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IAgAsEphemFileReaderPluginResultEphem Interface


Interface for use with IAgAsEphemFileReaderPlugin

Public Methods

Public Method AddEphemerisAdds an ephemeris point. Covariance array is optional. It contains the lower triangle of the covariance matrix, either 6 elements for position only, or 21 elements when using pos-vel covariance.
Public Method AddEphemerisAtEpochAdds an ephemeris point at the Epoch given in the format DateAbbrv. The Covariance array is optional. It contains the lower triangle of the covariance matrix, either 6 elements for position only, or 21 elements when using pos-vel covariance.
Public Method AddEphemerisOnDateAdds an ephemeris point on the date specified. The Covariance array is optional. It contains the lower triangle of the covariance matrix, either 6 elements for position only, or 21 elements when using pos-vel covariance. Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60].
Public Method AddInterpolationBoundaryAdds an interpolation boundary at the Epoch specified in format given by DateAbbrv.
Public Method AddMetaDataAssociates the Value with the given Keyword
Public Method AddTrendControlTimeAdds a trending control time at the Epoch specified in format given by DateAbbrv.
Public Method GetCoordinateSystemEpochThe coordinate system epoch for the CoordinateSystem, expressed as a string in format given by DateAbbrv. Not needed for systems with fixed epochs (like ICRF, J2000, B1950).
Public Method GetDistanceUnitGets the distance unit used for both ephemeris and covariance.
Public Method GetRefEpochSets the reference epoch for points added by AddEphemeris(). The Epoch is specified in the format given by DateAbbrv.
Public Method GetTimeUnitGets the distance unit used for both ephemeris and covariance.
Public Method SetCoordinateSystemEpochThe coordinate system epoch for the CoordinateSystem, expressed as a string in format given by DateAbbrv. Not needed for systems with fixed epochs (like ICRF, J2000, B1950).
Public Method SetRefEpochSets the reference epoch for points added by AddEphemeris(). The Epoch is specified in the format given by DateAbbrv.
Public Method SetUnitsSets the distance and time units used for both ephemeris and covariance.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyThe central body for the coordinate system used for the ephemeris and covariance.
Public Property CoordinateSystemThe name of the coordinate system used for the ephemeris and covariance. AWB systems are supported using the same notation as that for CoordinateSystem in a .e file, e.g., AWB TopoCentric Facility/Facility1.
Public Property CovarianceRepresentationSets the covariance representation.
Public Property CovarianceTypeSpecifies the type of covariance desired.
Public Property FilenameThe filename to verify.
Public Property FormatIDFile Format identification. Cannot contain spaces.
Public Property InterpolationMethodThe interpolation method used with the ephemeris.
Public Property InterpolationOrderThe interpolation order to use. For Lagrange-type interpolation, 1+Order samples are used; for Hermitian, (Order+1)/2 samples are used.
Public Property IsValidFalse indicates a failure has occurred and that the message should be displayed
Public Property MessageSets an error message when not valid
Public Property MuLagrangeVOPThe gravitational parameter (expressed using the distance and time units) to use when using LagrangeVOP interpolation.
Public Property NameName to use in the user interface.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAsEphemFileReaderPluginResultEphem

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