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AgEStkGraphicsSetHint Enumeration
See Also


An optimization hint optionally provided to primitives to enhance performance for static or dynamic primitives. See the Set Hint Performance Overview for selecting an appropriate value.


eStkGraphicsSetHintInfrequent0Rendering is optimized for static geometry. The primitive's vertices are not going to be updated with Set() or SetPartial() calls. Calls to SetPartial() will fail. Calls to Set() are allowed but may not be as efficient as SetHintFrequent.
eStkGraphicsSetHintPartial1Rendering is optimized for dynamic geometry. The primitive's vertices are expected to be updated with SetPartial() - some or all of the vertices will change but the number of vertices will not.
eStkGraphicsSetHintFrequent2Rendering is optimized for streaming geometry. The primitive's vertices are expected to be updated with Set() - all the vertices will change and/or the number of vertices will change. Calls to SetPartial() will fail.

See Also

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