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGroundVehicle groundVehicle: Ground Vehicle object

// Set ground vehicle route to STK External propagator

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorRealtime propagator = groundVehicle.Route as IAgVePropagatorRealtime;

Set ground vehicle to use STK External propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgGroundVehicle groundVehicle: Ground Vehicle object

// Set groundVehicle route to STK External propagator

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorStkExternal propagator = groundVehicle.Route as IAgVePropagatorStkExternal;

Create a launch vehicle (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root

// Create the Launch vehicle
IAgLaunchVehicle launchVehicle = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eLaunchVehicle,  "MyLaunchVehicle"as IAgLaunchVehicle;

Determine if trajectory type is supported

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgLaunchVehicle launchVehicle: Launch vehicle

bool supported = launchVehicle.IsTrajectoryTypeSupported(AgEVePropagatorType.ePropagatorRealtime);

Define missile trajectory

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgMissile missile: Chain object

// Set missile trajectory type

// Retrieve the Propagator interface
IAgVePropagatorBallistic trajectory = missile.Trajectory as IAgVePropagatorBallistic;

// Set propagator settings if they should be other than defaults
trajectory.EphemerisInterval.SetExplicitInterval("1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""2 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
trajectory.Step = 60.0;

// Set flight parameters
IAgVeLaunchLLA launch = trajectory.Launch as IAgVeLaunchLLA;
launch.Lat = 0.0;
launch.Lon = 0.0;
launch.Alt = 0.0;

// Set impact location type

// Retrieve the impact point interface
IAgVeImpactLocationPoint impactLocation = trajectory.ImpactLocation as IAgVeImpactLocationPoint;

// Retrieve the launch flight interface
IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight launchControl = impactLocation.LaunchControl as IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight;
launchControl.TimeOfFlight = 9000.0;

// Configure missile Impact parameters
IAgVeImpactLLA impact = impactLocation.Impact as IAgVeImpactLLA;
impact.Lat = 12.0;
impact.Lon = 5.0;
impact.Alt = 0.0;

// Propagate Missile

Create a satellite (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create the Satellite
IAgSatellite satellite = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, "MySatellite"as IAgSatellite;

Create a satellite from an external ephemeris file (.e)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String ephemerisFilePath: Path to external ephemeris data file

IAgSatellite satellite = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eSatellite, "MySatellite"as IAgSatellite;

// Configure propagator's external file path
IAgVePropagatorStkExternal ext = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorStkExternal;
ext.Filename = ephemerisFilePath;

// Propagate

Create a satellite from the satellite database

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Get STK database location using Connect
IAgExecCmdResult result = root.ExecuteCommand("GetDirectory / Database Satellite");
string satDataDir = result[0];
string filelocation = "\"" + Path.Combine(satDataDir, @"stkAllTLE.sd") + "\"";
string commonname = "\"hst\"";

// Import object from database using Connect
string command = String.Format("ImportFromDB * Satellite {0} Constellation ImportedFromSatDB Propagate On CommonName {1}", filelocation, commonname);

Set the satellite to use the GPS propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set propagator to GPS

// Get the GPS propagator
IAgVePropagatorGPS propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorGPS;

Set the satellite to use the HPOP propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set satellite propagator to HPOP

// Get the HPOP propagator
IAgVePropagatorHPOP propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorHPOP;

Set the satellite to use the J2 propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set propagator to J2 Perturbation

// Get the J2 Perturbation propagator
IAgVePropagatorJ2Perturbation propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorJ2Perturbation;

Set the satellite to use the LOP propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set satellite propagator to LOP

// Get the LOP propagator
IAgVePropagatorLOP propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorLOP;

Set the satellite to use the SGP4 propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set propagator to SGP4

// Get the SGP4 propagator
IAgVePropagatorSGP4 propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorSGP4;

Set the satellite to use the SPICE propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set propagator to SPICE

// Get the SPICE propagator
IAgVePropagatorSPICE propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorSPICE;

Set the satellite to use the STK External propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgSatellite satellite: Satellite object

// Set propagator to STK External

// Get the STK External propagator
IAgVePropagatorStkExternal propagator = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorStkExternal;

Create a ship (on current scenario central body)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root

// Create the Ship
IAgShip ship = root.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eShip, "MyShip"as IAgShip;

Set ship to use Great Arc propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgShip ship: Ship object

// Set ship route to great arc

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc propagator = ship.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;

Set ship to use Realtime propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgShip ship: Ship object

// Set ship route to STK External propagator

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorRealtime propagator = ship.Route as IAgVePropagatorRealtime;

Set ship to use STK External propagator

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgShip ship: Ship object

// Set ship route to STK External propagator

// Retrieve propagator interface if necessary
IAgVePropagatorStkExternal propagator = ship.Route as IAgVePropagatorStkExternal;

Add an Attribute that provides a combobox of values from which the user can choose.

[C#] Copy Code

//Add the following code to your plugin
public object Choice { get; set; }
public object[] Choices = new object[4] { "0""1""2""3" };

public object GetPluginConfig(AGI.Attr.AgAttrBuilder pAttrBuilder)
    if (m_AgAttrScope == null)
        m_AgAttrScope = pAttrBuilder.NewScope();
        pAttrBuilder.AddChoicesDispatchProperty(m_AgAttrScope, "Choice""A property""Choice", Choices);

    return m_AgAttrScope;

Add an Attribute that provides a combobox of values populated by a function from which the user can choose.

[C#] Copy Code

//Add the following code to your plugin
public object Choice { get; set; }
public object[] Choices
        return new object[4] { "0""1""2""3" };

public object GetPluginConfig(AGI.Attr.AgAttrBuilder pAttrBuilder)
    if (m_AgAttrScope == null)
        m_AgAttrScope = pAttrBuilder.NewScope();
        pAttrBuilder.AddChoicesFuncDispatchProperty(m_AgAttrScope, "Choice""A property""Choice""Choices");

    return m_AgAttrScope;

Shows the format of the Center parameter when creating a bounding sphere.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsBoundingSphere boundingSphere = sceneManager.Initializers.BoundingSphere.Initialize(ref center, 100);

Shows the format of the Size parameter when computing using a box triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array size = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.BoxTriangulator.Compute(ref size);

Change view mode to use Earth's fixed frame

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

scene.Camera.ViewCentralBody("Earth", root.VgtRoot.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed);

Shows the format of the Camera's Position property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene

Array position = new object[]

scene.Camera.Position = position;

Shows the format of the Camera's ReferencePoint property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene

Array point = new object[]

scene.Camera.ReferencePoint = point;

Shows the format of the Camera's UpVector property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene

Array upVector = new object[]

scene.Camera.UpVector = upVector;

Shows the format of the Extent parameter when zooming to a cartographic extent on a central body.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene

Array extent = new object[]

    ref extent);

Shows the format of the Offset and UpAxis parameters when setting the camera's reference point with an offset.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// IAgCrdnPoint point: A valid VGT point object.
// IAgCrdnAxes axes: A valid VGT axes object.

Array offset = new object[]

Array upAxis = new object[]

    ref offset,
    ref upAxis);

Shows the format of the Position parameter when converting a cartogaphic position to a pixel coordinate.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene

Array position = new object[]

Array windowPos = scene.Camera.CartographicToWindow(
    ref position);

Shows the format of the Position parameter when converting a pixel coordinate to a cartographic position.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene

Array position = new object[]

Array cartographicPos = scene.Camera.WindowToCartographic(
    ref position);

Take a snapshot of the camera's view

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

// The snapshot can be saved to a file, texture, image, or the clipboard
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = scene.Camera.Snapshot.SaveToTexture();

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay textureScreenOverlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithXYTexture(00, texture);
IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay = (IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)textureScreenOverlay;
overlay.BorderSize = 2;
overlay.BorderColor = Color.White;
overlay.Scale = 0.2;
overlay.Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginCenter;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase screenOverlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays;

Shows the format of the ConvolutionFilter's Kernel property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter convolutionFilter: A valid convolution filter

Array kernel = new object[] {

convolutionFilter.Kernel = kernel;

Shows the format of the Kernel parameter when creating a convolution filter.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array kernel = new object[] {

IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter convolutionFilter = sceneManager.Initializers.ConvolutionFilter.InitializeWithKernel(ref kernel);

Shows the format of the distance to position display condition's Position property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPositionDisplayCondition condition: A distance to position display condition

Array position = new object[]

condition.Position = position;

Shows the format of the Position parameter when creating a distance to position display condition.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array position = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPositionDisplayCondition condition = sceneManager.Initializers.DistanceToPositionDisplayCondition.InitializeWithDistances(
    ref position,

Draw a primitive based on a time interval

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String globeOverlayFile: Location of the globe overlay file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsGeospatialImageGlobeOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.GeospatialImageGlobeOverlay.InitializeWithString(globeOverlayFile);

IAgDate start = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG""30 May 2008 14:30:00.000");
IAgDate end = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG""30 May 2008 15:00:00.000");

((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).Animation.StartTime = double.Parse(start.Subtract("sec"3600).Format("epSec"));

IAgStkGraphicsTimeIntervalDisplayCondition condition =
    manager.Initializers.TimeIntervalDisplayCondition.InitializeWithTimes(start, end);
((IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay)overlay).DisplayCondition = condition as IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition;


Draw a primitive based on multiple conditions

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: Location of the model file
// IAgCrdnAxesFixed axes: An axes used to orient the model

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array position = new object[] {29.98, -90.250.0 };

IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(101.5);

IAgDate start1 = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG""30 May 2008 14:00:00.000");
IAgDate end1 = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG""30 May 2008 14:30:00.000");
((IAgAnimation)root).CurrentTime = double.Parse(start1.Format("epSec"));
IAgDate start2 = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG""30 May 2008 15:00:00.000");
IAgDate end2 = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG""30 May 2008 15:30:00.000");

IAgStkGraphicsTimeIntervalDisplayCondition time1 = manager.Initializers.TimeIntervalDisplayCondition.InitializeWithTimes(start1, end1);
IAgStkGraphicsTimeIntervalDisplayCondition time2 = manager.Initializers.TimeIntervalDisplayCondition.InitializeWithTimes(start2, end2);
IAgStkGraphicsCompositeDisplayCondition composite = manager.Initializers.CompositeDisplayCondition.Initialize();

composite.LogicOperation = AgEStkGraphicsBinaryLogicOperation.eStkGraphicsBinaryLogicOperationOr;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).DisplayCondition = composite as IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition;

IAgCrdnAxesFindInAxesResult result = root.VgtRoot.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed.FindInAxes(((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).Epoch, ((IAgCrdnAxes)axes));
model.Orientation = result.Orientation;


Draw a primitive based on viewer altitude

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array extent = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref extent);

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.Initialize();
Array boundaryPositions = triangles.BoundaryPositions;
line.Set(ref boundaryPositions);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)line).Color = Color.White;

IAgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayCondition condition = manager.Initializers.AltitudeDisplayCondition.InitializeWithAltitudes(5000002500000);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)line).DisplayCondition = condition as IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition;


Draw a primitive based on viewer distance

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: Location of the model file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(
Array position = new object[3] { 29.98, -90.258000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(103);

IAgStkGraphicsDistanceDisplayCondition condition =
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).DisplayCondition = condition as IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition;


Draw a screen overlay based on viewer distance

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model: A model
// IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlay overlay: A overlay

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPrimitiveDisplayCondition condition =
    (IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model, 040000);
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).DisplayCondition = (IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition)condition;


Shows the format of the TimeInterval parameter when creating a time interval display condition.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array timeInterval = new object[]
    "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000",
    "1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000"

sceneManager.Initializers.TimeIntervalDisplayCondition.InitializeWithTimeInterval(ref timeInterval);

Shows the format of the Radii parameter when computing using an ellipsoid triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array radii = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.EllipsoidTriangulator.ComputeSimple(ref radii);

Shows the format of the BottomPositions and TopPositions parameters when computing using an extruded polyline triangulator with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array bottomPositions = new object[]

Array topPositions = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.ExtrudedPolylineTriangulator.ComputeCartographic(
    ref bottomPositions,
    ref topPositions);

Shows the format of the BottomPositions and TopPositions parameters when computing using an extruded polyline triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array bottomPositions = new object[]

Array topPositions = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.ExtrudedPolylineTriangulator.Compute(
    ref bottomPositions,
    ref topPositions);

Shows the format of the Positions parameter when computing using an extruded polyline triangulator with altitudes and cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array positions = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.ExtrudedPolylineTriangulator.ComputeCartographicWithAltitudes(
    ref positions,

Shows the format of the Positions parameter when computing using an extruded polyline triangulator with altitudes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array positions = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.ExtrudedPolylineTriangulator.ComputeWithAltitudes(
    ref positions,

Shows the format of the Positions parameter when computing using an extruded polyline triangulator with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array positions = new object[]
    0, -0.007915000,
    0, -0.007915000

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.ExtrudedPolylineTriangulator.ComputeSingleConstantAltitudeCartographic(
    ref positions,

Shows the format of the Positions parameter when computing using an extruded polyline triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array positions = new object[]
    6392.94, -50.50530,
    6422.940, -49.7669,
    6392.94, -50.50530

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.ExtrudedPolylineTriangulator.ComputeSingleConstantAltitude(
    ref positions,

Add custom imagery to the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginActivator activator =
IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginProxy proxy =

IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay overlay = proxy.CustomImageGlobeOverlay;

Add jp2 imagery to the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String globeOverlayFile: The globe overlay file

// Either jp2 or pdttx can be used here
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay overlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.AddUriString(globeOverlayFile);

Add terrain to the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String terrainOverlayFile: The terrain overlay file

IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlay overlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Terrain.AddUriString(

Draw an image on top of another

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String topOverlayFile: The top globe overlay file
// String bottomOverlayFile: The bottom globe overlay file

IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay topOverlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.AddUriString(topOverlayFile);
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay bottomOverlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.AddUriString(bottomOverlayFile);

// Since bottom.jp2 was added after top.jp2, bottom.jp2 will be
// drawn on top.  In order to draw top.jp2 on top, we swap the Overlays.
scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Imagery.Swap(topOverlay, bottomOverlay);

Shows the format of the Extent parameter when creating a raster imgae globe overlay.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array extent = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsRasterImageGlobeOverlay overlay = sceneManager.Initializers.RasterImageGlobeOverlay.InitializeWithColor(
    ref extent);

Adjust brightness, contrast, and gamma

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

// Add brightness, contrast, and gamma correction filters to sequence
IAgStkGraphicsSequenceFilter sequenceFilter = manager.Initializers.SequenceFilter.Initialize();

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

// Display the image using a screen overlay
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginCenterRight;
overlay.Texture = texture;


Adjust the color levels of an image

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

// Adjust the color levels of the image
IAgStkGraphicsLevelsFilter levelsFilter = manager.Initializers.LevelsFilter.Initialize();
levelsFilter.SetLevelAdjustment(AgEStkGraphicsRasterBand.eStkGraphicsRasterBandBlue, -255);
levelsFilter.SetLevelAdjustment(AgEStkGraphicsRasterBand.eStkGraphicsRasterBandGreen, -255);

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

// Display the image using a screen overlay
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginBottomRight;
overlay.Texture = texture;


Blur an image with a convolution matrix

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

// Set convolution matrix to blur
Array kernel = new object[]
IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter convolutionMatrix = manager.Initializers.ConvolutionFilter.InitializeWithKernelAndDivisor(ref kernel, 9.0);

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

// Display the image using a screen overlay
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginBottomLeft;
overlay.Texture = texture;


Extract the alpha component from an image

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

// Extract the alpha channel from the image
IAgStkGraphicsBandExtractFilter channelExtract = manager.Initializers.BandExtractFilter.InitializeWithBand(AgEStkGraphicsRasterBand.eStkGraphicsRasterBandAlpha);

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

// Display the image using a screen overlay
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginTopRight;
overlay.Texture = texture;


Flip an image

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Size = new object[]
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginTopLeft;
overlay.Texture = texture;


Load and display a raster stream

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: Image file to use for the raster

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

// Create the RasterStream from the plugin
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator activator =
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy proxy =

// Use reflection to set the plugin's properties
Type plugin = proxy.RealPluginObject.GetType();
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, imageFile, null);

IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream rasterStream = proxy.RasterStream;
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.01667;

// Creates the texture screen overlay to display the raster
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)rasterStream);
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay =
    texture.Template.Width, texture.Template.Height);
overlay.Texture = texture;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginCenterLeft;


Swizzle an image's components

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

// Swizzle RGBA to BGRA
IAgStkGraphicsBandOrderFilter channelOrder = manager.Initializers.BandOrderFilter.InitializeWithOrder(AgEStkGraphicsRasterFormat.eStkGraphicsRasterFormatBgra);

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

// Display the image using a screen overlay
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginTopCenter;
overlay.Texture = texture;


Shows the format of the Extent and SubExtent parameters when writing using a Jpeg 2000 Writer.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// String imagePath: Path to the image to write
// String saveFile: Path to the output file

Array extent = new object[]

Array subExtent = new object[]

    ref extent,
    ref subExtent,

Shows the format of the model's Position property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model: A model primitive

Array position = new object[]

model.Position = position;

Shows the format of the Position parameter when updating a model.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model: A model primitive

Array position = new object[]

    ref position);

Shows the format of the overlay's MaximumSize property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array maximumSize = new object[]

overlay.MaximumSize = maximumSize;

Shows the format of the overlay's MinimumSize property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array minimumSize = new object[]

overlay.MinimumSize = minimumSize;

Shows the format of the overlay's Padding property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array padding = new object[]

overlay.Padding = padding;

Shows the format of the overlay's PinningPosition property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array pinningPosition = new object[]

overlay.PinningPosition = pinningPosition;

Shows the format of the overlay's Position property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array position = new object[]

overlay.Position = position;

Shows the format of the overlay's RotationPoint property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array rotationPoint = new object[]

overlay.RotationPoint = rotationPoint;

Shows the format of the overlay's Size property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsOverlay overlay: A valid overlay object.

Array size = new object[]

overlay.Size = size;

Shows the format of the path point's Position property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPathPoint path: A valid path point object

Array position = new object[]

path.Position = position;

Shows the format of the Position parameter when creating a path point.

[C#] Copy Code
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array position = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsPathPoint path = sceneManager.Initializers.PathPoint.InitializeWithDateAndPosition(
    root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("UTCG", ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).StartTime.ToString()),
    ref position);

Change a model's color on mouse over

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive m_SelectedModel: The previously selected model

// Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY);
if (collection.Count != 0)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = collection[0].Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = objects[0as IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive;

    // Was a model in our composite picked?
    if (composite == m_Models)
        IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive model = objects[1as IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive;

        // Selected Model
        model.Color = Color.Cyan;

        if (model != m_SelectedModel)
            // Unselect previous model
            if (m_SelectedModel != null)
                m_SelectedModel.Color = Color.Red;
            m_SelectedModel = model;

// Unselect previous model
if (m_SelectedModel != null)
    m_SelectedModel.Color = Color.Red;
    m_SelectedModel = null;

Change model colors within a rectangular region

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// List<IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive> SelectedModels: The previously selected models

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
// Get a collection of picked objects in a 100 by 100 rectangular region.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
List<IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive> newModels = new List<IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive>();
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.PickRectangular(mouseX - 50, mouseY + 50, mouseX + 50, mouseY - 50);
foreach (IAgStkGraphicsPickResult pickResult in collection)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = pickResult.Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = objects[0as IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive;

    // Was a model in our composite picked?
    if (composite == m_Models)
        IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = objects[1as IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive;

        // Selected Model
        ((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).Color = Color.Cyan;
// Reset color of models that were previous selected but were not in this pick.
foreach (IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive selectedModel in SelectedModels)
    if (!newModels.Contains(selectedModel))
        ((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)selectedModel).Color = Color.Red;
SelectedModels = newModels;


Zoom to a model on double click

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive selectedModel = null;
// Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY);
if (collection.Count != 0)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = collection[0].Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = objects[0as IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive;

    // Was a model in our composite picked?
    if (composite == m_Models)
        selectedModel = objects[1as IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive;

Zoom to a particular marker in a batch

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String markerFile: The file to use for the markers
// IList<Array> markerPositions: A list of the marker positions

Array selectedMarkerCartesianPosition = null;
// Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY);
if (collection.Count != 0)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = collection[0].Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive batchPrimitive = objects[0as IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive;

    // Was a marker in our marker batch picked?
    if (batchPrimitive == m_MarkerBatch)
        // Get the index of the particular marker we picked
        IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex markerIndex = objects[1as IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex;

        // Get the position of the particular marker we picked
        Array markerCartographic = markerPositions[markerIndex.Index];

        IAgPosition markerPosition = root.ConversionUtility.NewPositionOnEarth();

        double x, y, z;
        markerPosition.QueryCartesian(out x, out y, out z);

        selectedMarkerCartesianPosition = new object[] { x, y, z };

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IList<Array> positions = new List<Array>();
positions.Add(new object[] {39.88, -75.253000.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {38.85, -77.043000.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {38.85, -77.040.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {29.98, -90.250.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {37.37, -121.920.0 });

Array positionsArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), positions.Count * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; ++i)
    Array position = positions[i];
    position.CopyTo(positionsArray, i * 3);

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch = manager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
markerBatch.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(
markerBatch.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positionsArray);

// Save the positions of the markers for use in the pick event
markerPositions = positions;

// Enable per item picking
markerBatch.PerItemPickingEnabled = true;


Shows the format of the Positions parameter when interpolating positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator interpolator = sceneManager.Initializers.GreatArcInterpolator.InitializeWithCentralBody("Earth"as IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator;

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,
    38.85, -77.040,

Array results = interpolator.Interpolate(ref positions);

Create layers of primitives

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: Location of the model file
// String markerFile: The file to use for the marker batch

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Random r = new Random();
const int modelCount = 25;

Array positions = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), modelCount * 3);

// Create the models
IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive models = manager.Initializers.CompositePrimitive.Initialize();

for (int i = 0; i < modelCount; ++i)
    double latitude = 35 + 1.5 * r.NextDouble();
    double longitude = -(80 + 1.5 * r.NextDouble());
    double altitude = 0;
    Array position = new object[3]{latitude, longitude, altitude};

    positions.SetValue(latitude, 3 * i);
    positions.SetValue(longitude, (3 * i) + 1);
    positions.SetValue(altitude, (3 * i) + 2);

    IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(modelFile);
    model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);
    model.Scale = Math.Pow(102);

// Create the markers
IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markers = manager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
markers.RenderPass = AgEStkGraphicsMarkerBatchRenderPass.eStkGraphicsMarkerBatchRenderPassTranslucent;

markers.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(markerFile);
markers.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions);

// Create the points
IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive points = manager.Initializers.PointBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
points.PixelSize = 5;
Array colors = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), modelCount);
for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++)
    colors.SetValue(Color.Orange.ToArgb(), i);
points.SetCartographicWithColorsAndRenderPass("Earth"ref positions, ref colors, AgEStkGraphicsRenderPassHint.eStkGraphicsRenderPassHintOpaque);

// Set the display Conditions
IAgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayCondition near = manager.Initializers.AltitudeDisplayCondition.InitializeWithAltitudes(0500000);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)models).DisplayCondition = (IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition)near;

IAgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayCondition medium = manager.Initializers.AltitudeDisplayCondition.InitializeWithAltitudes(5000002000000);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)markers).DisplayCondition = (IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition)medium;

IAgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayCondition far = manager.Initializers.AltitudeDisplayCondition.InitializeWithAltitudes(20000004000000);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)points).DisplayCondition = (IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition)far;


Z-order primitives on the surface

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// Array pennsylvaniaPositions: Pennsylvania positions
// Array areaCode610Positions: Area Code 610 positions
// Array areaCode215Positions: Area Code 215 positions
// Array schuylkillPositions: Schuylkill positions

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive pennsylvania = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
    "Earth"ref pennsylvaniaPositions));
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)pennsylvania).Color = Color.Yellow;

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive areaCode610 = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
    "Earth"ref areaCode610Positions));
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)areaCode610).Color = Color.DarkRed;

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive areaCode215 = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
    "Earth"ref areaCode215Positions));
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)areaCode215).Color = Color.Green;

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive schuylkillRiver = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.Initialize();
schuylkillRiver.Set(ref schuylkillPositions);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)schuylkillRiver).Color = Color.Blue;
schuylkillRiver.Width = 2;

IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = manager.Initializers.CompositePrimitive.Initialize();


Draw a set of markers

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String markerImageFile: The image file to use for the markers

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,    // Philadelphia
    38.85, -77.040// Washington, D.C.
    29.98, -90.250// New Orleans
    37.37, -121.920    // San Jose

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch = manager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
markerBatch.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(
markerBatch.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions);


Shows the format of the Colors parameter when setting per marker colors.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

Shows the format of the Colors, Positions and Indices parameters when updating a marker batch primitive with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch: A marker batch primitive

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,
    38.85, -77.040,
    29.98, -90.250,
    37.37, -121.920

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref indices,

Shows the format of the Colors, Positions and Indices parameters when updating a marker batch primitive.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch: A marker batch primitive

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

Array positions = new object[]
    1247.87, -4739.744067.77,
    1115.48, -4847.093979.36,
    -24.12, -5529.313168.45,
    -2683.42, -4307.743850.11

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref indices,

Shows the format of the EyeOffsets parameter when setting per marker eye offsets.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array eyeoffset = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetEyeOffsets(ref eyeoffset);

Shows the format of the marker batch's EyeOffset property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch: A marker batch primitive

Array eyeoffset = new object[]

markerBatch.EyeOffset = eyeoffset;

Shows the format of the marker batch's PixelOffset property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch: A marker batch primitive

Array pixelOffset = new object[]

markerBatch.PixelOffset = pixelOffset;

Shows the format of the marker batch's Size property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch: A marker batch primitive

Array size = new object[]

markerBatch.Size = size;

Shows the format of the marker batch's TextureCoordinate property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch: A marker batch primitive

Array coordinates = new object[]

markerBatch.TextureCoordinate = coordinates;

Shows the format of the Origins parameter when setting per marker origins.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array origins = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetOrigins(ref origins);

Shows the format of the PixelOffsets parameter when setting per marker pixel offsets.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array pixelOffset = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetPixelOffsets(ref pixelOffset);

Shows the format of the RotationAngles parameter when setting per marker rotations.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array rotations = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetRotations(ref rotations);

Shows the format of the Sizes parameter when setting per marker sizes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array size = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetSizes(ref size);

Shows the format of the TextureCoordinates parameter when setting per marker texture coordinates.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array coordinates = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetTextureCoordinates(ref coordinates);

Shows the format of the Textures parameter when setting per marker textures.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// String texturePath1: Path to the first texture file
// String texturePath2: Path to the second texture file
// String texturePath3: Path to the third texture file
// String texturePath4: Path to the fourth texture file

Array textures = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetTextures(ref textures);

Draw a Collada model with user defined lighting

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: The model file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[] { 39.88, -75.25500000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(102);


Draw a Collada or MDL model

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: The model file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[] { 39.88, -75.255000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(102);


Draw a dynamically textured Collada model

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: The model file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[] { 49.88, -77.255000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);
model.Scale = Math.Pow(102);


//  hellfireflame.anc
//  <?xml version = "1.0" standalone = "yes"?>
//  <ancillary_model_data version = "1.0">
//       <video_textures>
//           <video_texture image_id = "smoketex_tga" init_from = "smoke.avi" video_loop="true" video_framerate="60" />
//           <video_texture image_id = "flametex_tga" init_from = "flame.mov" video_loop="true" video_framerate="60" />
//      </video_textures>
//  </ancillary_model_data>

Draw a model with moving articulations

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: The model file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
// Create the model
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(

Array position = new object[3] { 36, -116.7525000.0 };
model.SetPositionCartographic("Earth"ref position);

// Rotate the model to be oriented correctly
model.Articulations.GetByName("Commuter").GetByName("Roll").CurrentValue = 4.084070562;
model.Articulations.GetByName("Commuter").GetByName("Yaw").CurrentValue = -0.436332325;


internal void TimeChanged(double TimeEpSec)
    // Rotate the propellors every time the animation updates
    if (m_Model != null)
        double TwoPI = 2 * Math.PI;
        ((IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive)m_Model).Articulations.GetByName("props").GetByName("Spin").CurrentValue = TimeEpSec % TwoPI;

Orient a model

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String modelFile: The model file
// IAgCrdnSystem referenceFrame: A reference frame for the model

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = manager.Initializers.ModelPrimitive.InitializeWithStringUri(
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).ReferenceFrame = referenceFrame;  // Model is oriented using east-north-up axes.  Use model.Orientation for addition rotation.
Array zero = new object[] { 000 }; // Origin of reference frame
model.Position = zero;
model.Scale = Math.Pow(101.5);


Shows the format of the Positions parameter when adding points to a path primitive.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPathPrimitive path: A path primitive

Array positions = new object[]

path.AddRangeToFront(ref positions);

Draw a set of points

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,    // Philadelphia
    38.85, -77.040// Washington, D.C.
    29.98, -90.250// New Orleans
    37.37, -121.920    // San Jose

IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive pointBatch = manager.Initializers.PointBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
pointBatch.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions);
pointBatch.PixelSize = 5;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)pointBatch).Color = Color.White;
pointBatch.DisplayOutline = true;
pointBatch.OutlineWidth = 2;
pointBatch.OutlineColor = Color.Red;


Draw a set of uniquely colored points

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array positions = new object[]
    37.62, -122.380.0,    // San Francisco
    38.52, -121.500.0,    // Sacramento
    33.93, -118.400.0,    // Los Angeles
    32.82, -117.130.0     // San Diego

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive pointBatch = manager.Initializers.PointBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
pointBatch.SetCartographicWithColors("Earth"ref positions, ref colors);
pointBatch.PixelSize = 8;


Shows the format of the Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a point batch with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive pointBatch: A point batch primitive

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,
    38.85, -77.040,
    29.98, -90.250,
    37.37, -121.920

Array colors = new object[]

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref colors,
    ref indices,

Shows the format of the Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a point batch.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive pointBatch: A point batch primitive

Array positions = new object[]
    1247.87, -4739.744067.77,
    1115.48, -4847.093979.36,
    -24.12, -5529.313168.45,
    -2683.42, -4307.743850.11

Array colors = new object[]

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref colors,
    ref indices,

Draw a great arc on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array washingtonDC = new object[]
Array newOrleans = new object[]

Array positions = new object[6];
washingtonDC.CopyTo(positions, 0);
newOrleans.CopyTo(positions, 3);

IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator interpolator = manager.Initializers.GreatArcInterpolator.Initialize() as IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator;
IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.InitializeWithInterpolator(interpolator);
line.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions);


Draw a line between two points

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array philadelphia = new object[]
Array washingtonDC = new object[]

Array positions = new object[6];
philadelphia.CopyTo(positions, 0);
washingtonDC.CopyTo(positions, 3);

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.Initialize();
line.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions);

Draw a rhumb line on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array newOrleans = new object[]
Array sanJose = new object[]

Array positions = new object[6];
newOrleans.CopyTo(positions, 0);
sanJose.CopyTo(positions, 3);

IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator interpolator = manager.Initializers.RhumbLineInterpolator.Initialize() as IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator;
IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.InitializeWithInterpolator(interpolator);
line.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions);

Draw a STK area target outline on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// Array positions: The area target positions

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.Initialize();
line.Set(ref positions);
line.Width = 2;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)line).Color = Color.Yellow;
line.DisplayOutline = true;
line.OutlineWidth = 2;
line.OutlineColor = Color.Black;


Draw the outline of a circle on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array center = new object[] { 39.88, -75.250.0 }; // Philadelphia

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = manager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeCircleCartographic("Earth"ref center, 10000);
Array positions = shape.Positions;

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.InitializeWithType(shape.PolylineType);
line.Set(ref positions);
line.Width = 2;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)line).Color = Color.White;


Draw the outline of an ellipse on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array center = new object[] { 38.85, -77.043000.0 }; // Washington, DC

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = manager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeEllipseCartographic(
    "Earth"ref center, 450003000045);
Array positions = shape.Positions;

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive line = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.InitializeWithType(shape.PolylineType);
line.Set(ref positions);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)line).Color = Color.Cyan;


Shows the format of the Positions parameter when updating a polyline primitive with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive polyline: A polyline primitive

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,
    38.85, -77.040,
    29.98, -90.250,
    37.37, -121.920

    ref positions,

Shows the format of the Positions parameter when updating a polyline primitive.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive polyline: A polyline primitive

Array positions = new object[]
    1247.87, -4739.744067.77,
    1115.48, -4847.093979.36,
    -24.12, -5529.313168.45,
    -2683.42, -4307.743850.11

    ref positions,

Shows the format of the Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a polyline primitive with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive polyline: A polyline primitive

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,
    38.85, -77.040,
    29.98, -90.250,
    37.37, -121.920

Array colors = new object[]

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref colors,
    ref indices,

Shows the format of the Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a polyline primitive.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive polyline: A polyline primitive

Array positions = new object[]
    1247.87, -4739.744067.77,
    1115.48, -4847.093979.36,
    -24.12, -5529.313168.45,
    -2683.42, -4307.743850.11

Array colors = new object[]

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref colors,
    ref indices,

Draw a box

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgCrdnSystem system: A system for the solid

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Array size = new object[] {100010002000 };
IAgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult result = manager.Initializers.BoxTriangulator.Compute(ref size);
IAgStkGraphicsSolidPrimitive solid = manager.Initializers.SolidPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)solid).ReferenceFrame = system;


Draw a cylinder

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgCrdnSystem system: A system for the solid

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult result = manager.Initializers.CylinderTriangulator.CreateSimple(10002000);
IAgStkGraphicsSolidPrimitive solid = manager.Initializers.SolidPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)solid).ReferenceFrame = system;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)solid).Color = Color.Yellow;
solid.OutlineColor = Color.Black;
solid.OutlineWidth = 2;
solid.OutlineAppearance = AgEStkGraphicsOutlineAppearance.eStkGraphicsStylizeBackLines;
solid.BackLineColor = Color.Black;
solid.BackLineWidth = 1;


Draw an ellipsoid

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// IAgCrdnSystem system: A system for the solid

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Array radii = new object[] {200010001000 };
IAgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult result = manager.Initializers.EllipsoidTriangulator.ComputeSimple(ref radii);
IAgStkGraphicsSolidPrimitive solid = manager.Initializers.SolidPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)solid).ReferenceFrame = system;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)solid).Color =  Color.Orange;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)solid).Translucency = 0.3f;
solid.OutlineAppearance = AgEStkGraphicsOutlineAppearance.eStkGraphicsFrontLinesOnly;
solid.OutlineColor = Color.Blue;
solid.OutlineWidth = 2;
solid.DisplaySilhouette = true;


Draw a filled STK area target on terrain

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String terrainFile: The terrain file
// Array positions: The positions used to compute triangulation

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlay overlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Terrain.AddUriString(

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles =
    manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute("Earth"ref positions);

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Purple;

Draw a filled STK area target on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String textureFile: The texture file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
// Load the UAV image where each corner maps to a longitude and latitude defined
// in degrees below.
//    lower left  = (-0.386182, 42.938583)
//    lower right = (-0.375100, 42.929871)
//    upper right = (-0.333891, 42.944780)
//    upper left  = (-0.359980, 42.973438)

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(

// Define the bounding extent of the image.  Create a surface mesh that uses this extent.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
mesh.Texture = texture;

Array cartographicExtent = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref cartographicExtent);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.0f;

// Create the texture matrix that maps the image corner points to their actual
// cartographic coordinates.  A few notes:
// 1. The TextureMatrix does not do any special processing on these values
//    as if they were cartographic coordinates.
// 2. Because of 1., the values only have to be correct relative to each
//    other, which is why they do not have to be converted to radians.
// 3. Because of 2., if your image straddles the +/- 180 degs longitude line,
//    ensure that longitudes east of the line are greater than those west of
//    the line.  For example, if one point were 179.0 degs longitude and the
//    other were to the east at -179.0 degs, the one to the east should be
//    specified as 181.0 degs.

Array c0 = new object[] { -0.38618242.938583 };
Array c1 = new object[] { -0.37510042.929871 };
Array c2 = new object[] { -0.33389142.944780 };
Array c3 = new object[] { -0.35998042.973438 };

mesh.TextureMatrix = manager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithRectangles(
    ref c0, ref c1, ref c2, ref c3);

// Enable the transparent texture border option on the mesh so that the texture will not
// bleed outside of the trapezoid.
mesh.TransparentTextureBorder = true;

// Add the surface mesh to the Scene manager

Draw a filled, dynamically textured extent on terrain

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String rasterFile: The file to use as the raster

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator activator =
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy proxy =

// Use reflection to set the plugin's properties
Type plugin = proxy.RealPluginObject.GetType();
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, rasterFile, null);

IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream rasterStream = proxy.RasterStream;
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.025;

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)rasterStream);
Array extent = ((IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay)overlay).Extent;
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref extent);
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.2f;
mesh.Texture = texture;

Draw a filled, textured extent on terrain

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String textureFile: The file to use as the texture of the surface mesh

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array overlayExtent = ((IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay)overlay).Extent;
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles =
    manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref overlayExtent);
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.3f;
mesh.Texture = texture;

Draw a moving water texture using affine transformations

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String textureFile: The file to use as the texture of the surface mesh

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array cartographicExtent = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles =
    manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref cartographicExtent);

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.3f;
mesh.Texture = texture;
mesh.TextureFilter = manager.Initializers.TextureFilter2D.LinearRepeat;

internal void TimeChanged(IAgStkGraphicsScene scene, AgStkObjectRoot root, double TimeEpSec)
    //  Translate the surface mesh every animation update
    if (m_Primitive != null)
        IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

        m_Translation = (float)TimeEpSec;
        m_Translation /= 1000;

        Matrix transformation = new Matrix();
        transformation.Translate(-m_Translation, 0); // Sign determines the direction of apparent flow

        // Convert the matrix to an object array
        Array transformationArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), transformation.Elements.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < transformationArray.Length; ++i)
            transformationArray.SetValue((object)transformation.Elements.GetValue(i), i);

        ((IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive)m_Primitive).TextureMatrix =
            manager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithAffineTransform(ref transformationArray);

Draw a set of strings

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Array text = new object[]
    "Washington, D.C.",
    "New Orleans",
    "San Jose"

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,    // Philadelphia
    38.85, -77.040// Washington, D.C.
    29.98, -90.250// New Orleans
    37.37, -121.920    // San Jose

IAgStkGraphicsGraphicsFont font = manager.Initializers.GraphicsFont.InitializeWithNameSizeFontStyleOutline("MS Sans Serif"12, AgEStkGraphicsFontStyle.eStkGraphicsFontStyleBold, true);
IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitive textBatch = manager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitive.InitializeWithGraphicsFont(font);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)textBatch).Color = Color.White;
textBatch.OutlineColor = Color.Red;
textBatch.SetCartographic("Earth"ref positions, ref text);


Draw a set of uniquely colored strings

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array strings = new object[]
    "San Francisco",
    "Los Angeles",
    "San Diego"

Array positions = new object[]
    37.62, -122.380.0,
    38.52, -121.500.0,
    33.93, -118.400.0,
    32.82, -117.130.0

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = manager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

IAgStkGraphicsGraphicsFont font = manager.Initializers.GraphicsFont.InitializeWithNameSizeFontStyleOutline("MS Sans Serif"12, AgEStkGraphicsFontStyle.eStkGraphicsFontStyleBold, false);
IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitive textBatch = manager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitive.InitializeWithGraphicsFont(font);
textBatch.SetCartographicWithOptionalParameters("Earth"ref positions, ref strings, parameters);


Shows the format of the Colors parameter when setting per string colors.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

Shows the format of the EyeOffset property when setting the per-batch eye offset.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array eyeoffset = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.EyeOffset = eyeoffset;

Shows the format of the EyeOffsets parameter when setting per string eye offsets.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array eyeoffset = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetEyeOffsets(ref eyeoffset);

Shows the format of the Origins parameter when setting per string origins.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array origins = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetOrigins(ref origins);

Shows the format of the PixelOffset property when setting the per-batch pixel offset.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array pixelOffset = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.PixelOffset = pixelOffset;

Shows the format of the PixelOffsets parameter when setting per string pixel offsets.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array pixelOffset = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetPixelOffsets(ref pixelOffset);

Shows the format of the Text, Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a text batch primitive with cartographic positions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitive textBatch: A text batch primitive

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

Array text = new object[]
    "Washington D.C.",
    "New Orleans",
    "San Jose"

Array positions = new object[]
    39.88, -75.250,    // Philadelphia
    38.85, -77.040// Washington, D.C.
    29.98, -90.250// New Orleans
    37.37, -121.920    // San Jose

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref text,
    ref indices,

Shows the format of the Text, Positions, Colors and Indices parameters when updating a text batch primitive.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitive textBatch: A text batch primitive

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetColors(ref colors);

Array text = new object[]
    "Washington D.C.",
    "New Orleans",
    "San Jose"

Array positions = new object[]
    1247.87, -4739.744067.77,
    1115.48, -4847.093979.36,
    -24.12, -5529.313168.45,
    -2683.42, -4307.743850.11

Array indices = new object[]

    ref positions,
    ref text,
    ref indices,

Draw a filled circle on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array center = new object[] { 39.88, -75.250.0 };

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = manager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeCircleCartographic("Earth"ref center, 10000);
Array positions = shape.Positions;
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute("Earth"ref positions);

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.White;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.5f;


Draw a filled ellipse on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
Array center = new object[] { 38.85, -77.043000.0 }; // Washington, DC

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = manager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeEllipseCartographic(
    "Earth"ref center, 450003000045);
Array positions = shape.Positions;

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute(
    "Earth"ref positions);
IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Cyan;


Draw a filled polygon with a hole on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// Array positions: The positions used to compute triangulation
// Array holePositions: The positions of the hole

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.ComputeWithHole(
    "Earth"ref positions, ref holePositions);

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Gray;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.5f;

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive boundaryLine = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.Initialize();
Array boundaryPositionsArray = triangles.BoundaryPositions;
boundaryLine.Set(ref boundaryPositionsArray);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)boundaryLine).Color = Color.Red;
boundaryLine.Width = 2;

IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive holeLine = manager.Initializers.PolylinePrimitive.Initialize();
holeLine.Set(ref holePositions);
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)holeLine).Color = Color.Red;
holeLine.Width = 2;

Draw a filled rectangular extent on the globe

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Array extent = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple(
        "Earth"ref extent);

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Salmon;
mesh.Lighting = false;  /* Turn off lighting for the mesh so the color we assigned will always be consistent */


Draw a filled STK area target

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// Array positions: The positions used to compute triangulation

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles =
    manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute("Earth"ref positions);

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Red;

Draw an extrusion around a STK area target

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// Array positions: The positions used to compute triangulation

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult triangles =
    "Earth"ref positions, 1000025000);
IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitive.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Red;
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.4f;


Shows the format of the Colors parameter when setting per vertex colors.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array colors = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetPerVertexColors(ref colors);

Shows the format of the Positions, Normals and Indices parameters when updating a triangle mesh primitive.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive triangleMesh: A triangle mesh primitive

Array positions = new object[]

Array normals = new object[]

Array indices = new object[]

triangleMesh.Set(ref positions, ref normals, ref indices);

Shows the format of the TextureCoordinates parameter when setting per vertex texture coordinates.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array coordinates = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters parameters = sceneManager.Initializers.TriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters.Initialize();
parameters.SetTextureCoordinates(ref coordinates);

Shows the format of the Position parameter when creating a projection.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgOrientation orientation: A valid orientation object.

Array position = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsProjection projection = sceneManager.Initializers.Projection.InitializeWithData(
    ref position,

Shows the format of the projection's Position property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsProjection projection: A valid projection object

Array position = new object[]

projection.Position = position;

How to get the scene manager from the STK Object Model root.

[C#] Copy Code
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

Add a company logo with a texture overlay

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture2D = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithXYWidthHeight(
    texture2D.Template.Width / 2,
    texture2D.Template.Height / 2);
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Translucency = 0.1f;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginBottomRight;
overlay.Texture = texture2D;


Add a video with a texture overlay

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String videoFile: The video file

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

IAgStkGraphicsVideoStream videoStream = manager.Initializers.VideoStream.InitializeWithStringUri(videoFile);
videoStream.Playback = AgEStkGraphicsVideoPlayback.eStkGraphicsVideoPlaybackRealTime;
videoStream.Loop = true;

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithXYWidthHeight(
    ((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)videoStream).Width / 4,
    ((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)videoStream).Height / 4);
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Translucency = 0.3f;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginTopRight;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).BorderSize = 1;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).BorderTranslucency = 0.3f;
overlay.Texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)videoStream);


Add overlays to a panel overlay

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String imageFile: The image file to use for the child overlay
// String rasterFile: The raster file for the second child overlay

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay =
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginTopLeft;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Color = Color.LightSkyBlue;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Translucency = 0.7f;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).BorderTranslucency = 0.3f;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).BorderSize = 1;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).BorderColor = Color.LightBlue;

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay childOverlay =
    00, ((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width, ((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height);
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)childOverlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginCenter;

childOverlay.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(imageFile);

// Create the RasterStream from the plugin the same way as in ImageDynamicCodeSnippet.cs
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator activator =
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy proxy =
Type plugin = proxy.RealPluginObject.GetType();
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, rasterFile, null);

IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream rasterStream = proxy.RasterStream;
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.01667;
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture2D = manager.Textures.FromRaster((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)rasterStream);

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay secondChildOverlay =
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)secondChildOverlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginTopRight;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)secondChildOverlay).TranslationX = -36;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)secondChildOverlay).TranslationY = -18;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)secondChildOverlay).ClipToParent = false;
secondChildOverlay.Texture = texture2D;


IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase parentOverlayManager = ((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Overlays as IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase;

IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase childOverlayManager = ((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)childOverlay).Overlays as IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase;

Shows the format of the Position and Size parameters when creating a screen overlay.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array position = new object[]

Array size = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlay screenOverlay = sceneManager.Initializers.ScreenOverlay.InitializeWithPosAndSize(ref position, ref size);

Shows the format of the screen overlay manager's Padding property.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array padding = new object[]

sceneManager.ScreenOverlays.Padding = padding;

Write text to a texture overlay

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsScene scene: Current Scene
// AgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String temporaryFile: The file to which the bitmap will be temporarily saved (should not exist yet)

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

Font font = new Font("Arial"12, FontStyle.Bold);
string text = "STK Engine\nAnalytical Graphics\nOverlays";
Size textSize = MeasureString(text, font);
Bitmap textBitmap = new Bitmap(textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(textBitmap);
gfx.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.White, new PointF(00));

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay =
    manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithXYWidthHeight(1010, textSize.Width, textSize.Height);
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginBottomLeft;

// Any bitmap can be written to a texture by temporarily saving the texture to disk.
string filePath = temporaryFile;
overlay.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(filePath);
System.IO.File.Delete(filePath); // The temporary file is not longer required and can be deleted

overlay.TextureFilter = manager.Initializers.TextureFilter2D.NearestClampToEdge;


Shows the format of the Extent parameter when computing using a surface extent triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

//The LongitudeUnit and LatitudeUnit is expected to be in degrees
Array extent = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple(
    ref extent);

Shows the format of the Positions and HolePositions parameters when computing using a surface polygon triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array positions = new object[]
    1097959.63, -5171334.093556288,
    1007572.15, -5150349.713612667.74,
    978879.05, -5195164.233556326.55,
    1037389.68, -5188523.963549473.77,
    1097959.63, -5171334.093556288

Array holePositions = new object[]
    1079859.69, -5169944.963563791.24,
    1030755, -5179965.113563781.97,
    1028569.57, -5145251.033614006.53,
    1039944.33, -5153880.713598525.9,
    1027115.87, -5150522.493606951.77,
    1026998.55, -5162243.133590303.25,
    1079859.69, -5169944.963563791.24

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.ComputeWithHole("Earth"ref positions, ref holePositions);

Shows the format of the Positions parameter when computing using a surface polygon triangulator.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array positions = new object[]
    34.11, -78.010,
    34.72, -78.930,
    34.11, -79.330,
    34.03, -78.690,
    34.11, -78.010

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult result = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.ComputeCartographic(
    ref positions);

Shows the format of the Center parameter when computing a circle with a cartographic position.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeCircleCartographic(
    ref center,

Shows the format of the Center parameter when computing a circle.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeCircle(
    ref center,

Shows the format of the Center parameter when computing a sector with a cartographic position.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

//The AngleUnit is expected to be in degrees
Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeSectorCartographic(
    ref center,

Shows the format of the Center parameter when computing a sector.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

//The AngleUnit is expected to be in degrees
Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeSector(
    ref center,

Shows the format of the Center parameter when computing an ellipse with a cartographic position.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeEllipseCartographic(
    ref center,

Shows the format of the Center parameter when computing an ellipse.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array center = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult shape = sceneManager.Initializers.SurfaceShapes.ComputeEllipse(
    ref center,

Shows the format of the Corner0, Corner1, Corner2 and Corner3 parameters when creating a texture matrix.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive surfaceMesh: A surface mesh primitive

Array lowerLeftCorner = new object[]
Array lowerRightCorner = new object[]
Array upperRightCorner = new object[]
Array upperLeftCorner = new object[]

surfaceMesh.TextureMatrix = sceneManager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithRectangles(
    ref lowerLeftCorner, ref lowerRightCorner, ref upperRightCorner, ref upperLeftCorner);

Shows the format of the Matrix parameter when creating a texture matrix.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager
// IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive surfaceMesh: A surface mesh primitive

Array transformationArray = new object[]

surfaceMesh.TextureMatrix = sceneManager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithAffineTransform(
    ref transformationArray);

Shows the format of the Position and Size parameters when creating a texture screen overlay.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager sceneManager: The STK Graphics scene manager

Array position = new object[]

Array size = new object[]

IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay screenOverlay = sceneManager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithPositionSize(ref position, ref size);

Create a duplicate.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a VGT provider

IAgCrdnPoint point = provider.Points.Factory.Create("OriginalPoint""description", AgECrdnPointType.eCrdnPointTypeAtTimeInstant);
IAgCrdn duplicate = ((IAgCrdn)point).Duplicate("DuplicatePoint""description");

Create an anonymous duplicate.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a VGT provider

IAgCrdnPoint point = provider.Points.Factory.Create("OriginalPoint""description", AgECrdnPointType.eCrdnPointTypeAtTimeInstant);
IAgCrdn anonymousDuplicate = ((IAgCrdn)point).AnonymousDuplicate();

Enumerate all embedded components of a VGT component

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdn crdn: A VGT component

foreach (IAgCrdn embeddedComponent in crdn.EmbeddedComponents)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, kind: {1}", embeddedComponent.Name, embeddedComponent.Kind);

Get a Vector Geometry Tool provider

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnRoot root: A VGT root object
// String path: A short name referring to an instance of STK Object or Central Body

//Returns a provider associated with the specified
// instance of an STK Object or a Central Body.
IAgCrdnProvider provider = root.GetProvider(path);

Get A Vector Geometry Tool template provider.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnRoot root: A VGT root object
// String className: A class name of STK Object or Central Body

//Returns a VGT provider associated with the specified
// STK object class (i.e., Satellite, Facility, etc.) or
// a Central Body.
IAgCrdnProvider provider = root.GetTemplateProvider(className);

Get an embedded component

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdn crdn: A VGT component

if (crdn.EmbeddedComponents.Contains("Origin"))
    IAgCrdn embeddedComponent = crdn.EmbeddedComponents["Origin"];

Iterate all embedded components of a VGT component

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdn crdn: A VGT component

for (int i = 0; i < crdn.EmbeddedComponents.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdn embeddedComponent = crdn.EmbeddedComponents[i];
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, kind: {1}", embeddedComponent.Name, embeddedComponent.Kind);

Check whether an angle with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if an angle with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.Angles.Contains("AngleName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The angle \"{0}\" already exists!""AngleName");

Check whether the reference angle has a cyclic dependency on another angle.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnAngleRefTo angleRefTo: Reference to a angle.
// IAgCrdnAngle angle: A angle to check against reference angle.

//Check if the reference angle has a cyclic dependency on another angle.
if (angleRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(angle))
    Console.WriteLine("The angle {0} has a cyclic dependency on angle {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)angleRefTo.GetAngle()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)angle).Name);

Computes an angle and the rate of change at a given condition.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnAngle angle: A valid VGT angle object.

IAgCrdnAngleFindAngleWithRateResult result = angle.FindAngleWithRate(0);
if (result.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Angle: {0}, Rate: {1}", result.Angle, result.AngleRate);

Computes an angle at a given condition.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnAngle angle: A valid VGT angle object.

IAgCrdnAngleFindAngleResult result = angle.FindAngle(0);
if (result.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Angle: {0}", result.Angle);

Create a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Create a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.
IAgCrdnVectorAngleRate vector = (IAgCrdnVectorAngleRate)provider.Vectors.Factory.Create(
    "a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.", AgECrdnVectorType.eCrdnVectorTypeAngleRate);

Create an angle between two planes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

//Create an angle between two planes.
IAgCrdnAngleBetweenPlanes angle = (IAgCrdnAngleBetweenPlanes)provider.Angles.Factory.Create(
    "AngleName""Angle from one plane to another.", AgECrdnAngleType.eCrdnAngleTypeBetweenPlanes);

Determine if the specified angle type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnAngleType angleType: An angle type.

// Check if the specified angle type is supported.
if (provider.Angles.Factory.IsTypeSupported(angleType))
    //Create an Angle with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnAngle angle = provider.Angles.Factory.Create(

Enumerate the existing angles.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing angles using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnAngle angle in provider.Angles)
    // All angles implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the angle instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = angle as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, angle.Type);

Iterate through existing angles.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing angles associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Angles.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnAngle angle = provider.Angles[i];
    // All angles implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the angle instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Angles[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the angle name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, angle.Type);

Remove an existing angle with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the vector with specified name exists
if (provider.Angles.Contains("AngleName"))

Check whether the axes with specified name exist.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if the axes with specified name exist
if (provider.Axes.Contains("AxesName"))
    Console.WriteLine("Axes \"{0}\" already exist!""AxesName");

Check whether the reference axes has a cyclic dependency on another axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnAxesRefTo axesRefTo: Reference to a axes.
// IAgCrdnAxes axes: A axes to check against reference axes.

//Check if the reference axes has a cyclic dependency on another axes.
if (axesRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(axes))
    Console.WriteLine("The axes {0} has a cyclic dependency on axes {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)axesRefTo.GetAxes()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)axes).Name);

Create the axes oriented using vectors fixed in these axes and independent reference vectors.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained axes = (IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained)provider.Axes.Factory.Create(
    "AxesName"string.Empty, AgECrdnAxesType.eCrdnAxesTypeAlignedAndConstrained);

Creates a fixed axes based on the origin point with Euler Angles orientation (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a central body VGT provider
// IAgFacility facility: An instance of a facility

object lat = 0, lon = 0;
double alt = 0;

facility.Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out lat, out lon, out alt);
IAgCrdnPointFixedInSystem origin = provider.Points.CommonTasks.CreateFixedInSystemCartographic(provider.Systems["Fixed"], lat, lon, alt);
IAgCrdnAxesFixed eastNorthUp = provider.Axes.CommonTasks.CreateTopocentricAxesEulerAngles((IAgCrdnPoint)origin, AGI.STKUtil.AgEEulerOrientationSequence.e321,;

Creates a fixed axes based on the origin point with Quaternion orientation (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// IAgFacility facility: An instance of a facility

object lat = 0, lon = 0;
double alt = 0;

facility.Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out lat, out lon, out alt);
IAgCrdnPointFixedInSystem origin = provider.Points.CommonTasks.CreateFixedInSystemCartographic(provider.Systems["Fixed"], lat, lon, alt);
IAgCrdnAxesFixed eastNorthUp = provider.Axes.CommonTasks.CreateTopocentricAxesQuaternion((IAgCrdnPoint)origin,;

Creates a fixed axes based on the specified axes (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

IAgCrdnAxes ecfAxes = provider.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed;
IAgCrdnAxesFixed axesFixed = provider.Axes.CommonTasks.CreateFixed(ecfAxes);

Determine if the specified axes type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// AgECrdnAxesType axesType: An axes type.

if (provider.Axes.Factory.IsTypeSupported(axesType))
    IAgCrdnAxes axes = provider.Axes.Factory.Create(
        "AxesName"string.Empty, axesType);

Enumerate the existing axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing Axes using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnAxes axes in provider.Axes)
    // All axes implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the axes instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = axes as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, axes.Type);

Finds the axes' orientation in Earth's Fixed axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// IAgCrdnAxes axes: A valid VGT axes object.

IAgCrdnAxesFindInAxesResult result = axes.FindInAxes(0,
if (result.IsValid)
    AGI.STKUtil.IAgOrientationEulerAngles angles;
    angles = (AGI.STKUtil.IAgOrientationEulerAngles)result.Orientation.ConvertTo(AGI.STKUtil.AgEOrientationType.eEulerAngles);
    Console.WriteLine("Euler Angles [A,B,C,SEQ] => [{1}, {1}, {2}, {3}]", angles.A, angles.B, angles.C, angles.Sequence);

Iterate through existing axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing angles associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Axes.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnAxes axes = provider.Axes[i];
    // All axes implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the axes instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Axes[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the axes name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, axes.Type);

Remove an existing axes with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the axes with specified name exist
if (provider.Axes.Contains("AxesName"))

Transform a vector and vector's rate to the Earth's Fixed axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject sat: A satellite object.

int numEpSec = 180;

// Get the satellite's ICRF cartesian position at 180 EpSec using the data provider interface
IAgDataProviderGroup dpGroup = sat.DataProviders["Cartesian Position"as IAgDataProviderGroup;
Array elements = new object[] { "x""y""z" };
IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = dpGroup.Group["ICRF"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult dpResult = dp.ExecElements(numEpSec, numEpSec, 60ref elements);
double xICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[0].GetValues().GetValue(0);
double yICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[1].GetValues().GetValue(0);
double zICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[2].GetValues().GetValue(0);

// Get the satellite's ICRF cartesian velocity at 180 EpSec using the data provider interface
dpGroup = sat.DataProviders["Cartesian Velocity"as IAgDataProviderGroup;
dp = dpGroup.Group["ICRF"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
dpResult = dp.ExecElements(numEpSec, numEpSec, 60ref elements);
double xvelICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[0].GetValues().GetValue(0);
double yvelICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[1].GetValues().GetValue(0);
double zvelICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[2].GetValues().GetValue(0);

// Create a position vector using the ICRF coordinates
IAgCrdnAxes axesICRF = sat.Vgt.WellKnownAxes.Earth.ICRF;
IAgCartesian3Vector vectorICRF = Application.ConversionUtility.NewCartesian3Vector();
vectorICRF.Set(xICRF, yICRF, zICRF);

// Create a velocity vector using the ICRF coordinates
IAgCartesian3Vector vectorvelICRF = Application.ConversionUtility.NewCartesian3Vector();
vectorvelICRF.Set(xvelICRF, yvelICRF, zvelICRF);

// Use the TransformWithRate method to transform ICRF to Fixed
IAgCrdnAxes axesFixed = sat.Vgt.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed;
IAgCrdnAxesTransformWithRateResult result = axesICRF.TransformWithRate(numEpSec, axesFixed, vectorICRF, vectorvelICRF);

// Get the Fixed position and velocity coordinates
double xFixed = result.Vector.X;
double yFixed = result.Vector.Y;
double zFixed = result.Vector.Z;
double xvelFixed = result.Velocity.X;
double yvelFixed = result.Velocity.Y;
double zvelFixed = result.Velocity.Z;

Transform a vector to the Earth's Fixed axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObject sat: A satellite object.

// Get the satellite's ICRF cartesian position at 180 EpSec using the data provider interface
int numEpSec = 180;
IAgDataProviderGroup dpGroup = sat.DataProviders["Cartesian Position"as IAgDataProviderGroup;
Array elements = new object[] { "x""y""z" };
IAgDataPrvTimeVar dp = dpGroup.Group["ICRF"as IAgDataPrvTimeVar;
IAgDrResult dpResult = dp.ExecElements(numEpSec, numEpSec, 60ref elements);
double xICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[0].GetValues().GetValue(0);
double yICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[1].GetValues().GetValue(0);
double zICRF = (double)dpResult.DataSets[2].GetValues().GetValue(0);

// Create a vector using the ICRF coordinates
IAgCrdnAxes axesICRF = sat.Vgt.WellKnownAxes.Earth.ICRF;
IAgCartesian3Vector vectorICRF = Application.ConversionUtility.NewCartesian3Vector();
vectorICRF.Set(xICRF, yICRF, zICRF);

// Use the Transform method to transform ICRF to Fixed
IAgCrdnAxes axesFixed = sat.Vgt.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed;
IAgCrdnAxesTransformResult result = axesICRF.Transform(numEpSec, axesFixed, vectorICRF);

// Get the Fixed coordinates
double xFixed = result.Vector.X;
double yFixed = result.Vector.Y;
double zFixed = result.Vector.Z;

Check whether a calc scalar with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if a calc scalar with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.CalcScalars.Contains("CalcScalarName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The calc scalar \"{0}\" already exists!""CalcScalarName");

Create a calc scalar constant.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

//Create a calc scalar constant.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant calcScalar = (IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant)provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create(
    "CalcScalarName""Calc scalar constant.", AgECrdnCalcScalarType.eCrdnCalcScalarTypeConstant);

Determine if the specified calc scalar type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnCalcScalarType calcScalarType: A calc scalar type.

// Check if the specified calc scalar type is supported.
if (provider.CalcScalars.Factory.IsTypeSupported(calcScalarType))
    //Create a CalcScalar with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnCalcScalar calcScalar = provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create(

Enumerate the existing calc scalars.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing CalcScalars using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnCalcScalar calcScalar in provider.CalcScalars)
    // All calc scalars implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the calc scalar instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = calcScalar as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, calcScalar.Type);

Iterate through existing calc scalars.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing calc scalars associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.CalcScalars.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnCalcScalar calcScalar = provider.CalcScalars[i];
    // All calc scalars implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the calc scalar's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.CalcScalars[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the calc scalar's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, calcScalar.Type);

Remove an existing calc scalar with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the calc scalar with specified name exists
if (provider.CalcScalars.Contains("CalcScalarName"))

Check whether a condition with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if a condition with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.Conditions.Contains("ConditionName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The condition \"{0}\" already exists!""ConditionName");

Create a condition defined by determining if input scalar is within specified bounds.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

//Create a condition from a scalar.
IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds condition = (IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds)provider.Conditions.Factory.Create(
    "ConditionName""Condition from a scalar.", AgECrdnConditionType.eCrdnConditionTypeScalarBounds);

Determine if the specified condition type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnConditionType conditionType: A condition type.

// Check if the specified condition type is supported.
if (provider.Conditions.Factory.IsTypeSupported(conditionType))
    //Create a Condition with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnCondition condition = provider.Conditions.Factory.Create(

Enumerate the existing conditions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing Conditions using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnCondition condition in provider.Conditions)
    // All conditions implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the condition instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = condition as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, condition.Type);

Iterate through existing conditions.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing conditions associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Conditions.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnCondition condition = provider.Conditions[i];
    // All conditions implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the condition's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Conditions[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the condition's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, condition.Type);

Remove an existing condition with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the condition with specified name exists
if (provider.Conditions.Contains("ConditionName"))

Check whether an event with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if an event with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.Events.Contains("EventName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The event \"{0}\" already exists!""EventName");

Configure the smart interval epoch and the duration.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartInterval smartInterval: The time component smart interval

// Change the time interval to 1 week after the dependent interval.
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch epochOfInterest = smartInterval.GetStopEpoch();
smartInterval.SetStartEpochAndDuration(epochOfInterest, "+1 week");

// Or if you want a specific time, use SetStartTimeAndDuration.
smartInterval.SetStartTimeAndDuration("1 Jan 2015 16:00:00.000""+1 day");

// You can find the event times, such as
Console.WriteLine("Start Time: " + smartInterval.FindStartTime());
Console.WriteLine("Stop Time: " + smartInterval.FindStopTime());
Console.WriteLine("Duration: " + smartInterval.DurationAsString); // Note, only works if you specified duration.

Configure the start and stop epoch time with smart epochs.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartInterval smartInterval: Event Smart Interval
// IAgCrdnEvent startEventEpoch: Start event epoch
// IAgCrdnEvent stopEventEpoch: Stop event epoch

smartInterval.State = AgECrdnSmartIntervalState.eCrdnSmartIntervalStateStartStop;

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch accessStartEpoch = smartInterval.GetStartEpoch();

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch accessStopEpoch = smartInterval.GetStopEpoch();

Convert the start and stop times of the interval into a time.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartInterval smartInterval: The time component smart interval

smartInterval.SetStartTimeAndDuration("Now""+100 day");
object startTime = smartInterval.FindStartTime();
object stopTime = smartInterval.FindStopTime();

Console.WriteLine("StartTime = {0}, StopTime = {1}", startTime, stopTime);

Create and configure explicit smart epoch event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch smartEpoch = provider.Events.Factory.CreateSmartEpochFromTime("1 May 2016 04:00:00.000");

// Smart epochs can be set explicitly (Uses current DateTime unit preference, this code snippet assumes UTCG)
smartEpoch.SetExplicitTime("1 May 2015 01:00:00.000");

Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + smartEpoch.TimeInstant);

Create and configure extremum event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events.Factory.CreateEventExtremum("MyEventExtremum""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventExtremum asExtremum = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventExtremum;

// For instance, time at highest altitude
asExtremum.Calculation = provider.CalcScalars["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude"];
asExtremum.ExtremumType = AgECrdnExtremumConstants.eCrdnExtremumMaximum;

IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();
if (occurrence.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch);

Create and configure fixed epoch event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events.Factory.CreateEventEpoch("MyEventFixed""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventEpoch asEpoch = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventEpoch;

// Epoch can be set explicitly (Uses current DateTime unit preference, this code snippet assumes UTCG)
asEpoch.Epoch = "1 May 2016 04:00:00.000";

// Epoch can also be set with the epoch of another event
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult startTime = provider.Events["AvailabilityStartTime"].FindOccurrence();
asEpoch.Epoch = startTime.Epoch;

IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();
if (occurrence.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch);

Create and configure fixed time offset event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events.Factory.CreateEventTimeOffset("MyEventTimeOffset""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventTimeOffset asTimeOffset = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventTimeOffset;

asTimeOffset.ReferenceTimeInstant = provider.Events["AvailabilityStartTime"];

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asTimeOffset.TimeOffset = 3;

IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();
if (occurrence.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch);

Create and configure implicit smart epoch event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEvent referencedEvent = provider.Events["AvailabilityStartTime"];
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch smartEpoch = provider.Events.Factory.CreateSmartEpochFromEvent(referencedEvent);

// Smart epochs can be set implicitly using the another epoch.
IAgCrdnEvent anotherEvent = provider.Events["AvailabilityStopTime"];

Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + smartEpoch.TimeInstant);

Create and configure signaled event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider satelliteVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO").Vgt;
IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = satelliteVgtProvider.Events.Factory.CreateEventSignaled("MyEventSignaled""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventSignaled asSignaled = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventSignaled;

asSignaled.OriginalTimeInstant = aircraftVgtProvider.Events["EphemerisStartTime"];
asSignaled.BaseClockLocation = satelliteVgtProvider.Points["Center"];
asSignaled.TargetClockLocation = aircraftVgtProvider.Points["Center"];

asSignaled.SignalSense = AgECrdnSignalSense.eCrdnSignalSenseTransmit;
IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic basicSignalDelay = asSignaled.SignalDelay as IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic;
basicSignalDelay.SpeedOption = AgECrdnSpeedOptions.eCrdnCustomTransmissionSpeed;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
basicSignalDelay.TimeDelayConvergence = 0.002;

IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();
if (occurrence.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch);

Create and configure start stop time event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events.Factory.CreateEventStartStopTime("MyEventStartStopTime""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventStartStopTime asStartStopTime = timeEvent as IAgCrdnEventStartStopTime;

asStartStopTime.ReferenceEventInterval = provider.EventIntervals["EphemerisTimeSpan"];

asStartStopTime.UseStart = true;

IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();
if (occurrence.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Event occurred at: " + occurrence.Epoch);

Determine if event occurs before an epoch.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// The event you are interested in.
IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent1 = provider.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax"];

// The reference event you want to determine if event of interest happened before.
IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent2 = provider.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin"];
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence2 = timeEvent2.FindOccurrence();

if (occurrence2.IsValid)
    if (timeEvent1.OccursBefore(occurrence2.Epoch))
        Console.WriteLine("The time of maximum altitude happend before time of minimum altitude");
        Console.WriteLine("The time of minimum altitude happend before time of maximum altitude");

Determine if the specified event type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnEventType eventType: A event type.

// Check if the specified event type is supported.
if (provider.Events.Factory.IsTypeSupported(eventType))
    //Create an Event with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnEvent @event = provider.Events.Factory.Create(

Determine the time of an event.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events["PassIntervals.First.Start"];

IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();

if (occurrence.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("The first pass interval happened at: " + occurrence.Epoch);
    Console.WriteLine("The first pass interval never occurred");

Enumerate the existing events.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing Events using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnEvent @event in provider.Events)
    // All events implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = @event as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, @event.Type);

Iterate through existing events.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing events associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Events.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnEvent @event = provider.Events[i];
    // All events implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Events[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the event's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, @event.Type);

Remove an existing event with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the event with specified name exists
if (provider.Events.Contains("EventName"))

Sets the start and stop epoch time with smart epochs.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartInterval smartInterval: Event Smart Interval


Check whether an event array with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if an event array with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.EventArrays.Contains("EventArrayName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The event array \"{0}\" already exists!""EventArrayName");

Create and configure condition crossings event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayConditionCrossings("MyEventArrayConditionCrossings""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings asConditionCrossings = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossings;

IAgCrdnCondition scalarBound = provider.Conditions.Factory.CreateConditionScalarBounds("Bound""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds asScalarBounds = scalarBound as IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds;
asScalarBounds.Scalar = provider.CalcScalars["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Latitude"];
asScalarBounds.Operation = AgECrdnConditionThresholdOption.eCrdnConditionThresholdOptionInsideMinMax;
//asScalarBounds.Set(-0.349, 0);

asConditionCrossings.Condition = scalarBound;

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Create and configure extrema event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayExtrema("MyEventArrayExtrema",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayExtrema asExtrema = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayExtrema;

asExtrema.Calculation = provider.CalcScalars["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude"];

asExtrema.IsGlobal = true;
asExtrema.ExtremumType = AgECrdnExtremumConstants.eCrdnExtremumMaximum;

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Create and configure filtered event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayFiltered("MyEventArrayFiltered",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayFiltered asFiltered = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayFiltered;

asFiltered.OriginalTimeArray = provider.EventArrays["EphemerisTimes"];

asFiltered.FilterType = AgECrdnEventArrayFilterType.eCrdnEventArrayFilterTypeSkipTimeStep;
asFiltered.IncludeIntervalStopTimes = true;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asFiltered.Step = 240;

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Create and configure fixed step event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayFixedStep("MyEventArrayFixedStep",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayFixedStep asFixedStep = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayFixedStep;

asFixedStep.BoundingIntervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists["AfterStart.SatisfactionIntervals"];
asFixedStep.IncludeIntervalEdges = true;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asFixedStep.SamplingTimeStep = 240;
asFixedStep.ReferenceType = AgECrdnSampledReferenceTime.eCrdnSampledReferenceTimeStartOfIntervalList;

// or using time instants
asFixedStep.ReferenceType = AgECrdnSampledReferenceTime.eCrdnSampledReferenceTimeReferenceEvent;
asFixedStep.ReferenceTimeInstant = provider.Events["EphemerisStartTime"];

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Create and configure merged event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayMerged("MyEventArrayMerged",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayMerged asMerged = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayMerged;

asMerged.TimeArrayA = provider.EventArrays["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimesOfLocalMin"];
asMerged.TimeArrayB = provider.EventArrays["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimesOfLocalMax"];

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Create and configure signaled event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider satelliteVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO").Vgt;
IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = satelliteVgtProvider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArraySignaled("MyEventArraySignaled",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArraySignaled asSignaled = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArraySignaled;

asSignaled.OriginalTimeArray = aircraftVgtProvider.EventArrays["OneMinuteSampleTimes"];
asSignaled.BaseClockLocation = satelliteVgtProvider.Points["Center"];
asSignaled.TargetClockLocation = aircraftVgtProvider.Points["Center"];

asSignaled.SignalSense = AgECrdnSignalSense.eCrdnSignalSenseTransmit;
IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic basicSignalDelay = asSignaled.SignalDelay as IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic;
basicSignalDelay.SpeedOption = AgECrdnSpeedOptions.eCrdnLightTransmissionSpeed;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
basicSignalDelay.TimeDelayConvergence = 0.01;

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Create and configure start stop times event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayStartStopTimes("MyEventArrayStartStopTimes",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayStartStopTimes asStartStopTimes = eventArray as IAgCrdnEventArrayStartStopTimes;

asStartStopTimes.ReferenceIntervals = provider.EventIntervalLists["LightingIntervals.Sunlight"];
asStartStopTimes.StartStopOption = AgECrdnStartStopOption.eCrdnStartStopOptionCountStartOnly;

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in timeArrays.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Determine altitude of aircraft at one minute samples.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

// Get the aircraft
IAgStkObject aircraft = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV");

// Configure a fixed step array that samples every 20 seconds.
IAgCrdnEventArray twentySecondSample = aircraft.Vgt.EventArrays.Factory.CreateEventArrayFixedStep("TwentySecondSample",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventArrayFixedStep asFixedStep = twentySecondSample as IAgCrdnEventArrayFixedStep;
asFixedStep.BoundingIntervalList = aircraft.Vgt.EventIntervalLists["AvailabilityIntervals"];
asFixedStep.SamplingTimeStep = 20;
asFixedStep.ReferenceType = AgECrdnSampledReferenceTime.eCrdnSampledReferenceTimeStartOfIntervalList;

// At each time step, get the aircraft's altitude and print the value.
IAgCrdnFindTimesResult timeArrays = twentySecondSample.FindTimes();
if (timeArrays.IsValid)
    int numTimes = timeArrays.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)
        object epoch = timeArrays.Times.GetValue(i);
        Array altitueAtTime = aircraft.Vgt.CalcScalars["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude"].QuickEvaluate(epoch);
        if ((bool)altitueAtTime.GetValue(0) == true)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", epoch, altitueAtTime.GetValue(1));

Determine if the specified event array type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnEventArrayType eventArrayType: A event array type.

// Check if the specified event array type is supported.
if (provider.EventArrays.Factory.IsTypeSupported(eventArrayType))
    //Create an EventArray with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays.Factory.Create(

Determines the time intervals of an event array.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays["Orbit.Classical.SemimajorAxis.TimesOfLocalMax"];

IAgCrdnFindTimesResult foundTimes = eventArray.FindTimes();
if (foundTimes.IsValid)
    int numTimes = foundTimes.Times.GetLength(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; ++i)

    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval timeArray in foundTimes.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + timeArray.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + timeArray.Stop);

Enumerate the existing event arrays.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing EventArrays using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray in provider.EventArrays)
    // All event arrays implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event array instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = eventArray as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventArray.Type);

Iterate through existing event arrays.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing event arrays associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.EventArrays.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnEventArray eventArray = provider.EventArrays[i];
    // All event arrays implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event array's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.EventArrays[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the event array's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventArray.Type);

Remove an existing event array with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the event array with specified name exists
if (provider.EventArrays.Contains("EventArrayName"))

Check whether an event interval with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if an event interval with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.EventIntervals.Contains("EventIntervalName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The event interval \"{0}\" already exists!""EventIntervalName");

Create and configure event interval between two instants.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalBetweenTimeInstants("MyIntervalBetweenTwoInstants",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalBetweenTimeInstants asTimeInstant = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalBetweenTimeInstants;

asTimeInstant.StartTimeInstant = provider.Events["EphemerisStartTime"];
asTimeInstant.StopTimeInstant = provider.Events["EphemerisStopTime"];

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Create and configure event interval from an interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalFromIntervalList("MyIntervalList",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFromIntervalList asIntervalList = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalFromIntervalList;

asIntervalList.ReferenceIntervals = provider.EventIntervalLists["AttitudeIntervals"];
asIntervalList.IntervalSelection = AgECrdnIntervalSelection.eCrdnIntervalSelectionMaxGap;

// Or from start...
asIntervalList.IntervalSelection = AgECrdnIntervalSelection.eCrdnIntervalSelectionFromStart;
asIntervalList.IntervalNumber = 1;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Create and configure fixed duration event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalFixedDuration("MyIntervalFixedDuration",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFixedDuration asFixedDuration = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalFixedDuration;

asFixedDuration.ReferenceTimeInstant = provider.Events["AvailabilityStartTime"];

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asFixedDuration.StartOffset = 10;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asFixedDuration.StopOffset = 360;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Create and configure fixed event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalFixed("MyIntervalFixed",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFixed asFixed = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalFixed;


IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Create and configure scaled event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalScaled("MyIntervalScaled",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalScaled asScaled = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalScaled;

asScaled.OriginalInterval = provider.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"];

asScaled.AbsoluteIncrement = 30;

// Or use Relative
asScaled.UseAbsoluteIncrement = false;
asScaled.RelativeIncrement = 45// Percentage

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Create and configure signaled event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider satelliteVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO").Vgt;
IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = satelliteVgtProvider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalSignaled("MyIntervalSignaled",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalSignaled asSignaled = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalSignaled;

asSignaled.OriginalInterval = aircraftVgtProvider.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"];
asSignaled.BaseClockLocation = satelliteVgtProvider.Points["Center"];
asSignaled.TargetClockLocation = aircraftVgtProvider.Points["Center"];

asSignaled.SignalSense = AgECrdnSignalSense.eCrdnSignalSenseReceive;
IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic basicSignalDelay = asSignaled.SignalDelay as IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic;
basicSignalDelay.SpeedOption = AgECrdnSpeedOptions.eCrdnLightTransmissionSpeed;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
basicSignalDelay.TimeDelayConvergence = 0.002;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Create and configure time offset event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.CreateEventIntervalTimeOffset("MyIntervalFixedTimeOffset",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalTimeOffset asFixedTimeOffset = eventInterval as IAgCrdnEventIntervalTimeOffset;

asFixedTimeOffset.ReferenceInterval = provider.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"];

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asFixedTimeOffset.TimeOffset = 30;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult intervalResult = eventInterval.FindInterval();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + intervalResult.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + intervalResult.Interval.Stop);

Determine if event occurred in interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// The event you are interested in.
IAgCrdnEventInterval timeEventInterval = provider.EventIntervals["LightingIntervals.Sunlight.First"];

// The reference event you want to determine if event occurred in the interval.
IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMax"];
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();

if (occurrence.IsValid)
    if (timeEventInterval.Occurred(occurrence.Epoch))
        Console.WriteLine("Our highest altitude was reached on the first lighting pass");
        Console.WriteLine("Our highest altitude was not reached on the first lighting pass");

Determine if the specified event interval type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnEventIntervalType eventIntervalType: A event interval type.

// Check if the specified event interval type is supported.
if (provider.EventIntervals.Factory.IsTypeSupported(eventIntervalType))
    //Create an EventInterval with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals.Factory.Create(

Determines the start and stop times of the event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals["AvailabilityTimeSpan"];

IAgCrdnEventIntervalResult interval = eventInterval.FindInterval();

if (interval.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + interval.Interval.Start);
    Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + interval.Interval.Stop);

Enumerate the existing event intervals.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing EventIntervals using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval in provider.EventIntervals)
    // All event intervals implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event interval instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = eventInterval as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventInterval.Type);

Iterate through existing event intervals.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing event intervals associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.EventIntervals.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnEventInterval eventInterval = provider.EventIntervals[i];
    // All event intervals implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event interval's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.EventIntervals[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the event interval's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventInterval.Type);

Remove an existing event interval with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the event interval with specified name exists
if (provider.EventIntervals.Contains("EventIntervalName"))

Check whether an event interval collection with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if an event interval collection with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.EventIntervalCollections.Contains("EventIntervalCollectionName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The event interval collection \"{0}\" already exists!""EventIntervalCollectionName");

Create and configure lighting event interval collection.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection intervalCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections.Factory.CreateEventIntervalCollectionLighting("MyIntervalCollectionLightning",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionLighting asCollectionLightning = intervalCollection as IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionLighting;

// Optionally use a separate central body
asCollectionLightning.UseObjectEclipsingBodies = true;
asCollectionLightning.Location = provider.Points["Center"];
asCollectionLightning.EclipsingBodies = new object[] { "Saturn""Jupiter" };

IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult intervalResult = intervalCollection.FindIntervalCollection();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnIntervalCollection intervals in intervalResult.IntervalCollections)
        foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals)
            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure signaled event interval collection.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider satelliteVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO").Vgt;
IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection intervalCollection = satelliteVgtProvider.EventIntervalCollections.Factory.CreateEventIntervalCollectionSignaled("MyIntervalCollectionSignaled",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionSignaled asCollectionSignaled = intervalCollection as IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionSignaled;

asCollectionSignaled.OriginalCollection = aircraftVgtProvider.EventIntervalCollections["LightingIntervals"];
asCollectionSignaled.BaseClockLocation = satelliteVgtProvider.Points["Center"];
asCollectionSignaled.TargetClockLocation = aircraftVgtProvider.Points["Center"];

asCollectionSignaled.SignalSense = AgECrdnSignalSense.eCrdnSignalSenseTransmit;
IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic basicSignalDelay = asCollectionSignaled.SignalDelay as IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic;
basicSignalDelay.SpeedOption = AgECrdnSpeedOptions.eCrdnLightTransmissionSpeed;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
basicSignalDelay.TimeDelayConvergence = 0.002;

IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult intervalResult = intervalCollection.FindIntervalCollection();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnIntervalCollection intervals in intervalResult.IntervalCollections)
        foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals)
            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Stop);

Determine if epoch occurred in interval collection.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection intervalVectorCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections["LightingIntervals"];

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult occurredResult = intervalVectorCollection.Occurred("1 May 2015 04:30:00.000");

if (occurredResult.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Occurred at {0} index", occurredResult.Index);

    // Use the index from IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult as the index to IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult.IntervalCollections
    IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult intervalResult = intervalVectorCollection.FindIntervalCollection();
    IAgCrdnIntervalCollection intervalCollection = intervalResult.IntervalCollections[occurredResult.Index];

Determine if the specified event interval collection type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnEventIntervalCollectionType eventIntervalCollectionType: A event interval collection type.

// Check if the specified event interval collection type is supported.
if (provider.EventIntervalCollections.Factory.IsTypeSupported(eventIntervalCollectionType))
    //Create an EventIntervalCollection with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection eventIntervalCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections.Factory.Create(

Determines the event intervals contained in the interval collection.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection intervalCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections["LightingIntervals"];

IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult intervalResult = intervalCollection.FindIntervalCollection();
if (intervalResult.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnIntervalCollection intervals in intervalResult.IntervalCollections)
        foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals)
            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
            Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Stop);

Enumerate the existing event interval collections.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing EventIntervalCollections using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection eventIntervalCollection in provider.EventIntervalCollections)
    // All event interval collections implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event interval collection instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = eventIntervalCollection as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventIntervalCollection.Type);

Iterate through existing event interval collections.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing event interval collections associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.EventIntervalCollections.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection eventIntervalCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections[i];
    // All event interval collections implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event interval collection's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.EventIntervalCollections[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the event interval collection's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventIntervalCollection.Type);

Remove an existing event interval collection with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the event interval collection with specified name exists
if (provider.EventIntervalCollections.Contains("EventIntervalCollectionName"))

Check whether an event interval list with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if an event interval list with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.EventIntervalLists.Contains("EventIntervalListName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The event interval list \"{0}\" already exists!""EventIntervalListName");

Create and configure event interval list from file.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider
// String intervalFile: Path to interval file.

// Example contents of a file
//  STK.V.10.0
//  BEGIN IntervalList
//      ScenarioEpoch 1 Jul 1999 00:00:00.00
//  BEGIN Intervals
//      "1 Jul 1999 00:00:00.00" "1 Jul 1999 02:00:00.00"
//      "1 Jul 1999 05:00:00.00" "1 Jul 1999 07:00:00.00"
//      "1 Jul 1999 11:00:00.00" "1 Jul 1999 13:00:00.00"
//      "1 Jul 1999 17:00:00.00" "1 Jul 1999 19:00:00.00"
//  END Intervals
//  END IntervalList

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListFile("MyIntervalListFromFile""MyDescription", intervalFile);
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFile asListFile = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFile;

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure filtered event interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListFiltered("MyIntervalListFiltered",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFiltered listFiltered = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFiltered;

listFiltered.OriginalIntervals = provider.EventIntervalLists["AttitudeIntervals"];

IAgCrdnFirstIntervalsFilter firstIntervals = listFiltered.FilterFactory.Create(AgECrdnPruneFilter.eCrdnPruneFilterFirstIntervals) as IAgCrdnFirstIntervalsFilter;
firstIntervals.MaximumNumberOfIntervals = 3;

// Or for example satisfaction intervals
IAgCrdnSatisfactionConditionFilter asSatisfactionCondition = listFiltered.FilterFactory.Create(AgECrdnPruneFilter.eCrdnPruneFilterSatisfactionIntervals) as IAgCrdnSatisfactionConditionFilter;
asSatisfactionCondition.Condition = provider.Conditions["BeforeStop"];
asSatisfactionCondition.DurationKind = AgECrdnIntervalDurationKind.eCrdnIntervalDurationKindAtLeast;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asSatisfactionCondition.IntervalDuration = 30;

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure list condition event interval.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListCondition("MyIntervalListSatisfaction",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListCondition asListCondition = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListCondition;

asListCondition.Condition = provider.Conditions["AfterStart"];

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure merged event interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider satelliteVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO").Vgt;
IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = satelliteVgtProvider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListMerged("MyIntervalListMerged",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListMerged asListMerged = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListMerged;

asListMerged.MergeOperation = AgECrdnEventListMergeOperation.eCrdnEventListMergeOperationMINUS;

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure scaled event interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListScaled("MyIntervalListScaled",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListScaled asListScaled = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListScaled;

asListScaled.AbsoluteIncrement = 40;

// Or use Relative
asListScaled.UseAbsoluteIncrement = false;
asListScaled.RelativeIncrement = 20// Percentage

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure signaled event interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider satelliteVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO").Vgt;
IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = satelliteVgtProvider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListSignaled("MyIntervalListSignaled",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListSignaled asListSingled = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListSignaled;

asListSingled.OriginalIntervals = aircraftVgtProvider.EventIntervalLists["BeforeStop.SatisfactionIntervals"];
asListSingled.BaseClockLocation = satelliteVgtProvider.Points["Center"];
asListSingled.TargetClockLocation = aircraftVgtProvider.Points["Center"];

asListSingled.SignalSense = AgECrdnSignalSense.eCrdnSignalSenseTransmit;
IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic basicSignalDelay = asListSingled.SignalDelay as IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasic;
basicSignalDelay.SpeedOption = AgECrdnSpeedOptions.eCrdnCustomTransmissionSpeed;

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
basicSignalDelay.TimeDelayConvergence = 0.002;

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Create and configure time offset event interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListTimeOffset("MyIntervalListFixedTimeOffset",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListTimeOffset asTimeOffset = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListTimeOffset;

asTimeOffset.ReferenceIntervals = provider.EventIntervalLists["AfterStart.SatisfactionIntervals"];

// Uses current Time unit preference, this code snippet assumes seconds.
asTimeOffset.TimeOffset = 300;

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Determine if epoch occured in interval collection.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists["AttitudeIntervals"];

// The reference event you want to determine if event of interest happened before.
IAgCrdnEvent timeEvent = provider.Events["GroundTrajectory.Detic.LLA.Altitude.TimeOfMin"];
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResult occurrence = timeEvent.FindOccurrence();

if (intervalList.Occurred(occurrence.Epoch))
    Console.WriteLine("The time of maximum altitude occurred in event interval list.");
    Console.WriteLine("The time of maximum altitude did not occurred in event interval list.");

Determine if the specified event interval list type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnEventIntervalListType eventIntervalListType: A event interval list type.

// Check if the specified event interval list type is supported.
if (provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.IsTypeSupported(eventIntervalListType))
    //Create an EventIntervalList with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnEventIntervalList eventIntervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.Create(

Determine the intervals an aircraft is above a certain velocity.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

IAgCrdnProvider aircraftVgtProvider = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV").Vgt;

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = aircraftVgtProvider.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListCondition("IntervalsAboveCertainVelocity",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListCondition asListCondition = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListCondition;

IAgCrdnCondition aboveBoundCondition = aircraftVgtProvider.Conditions.Factory.CreateConditionScalarBounds("AboveCertainBound""MyDescription");
IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds asScalarBounds = aboveBoundCondition as IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds;
asScalarBounds.Operation = AgECrdnConditionThresholdOption.eCrdnConditionThresholdOptionAboveMin;
asScalarBounds.Scalar = aircraftVgtProvider.CalcScalars["Trajectory(CBI).Cartesian.Z"];
//asScalarBounds.Minimum = 4082;

asListCondition.Condition = aboveBoundCondition;

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Determine the intervals without access.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root

// Compute UAV's access to the satellite
IAgStkObject satellite = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Satellite/LEO");
IAgStkObject aircraft = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("Aircraft/UAV");
IAgStkAccess satelliteAccess = aircraft.GetAccessToObject(satellite);

// Subtract the aircraft availability time with the access times to get the times without access.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalList = aircraft.Vgt.EventIntervalLists.Factory.CreateEventIntervalListMerged("IntervalsWithoutAccess",  "MyDescription");
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListMerged asListMerged = intervalList as IAgCrdnEventIntervalListMerged;
asListMerged.MergeOperation = AgECrdnEventListMergeOperation.eCrdnEventListMergeOperationMINUS;

// Print times without access.
IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalList.FindIntervals();
if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Determines the event intervals contained in the interval list.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

IAgCrdnEventIntervalList intervalsList = provider.EventIntervalLists["AttitudeIntervals"];

IAgCrdnIntervalListResult intervals = intervalsList.FindIntervals();

if (intervals.IsValid)
    foreach (IAgCrdnInterval interval in intervals.Intervals)
        Console.WriteLine("Interval Start: " + interval.Start);
        Console.WriteLine("Interval Stop: " + interval.Stop);

Enumerate the existing event interval lists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing EventIntervalLists using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnEventIntervalList eventIntervalList in provider.EventIntervalLists)
    // All event interval lists implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event interval list instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = eventIntervalList as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventIntervalList.Type);

Iterate through existing event interval lists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing event interval lists associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.EventIntervalLists.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnEventIntervalList eventIntervalList = provider.EventIntervalLists[i];
    // All event interval lists implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the event interval list's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.EventIntervalLists[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the event interval list's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, eventIntervalList.Type);

Remove an existing event interval list with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the event interval list with specified name exists
if (provider.EventIntervalLists.Contains("EventIntervalListName"))

Check whether a parameter set with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

//Check if a parameter set with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.ParameterSets.Contains("ParameterSetName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The parameter set \"{0}\" already exists!""ParameterSetName");

Create an attitude parameter set.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

//Create an attitude parameter set.
IAgCrdnParameterSetAttitude parameterSet = (IAgCrdnParameterSetAttitude)provider.ParameterSets.Factory.Create(
    "ParameterSetName""Attitude parameter set.", AgECrdnParameterSetType.eCrdnParameterSetTypeAttitude);

Determine if the specified parameter set type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnParameterSetType parameterSetType: A parameter set type.

// Check if the specified parameter set type is supported.
if (provider.ParameterSets.Factory.IsTypeSupported(parameterSetType))
    //Create a ParameterSet with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnParameterSet parameterSet = provider.ParameterSets.Factory.Create(

Enumerate the existing parameter sets.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing ParameterSets using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnParameterSet parameterSet in provider.ParameterSets)
    // All parameter sets implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the parameter set instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = parameterSet as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, parameterSet.Type);

Iterate through existing parameter sets.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing parameter sets associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.ParameterSets.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnParameterSet parameterSet = provider.ParameterSets[i];
    // All parameter sets implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the parameter set's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.ParameterSets[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the parameter set's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, parameterSet.Type);

Remove an existing parameter set with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the parameter set with specified name exists
if (provider.ParameterSets.Contains("ParameterSetName"))

Check whether a plane with specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the plane with the specified name already exists.
if (provider.Planes.Contains("PlaneName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The plane \"{0}\" already exists!""PlaneName");

Check whether the reference plane has a cyclic dependency on another plane.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnPlaneRefTo planeRefTo: Reference to a plane.
// IAgCrdnPlane plane: A plane to check against reference plane.

//Check if the reference plane has a cyclic dependency on another plane.
if (planeRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(plane))
    Console.WriteLine("The plane {0} has a cyclic dependency on plane {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)planeRefTo.GetPlane()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)plane).Name);

Create a plane normal to vector.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Create a plane normal to vector.
IAgCrdnPlaneNormal p = (IAgCrdnPlaneNormal)provider.Planes.Factory.Create(
    "PlaneName""A plane normal to vector.", AgECrdnPlaneType.eCrdnPlaneTypeNormal);

Determine if the specified plane type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// AgECrdnPlaneType planeType: A plane type.

// Check if the specified plane type is supported.
if (provider.Planes.Factory.IsTypeSupported(planeType))
    IAgCrdnPlane p = provider.Planes.Factory.Create(

Enumerate the existing planes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing Planes using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnPlane plane in provider.Planes)
    // All planes implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the plane instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = plane as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, plane.Type);

Iterate through existing planes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing planes associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Planes.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnPlane plane = provider.Planes[i];
    // All planes implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the plane's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Planes[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the plane's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, plane.Type);

Remove an existing plane with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the plane with specified name exists
if (provider.Planes.Contains("PlaneName"))

Check whether a point with the specified name exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if a point with specified name exists.
if (provider.Points.Contains("PointName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The point \"{0}\" exists!""PointName");

Check whether the reference point has a cyclic dependency on another point.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnPointRefTo pointRefTo: Reference to a point.
// IAgCrdnPoint point: A point to check against reference point.

//Check if the reference point has a cyclic dependency on another point.
if (pointRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(point))
    Console.WriteLine("The point {0} has a cyclic dependency on point {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)pointRefTo.GetPoint()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)point).Name);

Create a B-Plane point using selected target body.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// String TargetBody: A target central body

// Create a B-Plane point using selected target body
IAgCrdnPointBPlane point = (IAgCrdnPointBPlane)provider.Points.Factory.Create(
    "PointName"string.Empty, AgECrdnPointType.eCrdnPointTypeBPlane);

Determine if the specified point type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// AgECrdnPointType PointType: A point type

// Check if the specified point type is supported.
if (provider.Points.Factory.IsTypeSupported(PointType))
    IAgCrdnPoint point = provider.Points.Factory.Create(
        "PointName"string.Empty, PointType);

Enumerate the existing points.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing points using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnPoint point in provider.Points)
    // All points implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the point instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = point as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, point.Type);

Iterate through the existing points.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing points associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Points.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnPoint point = provider.Points[i];
    // All points implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the point instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Points[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the point name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, point.Type);

Locates a point in the Earth's Fixed reference frame.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// IAgCrdnPoint point: A valid VGT point object.

IAgCrdnPointLocateInSystemResult result = point.LocateInSystem(0,
if (result.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("The position of the point in Earth's Fixed reference frame: {0},{1},{2}",
        result.Position.X, result.Position.Y, result.Position.Z);

Remove an existing point with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the specified point exists
if (provider.Points.Contains("PointName"))

Check whether a system with the specified name exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the specified system exists.
if (provider.Systems.Contains("SystemName"))
    Console.WriteLine("The system \"{0}\" exists!""SystemName");

Check whether the reference system has a cyclic dependency on another system.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnSystemRefTo systemRefTo: Reference to a system.
// IAgCrdnSystem system: A system to check against reference system.

//Check if the reference system has a cyclic dependency on another system.
if (systemRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(system))
    Console.WriteLine("The system {0} has a cyclic dependency on system {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)systemRefTo.GetSystem()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)system).Name);

Create a non-persistent point fixed in a specified reference frame given Cartesian data (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a central body VGT provider
// IAgFacility facility: An instance of a facility

double X, Y, Z;
facility.Position.QueryCartesian(out X, out Y, out Z);
IAgCrdnPointFixedInSystem origin = provider.Points.CommonTasks.CreateFixedInSystemCartesian(
    provider.Systems["Fixed"], X, Y, Z);

Create a non-persistent point fixed in a specified reference frame given Cartographic data (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a central body VGT provider
// IAgFacility facility: An instance of a facility

object lat = 0, lon = 0;
double alt = 0;
facility.Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out lat, out lon, out alt);
IAgCrdnPointFixedInSystem origin = provider.Points.CommonTasks.CreateFixedInSystemCartographic(
    provider.Systems["Fixed"], lat, lon, alt);

Create a system assembled from a point serving as its origin and a set of reference axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// IAgCrdnPoint OriginPoint: A point of origin.
// IAgCrdnAxes ReferenceAxes: A reference axes.

IAgCrdnSystemAssembled system = (IAgCrdnSystemAssembled)provider.Systems.Factory.Create(
    "SystemName"string.Empty, AgECrdnSystemType.eCrdnSystemTypeAssembled);
// Set the system's origin point.
// Set the system's reference axes.

Creates a East-North-Up system at the specified geodetic location (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a VGT provider
// IAgFacility facility: An instance of a facility

object lat = 0, lon = 0;
double alt = 0;
facility.Position.QueryPlanetodetic(out lat, out lon, out alt);
IAgCrdnSystemAssembled systemAssembled = provider.Systems.CommonTasks.CreateEastNorthUpCartographic(lat, lon, alt);

Creates a system assembled from an origin point and a set of reference axes (using common tasks).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of a central body VGT provider
// IAgFacility facility: An instance of a facility

IAgCrdnSystemAssembled systemAssembled = provider.Systems.CommonTasks.CreateAssembled(
    ((IAgStkObject)facility).Vgt.Points["Center"], provider.Axes["Fixed"]);

Determine if the specified System type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// AgECrdnSystemType SystemType: A system type

// Check if the specified system type is supported.
if (provider.Systems.Factory.IsTypeSupported(SystemType))
    //Create a System with supported Type
    IAgCrdnSystem system = provider.Systems.Factory.Create("SystemName",
        string.Empty, SystemType);

Enumerate the existing systems.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing Systems using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnSystem system in provider.Systems)
    // All systems implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the system instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = system as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, system.Type);

Iterate through existing systems (coordinate reference frames).

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing systems associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Systems.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnSystem crdnSystem = provider.Systems[i];
    // All coordinate reference frames implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the reference frame's instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = provider.Systems[i] as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the reference frame's name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, crdnSystem.Type);

Remove an existing system with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider

// Check if the specified system exists.
if (provider.Systems.Contains("SystemName"))

Check whether the reference vector has a cyclic dependency on another vector.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnVectorRefTo vectorRefTo: Reference to a vector.
// IAgCrdnVector vector: A vector to check against reference vector.

//Check if the reference vector has a cyclic dependency on another vector.
if (vectorRefTo.HasCyclicDependency(vector))
    Console.WriteLine("The vector {0} has a cyclic dependency on vector {1}.", ((IAgCrdn)vectorRefTo.GetVector()).Name, ((IAgCrdn)vector).Name);

Check whether the vector with the specified name already exists.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// String VectorName: Name of the vector to check for.

//Check if the vector with specified name already exists.
if (provider.Vectors.Contains(VectorName))
    Console.WriteLine("The vector {0} already exists!", VectorName);

Computes the vector in the Earth's Fixed axes.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider
// IAgCrdnVector vector: A valid VGT vector object.

IAgCrdnVectorFindInAxesResult result = vector.FindInAxes(0, provider.WellKnownAxes.Earth.Fixed);
if (result.IsValid)
    Console.WriteLine("Vector in the Earth's Fixed axes (x,y,z) => {0},{1},{2}",
        result.Vector.X, result.Vector.Y, result.Vector.Z);

Create a displacement vector defined by its origin and destination points.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// IAgCrdnPoint OriginPoint: Defines the vector origin.
// IAgCrdnPoint DestinationPoint: Defines the vector destination.

//Create a displacement vector with two specified points
IAgCrdnVectorDisplacement vector = provider.Vectors.Factory.CreateDisplacementVector(
    "VectorName", OriginPoint, DestinationPoint);

Creates a vector defined as a cross product of vectors A and B.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// IAgCrdnVector VectorA: First vector.
// IAgCrdnVector VectorB: Second vector.

//Create a vector defined as cross product of vectors A and B.
IAgCrdnVectorCross vector = provider.Vectors.Factory.CreateCrossProductVector(
    "CrossVector", VectorA, VectorB);

Determine if the specified vector type is supported.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// AgECrdnVectorType vectorType: A vector type.

//Check if the specified vector type is supported.
if (provider.Vectors.Factory.IsTypeSupported(vectorType))
    // Create a custom vector.
    IAgCrdnVector vector = provider.Vectors.Factory.Create(
        "myVector"string.Empty, vectorType);

Enumerate the existing vectors.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: A Vector Geometry Tool provider

// Enumerate the existing vectors using specified CrdnProvider.
foreach (IAgCrdnVector vector in provider.Vectors)
    // All vectors implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the vector instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = vector as IAgCrdn;
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, vector.Type);

Iterate through the existing vectors.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.

// Iterate through the the group of existing vectors associated
// with the specified CrdnProvider.
for (int i = 0; i < provider.Vectors.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdnVector vector = provider.Vectors[i];
    // All vectors implement IAgCrdn interface which provides
    // information about the vector instance and its type.
    IAgCrdn crdn = vector as IAgCrdn;
    // Print the vector name and type to the standard output.
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, type: {1}", crdn.Name, vector.Type);

Remove an existing vector with the specified name.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgCrdnProvider provider: An instance of VGT provider.
// String VectorName: A name of the vector to be removed.

// Check if the vector with specified name already exists.
if (provider.Vectors.Contains(VectorName))

Enumerate all 2D (Map) windows and print their map identifiers.

[C#] Copy Code
// AgUiApplication application: STK Application object

foreach (IAgUiWindow window in application.Windows)
    object oSvc = window.GetServiceByType(AgEWindowService.eWindowService2DWindow);
    IAgUiWindowMapObject mapObject = oSvc as IAgUiWindowMapObject;
    if (mapObject != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, mapObject.MapID);

Enumerate all 2D (Map) windows and print their map identifiers.

[C#] Copy Code
// AgUiApplication application: STK Application object

foreach (IAgUiWindow window in application.Windows)
    object oSvc = window.GetServiceByType(AgEWindowService.eWindowService2DWindow);
    IAgUiWindowMapObject mapObject = oSvc as IAgUiWindowMapObject;
    if (mapObject != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, mapObject.MapID);

Enumerate all 3D (Globe) windows and print their scene identifiers.

[C#] Copy Code
// AgUiApplication application: STK Application object

foreach (IAgUiWindow window in application.Windows)
    object oSvc = window.GetServiceByType(AgEWindowService.eWindowService3DWindow);
    IAgUiWindowGlobeObject globeObject = oSvc as IAgUiWindowGlobeObject;
    if (globeObject != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, globeObject.SceneID);

Enumerate all 3D (Globe) windows and print their scene identifiers.

[C#] Copy Code
// AgUiApplication application: STK Application object

foreach (IAgUiWindow window in application.Windows)
    object oSvc = window.GetServiceByType(AgEWindowService.eWindowService3DWindow);
    IAgUiWindowGlobeObject globeObject = oSvc as IAgUiWindowGlobeObject;
    if (globeObject != null)
        Console.WriteLine("Window Title: {0}, scene ID: {1}", window.Caption, globeObject.SceneID);

Computes the distance between two locations.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgStkCentralBodyEllipsoid centralBodyEllipsoid = root.CentralBodies["Earth"].Ellipsoid;

// Compute the distance between Philadelphia and London.
// The code snippet assumes the latitude and longitude unit preference is set to degrees.
double distance = centralBodyEllipsoid.ComputeSurfaceDistance(40.0068, -75.134751.4879, -0.1780);
Console.WriteLine("The distance between Philadelphia and London is: {0}", distance);

Create 2525b symbol

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String filePath: Saved image file path

// Generate a 2525b symbol
IAgStdMil2525bSymbols symbol = root.StdMil2525bSymbols;

// Configure symbol properties
symbol.SymbolImageSize = 128;
symbol.FillEnabled = true;

// CreateSymbol
symbol.CreateSymbol("sjgpewrh--mtusg", filePath);

Gets the altitude of the terrain at a single location and in batches.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// Double latitude: Terrain Latitude Position
// Double longitude: Terrain Longitude Position
// String terrainFile: Path of Terrain file

IAgScenario scneario = (IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario;

// If you haven't done so, add the terrain to your scenario (for example .PDTT)
IAgCentralBodyTerrainCollectionElement earthTerrain = scneario.Terrain["Earth"];
earthTerrain.TerrainCollection.Add(terrainFile, AgETerrainFileType.ePDTTTerrainFile);

// Get single altitude
double altitude = earthTerrain.GetAltitude(latitude, longitude, AgEAltRefType.eMSL);

// Get points in batches.
Array specifiedPositions = new object[,]
    { 40.0386, -75.5966 },
    { 28.5383, -81.3792 },
    { 37.7749, -122.4194 }

Array altitudes = earthTerrain.GetAltitudeBatch(ref specifiedPositions, AgEAltRefType.eWGS84);

// GetAltitudeBatch returns a one-dimensional array of altitude values in the distance unit perference.
int numPoints = altitudes.GetLength(0);
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
    Console.WriteLine("Latitude={0}, Longitude={1}, Altitude={2}", specifiedPositions.GetValue(i, 0), specifiedPositions.GetValue(i, 1), altitudes.GetValue(i));

Gets the altitude profile of the terrain.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root
// String terrainFile: Path of Terrain file

IAgScenario scneario = (IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario;

// If you haven't done so, add the terrain to your scenario (for example .PDTT)
IAgCentralBodyTerrainCollectionElement earthTerrain = scneario.Terrain["Earth"];
IAgTerrain terrain = earthTerrain.TerrainCollection.Add(terrainFile, AgETerrainFileType.ePDTTTerrainFile);

// Get diagonal altitude profile using the max resolution of the terrain file.
Array terrainProfile = earthTerrain.GetAltitudesBetweenPointsAtResolution(terrain.SWLatitude, terrain.SWLongitude, terrain.NELatitude, terrain.NELongitude, terrain.Resolution, AgEDistanceOnSphere.eDistanceOnSphereGreatCircle, AgEAltRefType.eMSL);

// GetAltitudeProfile returns a two dimensional array of lat lon alt values.
int numPoints = terrainProfile.GetLength(0);
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
    Console.WriteLine("Latitude={0}, Longitude={1}, Altitude={2}", terrainProfile.GetValue(i, 0), terrainProfile.GetValue(i, 1), terrainProfile.GetValue(i, 2));

Load a VDF

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model Root
// String vdfPath: The full file path of the VDF
// String vdfPassword: The password to open the VDF

// Pass an empty string if there is no password to the VDF.
root.LoadVDF(vdfPath, vdfPassword);

Sets the scenario analysis time to the empheris time of another object.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root
// IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object

IAgSatellite satellite = stkRoot.GetObjectFromPath("/Satellite/GeoEye"as IAgSatellite;

IAgCrdnProvider vgtProvider = stkRoot.VgtRoot.GetProvider("/Satellite/GeoEye");
IAgVePropagatorTwoBody twoBody = satellite.Propagator as IAgVePropagatorTwoBody;
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch startEpoch = twoBody.EphemerisInterval.GetStartEpoch();
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpoch stopEpoch = twoBody.EphemerisInterval.GetStopEpoch();

scenario.AnalysisInterval.SetStartAndStopEpochs(startEpoch, stopEpoch);

Sets the scenario analysis time to today and the duration to one day.

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot stkRoot: STK Object Model root
// IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object

scenario.AnalysisInterval.SetStartTimeAndDuration("Today""+1 Day");

Execute Connect command

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgExecCmdResult result = root.ExecuteCommand("New / */Satellite JeffSAT");

Execute multiple Connect commands

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

Array connectCommands = new object[]
        "New / */Satellite MySatellite",
        "Graphics */Satellite/MySatellite SetColor red"

// ExecuteMultipleCommands expect a one dimensional array of Connect commands
IAgExecMultiCmdResult result = root.ExecuteMultipleCommands(ref connectCommands, AgEExecMultiCmdResultAction.eExceptionOnError);

Extract data from a multiple Connect result

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgExecMultiCmdResult result: Connect mutiple exection result

for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
    if (result[i].IsSucceeded)
        for (int j = 0; j < result[i].Count; j++)

Extract data from Connect result

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgExecCmdResult result: Connect exection result

if (result.IsSucceeded)
    for (int i=0; i<result.Count; i++)

Convert a position to another representation

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgConversionUtility converter = root.ConversionUtility;

// ConvertPositionArray expects a two dimensional array of positions
Array cartesianPositions = new object[,]
        { 1216.47, -4736.124081.39 },
        { 1000, -20002000 }

// Convert cartesian dates to cylindrical
// ConvertPositionArray returns a two dimensional array of cartesian dates
Array cylindricalPositions = converter.ConvertPositionArray(AgEPositionType.eCartesian, ref cartesianPositions, AgEPositionType.eCylindrical);

// Print results
for (int i = 0; i < cylindricalPositions.GetLength(0); i++)
    Console.WriteLine("X: {0}, Y: {1}, Z: {2}",
        cylindricalPositions.GetValue(i, 0),
        cylindricalPositions.GetValue(i, 1),
        cylindricalPositions.GetValue(i, 2));

Convert an orbit state to another representation or coordinate system X

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgOrbitState orbit: Orbit State

IAgOrbitStateClassical newOrbit = orbit.ConvertTo(AgEOrbitStateType.eOrbitStateClassical) as IAgOrbitStateClassical;

Extends orbit state to another representation or coordinate system X

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgOrbitState orbitState: Orbit State

// orbitState can be extended to one of the other representations.
// Here it is extended to Classical representation.
IAgOrbitStateClassical newOrbitState = orbitState.ConvertTo(AgEOrbitStateType.eOrbitStateClassical) as IAgOrbitStateClassical;

// Set the new orbit state parameters
newOrbitState.AssignClassical(AgECoordinateSystem.eCoordinateSystemICRF, 1200000001.80, -1.80);

Query direction as another representation

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgDirection direction: Direction

// Method 1
object b = null, c = null;
direction.QueryEuler(AgEEulerDirectionSequence.e12, out b, out c);
Console.WriteLine("B = {0}, C = {1}", b, c);
// Method 2
// The Query functions returns a one dimension array
// The number of column rows depends on the representation
Array euler = direction.QueryEulerArray(AgEEulerDirectionSequence.e12);
Console.WriteLine("B = {0}, C = {1}", euler.GetValue(0), euler.GetValue(1));

Delay graphics updates while manipulating properties of an object

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Root

IAgSatellite satellite = root.CurrentScenario.Children["Satellite1"as IAgSatellite;
IAgVODataDisplayElement voElt = satellite.VO.DataDisplay[0];

root.BeginUpdate(); // Suspend updates

// Put modifications here
voElt.IsVisible = true;
voElt.UseBackground = true;
voElt.BgColor = Color.Green;
voElt.UseBackground = false;

root.EndUpdate(); // Resume updates now

Calculate date addition (with IAgDate)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create a date representing now
IAgDate nowDate = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("DD/MM/YYYY", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"));

// Dates can be modified using Add 52 days
IAgDate newDate = nowDate.Add("day"52.0);

// Differences between dates are calculated from Span function
IAgQuantity span = newDate.Span(nowDate);

// IAgDate also provides formatting functionalities
Console.WriteLine("Date(now) in UTCG is: {0}", nowDate.Format("UTCG"));
Console.WriteLine("Date(52 days from now) in UTCG is: {0}", newDate.Format("UTCG"));
Console.WriteLine("The difference between now and 52 days to come is {0} minutes!", span.Value);

Calculate date subtraction (with IAgDate)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create a date representing now
IAgDate nowDate = root.ConversionUtility.NewDate("DD/MM/YYYY", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"));

// Dates can be modified using Subtract 52 days
IAgDate newDate = nowDate.Subtract("day"52.0);

// Differences between dates are calculated from Span function
IAgQuantity span = newDate.Span(nowDate);

// IAgDate also provides formatting functionalities
Console.WriteLine("Date(now) in UTCG is: {0}", nowDate.Format("UTCG"));
Console.WriteLine("Date(52 days before now) in UTCG is: {0}", newDate.Format("UTCG"));
Console.WriteLine("The difference between now and 52 days ago is {0} minutes!", span.Value);

Calculate quantity addition (with IAgQuantity)

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Create a quantity representing a 3.1 mile/ 5 km fun run race
IAgQuantity  race3mi = root.ConversionUtility.NewQuantity("Distance""mi"3.1);
IAgQuantity  race5km = root.ConversionUtility.NewQuantity("Distance""km"5);

// Add the two 3.1 mile/ 5 km runs
IAgQuantity race10km = race5km.Add(race3mi);
Console.Write("The {0} {1} race is also called a ", race10km.Value, race10km.Unit);

// Convert 10k run to 6.2 mile run internally within the quantity
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} race", race10km.Value, race10km.Unit);

Convert a date format to another format

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgConversionUtility converter = root.ConversionUtility;

// Individually
string epsec = converter.ConvertDate("UTCG""Epsec""1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000");
string utcg = converter.ConvertDate("EpSec""UTCG""230126401.000");

Convert a quantity unit to another unit

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgConversionUtility converter = root.ConversionUtility;

// Old value in miles, new value in km
double newValue = converter.ConvertQuantity("DistanceUnit""mi""km"1.0);

Convert mulitple quantities of the same unit to another unit

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgConversionUtility converter = root.ConversionUtility;

// ConvertQuantityArray expects a one dimensional array of values to be converted
// An array of km/sec units
Array kmsecUnits = new object[]

// Convert to mi/sec units
// ConvertQuantityArray returns a one dimensional array of converted values
Array misecUnits = converter.ConvertQuantityArray("Rate""km/sec""mi/sec"ref kmsecUnits);

Convert multiple dates of the same format to another format

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

IAgConversionUtility converter = root.ConversionUtility;

// In batches
// ConvertDateArray expects a one dimensional array of dates
// An array of UTCG dates
Array tempDates = new object[]
                      "1 Jan 2012 12:00:00.000""1 Jan 2012 14:00:00.000"

// Convert UTCG array to EpSec
// ConvertDateArray returns a one dimensional array of converted dates
Array converted = converter.ConvertDateArray("UTCG""Epsec"ref tempDates);

// Print results
for (int i = 0; i < converted.Length; i++)
    Console.WriteLine("Date: {0}", converted.GetValue(i));

Get a current unit preference

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// DistanceUnit
string dimensionName = "Distance";
string unitAbbreviation = root.UnitPreferences.GetCurrentUnitAbbrv(dimensionName);

Isolate Unit Preferences when using multiple IAgStkObjectRoot objects

[C#] Copy Code

// First root configured to use km
IAgStkObjectRoot root1 = new AgStkObjectRootClass();

// Second root configured to use miles
IAgStkObjectRoot root2 = new AgStkObjectRootClass();

// Create new scenario and ship object
// Close current scenario
if (root1.CurrentScenario != null)
root1.CurrentScenario.Children.New(AgESTKObjectType.eShip, "Ship1");

// Obtain references to the ship object from each root
IAgShip shipFromRoot1 = root1.GetObjectFromPath("Ship/Ship1"as IAgShip;
IAgShip shipFromRoot2 = root2.GetObjectFromPath("Ship/Ship1"as IAgShip;


IAgVePropagatorGreatArc greatArcFromRoot1 = shipFromRoot1.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc greatArcFromRoot2 = shipFromRoot2.Route as IAgVePropagatorGreatArc;

IAgVeWaypointsElement waypointsFromRoot1 = greatArcFromRoot1.Waypoints.Add();

waypointsFromRoot1.Altitude = 1// 1 km

IAgVeWaypointsElement waypointsFromRoot2 = greatArcFromRoot2.Waypoints.Add();

waypointsFromRoot2.Altitude = 1// 1 mile


int i = 1;
foreach (IAgVeWaypointsElement wpt in greatArcFromRoot1.Waypoints)
    Console.WriteLine("Point #{0} Altitude {1} {2}", i, wpt.Altitude, root1.UnitPreferences.GetCurrentUnitAbbrv("Distance"));

//Sample Output
//Point #1 Altitude 1 km
//Point #2 Altitude 1.609344 km

i = 1;
foreach (IAgVeWaypointsElement wpt in greatArcFromRoot2.Waypoints)
    Console.WriteLine("Point #{0} Altitude {1} {2}", i, wpt.Altitude, root2.UnitPreferences.GetCurrentUnitAbbrv("Distance"));

//Sample Output
//Point #1 Altitude 0.621371192237334 mi
//Point #2 Altitude 1 mi


Reset all current unit preferences

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// Reset Units

Set a current unit preference

[C#] Copy Code
// IAgStkObjectRoot root: STK Object Model root

// DistanceUnit