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FieldOfView Property (IAgStkGraphicsCamera)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Gets or sets field of view. The field of view is applied to the larger of the window dimensions. For example, if the window width was 640 and the height was 480, the field of view applies to the horizontal. Use Horizontal Field Of View and Vertical Field Of View to get the horizontal and vertical field of views. Wide fields of views generally show more objects but can look distorted as compared to narrower ones.

Property type

Read-write property


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property FieldOfView() As Double
public double FieldOfView {get; set;}
[Managed C++]
public: __property double get_FieldOfView();
public: __property void set_FieldOfView( double );
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT get_FieldOfView(
    double * pRetVal
public: HRESULT put_FieldOfView(
    double FieldOfView
public double getFieldOfView();
public void setFieldOfView(
[Python - STK API ]
def FieldOfView(self) -> float:

def FieldOfView(self, FieldOfView:float) -> None:

See Also

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