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IAgGatorPluginResultAttCtrl Interface


This component is passed as the lone argument for methods of the IAgGatorPluginAttCtrl plugin component. This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.

Public Methods

Public Method DateElementsCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format. Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60].
Public Method DateElements_ArrayCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as the array: Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method DateStringCurrent epoch expressed using the date format abbreviation specified.
Public Method DayCountCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format.
Public Method DayCount_ArrayCurrent epoch in requested time scale expressed in day count format returned as an array representing wholeDays, secsIntoDay. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method EulerRotateSets the current orientation using a sequence of euler rotations.
Public Method GetEulerRotationGets the current orientation as euler angles.
Public Method GetEulerRotation_ArrayGets the current orientation as euler rotations returned as an array. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method GetQuaternionGets the current orientation as a quaternion.
Public Method GetQuaternion_ArrayGets the current orientation as a quaternion returned as an array representing Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method LatLonAltCurrent detic latitude, detic longitude, and altitude.
Public Method LatLonAlt_ArrayCurrent detic latitude, detic longitude, and altitude(in internal units) returned as an array representing lat, lon, alt. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method PosVelCurrent position and velocity in the requested frame.
Public Method PosVel_ArrayCurrent position and velocity in the requested frame (in internal units) returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method SetQuaternionSets the current orientation using a quaternion.
Public Method SetRefAxesSets the reference axes.
Public Method StopPropagationStops propagation. For fatal errors.
Public Method SunPositionPosition of the sun wrt the current satellite position, in the requested frame, computed in the requested manner.
Public Method SunPosition_ArrayPosition of the sun wrt the current satellite position, in the requested frame, computed in the requested manner, (in internal units) returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method TraceSet this interface to trace the next numCalls by outputting a message to the message viewer.
Public Method TransformVectorTransforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame.
Public Method TransformVector_ArrayTransforms a vector from the input frame to the output frame (in internal units) returned as an array representing x, y, z. Useful for scripting clients.

Public Properties

Public Property AltitudeCurrent altitude.
Public Property CbNameName of the central body used as reference frame origin.
Public Property CdDrag Coefficient.
Public Property CrSRP Coefficient.
Public Property DragAreaDrag Area.
Public Property DryMassDry Mass.
Public Property FuelMassFuel Mass.
Public Property MassTotal Mass.
Public Property MuGravitational constant of the state central body
Public Property RefAxesName of the reference axes.
Public Property SRPAreaSRP Area.

CoClasses that Implement IAgGatorPluginResultAttCtrl

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