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IAgStkGraphicsBoundingSphere Interface


A sphere that encapsulates an object.

Public Properties

Public Property CenterA center of the bounding sphere. The center point is specified as one-dimensional array with three elements corresponding to (X,Y,Z) cartesian coordinates.
Public Property RadiusA radius of the bounding sphere.


Create a Bounding Sphere
[Python - STK API]
# IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
manager = scenario.SceneManager
sphere = manager.Initializers.BoundingSphere.Initialize([[-1061.22], [-5773.98], [4456.04]], 100)

Create a Bounding Sphere
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object
manager = scenario.SceneManager;
sphere = manager.Initializers.BoundingSphere.Initialize({-1061.22;-5773.98;4456.04}, 100);

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