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IAgAsEOMFuncPluginStateVector Interface


State vector interface for EOM func plugins.

Public Methods

Public Method AddAccelerationAdd the acceleration in meters/second^2 in the given frame to the force model.
Public Method AddDerivativeOutputValueSets the value of a first derivative in internal units.
Public Method DateElementsCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format. Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60].
Public Method DateElements_ArrayCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as the array: Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method DateStringCurrent epoch expressed using the date format abbreviation specified.
Public Method DayCountCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format.
Public Method DayCount_ArrayCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format returned as an array representing wholeDays, secsIntoDay. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method GetInputValueGets the value of an input to the plugin in internal units.
Public Method IndicateEventMarks an event to the propagator.
Public Method PosVelCurrent position (meters) and velocity (meters/second) in the requested frame.
Public Method PosVel_ArrayCurrent position (meters) and velocity (meters/second) in the requested frame returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method RefEpochElementsReference epoch expressed in requested time scale in day count and date formats. WholeDays, SecsIntoDay, Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60].
Public Method RefEpochElements_ArrayReference epoch expressed in requested time scale in day count and date formats as the array: WholeDays, SecsIntoDay, Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method RefEpochStringReference epoch expressed using the date format abbreviation specified.
Public Method SetMaxStepSets the maximum step size in seconds for the propagator.
Public Method SetParameterOutputValueSets the value of a parameter output of the plugin in internal units.
Public Method StopPropagationStops propagation. For fatal errors.
Public Method TransformVectorTransforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame.
Public Method TransformVector_ArrayTransforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame (in internal units) returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.

Public Properties

Public Property CbNameName of the central body used as reference frame origin.
Public Property MuGravitational constant in meters^3/second^2.
Public Property TimeSinceRefEpochCurrent epoch expressed in seconds since reference epoch.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAsEOMFuncPluginStateVector

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