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AgEStkGraphicsMaintainAspectRatio Enumeration
See Also


Specifies whether the aspect ratio of a texture will be maintained during sizing of a screen overlay.


eStkGraphicsMaintainAspectRatioNone0The aspect ratio of the texture is not maintained during sizing of the screen overlay.
eStkGraphicsMaintainAspectRatioWidth1The aspect ratio of the texture is maintained based on the Width property of the screen overlay. When used, the Height property is ignored and the height is automatically calculated based on the aspect ratio of the texture and the overlay's Width property.
eStkGraphicsMaintainAspectRatioHeight2The aspect ratio of the texture is maintained based on the Height property of the screen overlay. When used, the Width property is ignored and the width is automatically calculated based on the aspect ratio of the texture and the overlay's Height property.
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