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AgEStkGraphicsTextureWrap Enumeration
See Also


Determine how to handle textures coordinates that fall outside of the range [0, 1].


eStkGraphicsTextureWrapClamp0Clamp the texture coordinate to the range [0, 1].
eStkGraphicsTextureWrapClampToBorder1Clamp the texture coordinate to the range [-1/2N, 1 + 1/2N], where N is the size the texture in the direction of clamping.
eStkGraphicsTextureWrapClampToEdge2Clamp the texture coordinate to the range [1/2N, 1 - 1/2N], where N is the size the texture in the direction of clamping.
eStkGraphicsTextureWrapMirroredRepeat3If the integer part of the texture coordinate is even, use the fractional part of the texture coordinate. Otherwise, use one minus the fractional part of the texture coordinate.
eStkGraphicsTextureWrapRepeat4Ignore the integer part of the texture coordinate.
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