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IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter Interface


Applies convolution to the source raster. Convolution is the modification of a pixel's value based on the values of its surrounding pixels. The Kernel is the numerical matrix that is applied to each pixel in this process. The convolution operation is discussed in more detail in numerous texts on image processing and useful convolution kernels are widely available from various sources.

Public Properties

Public Property DivisorGets or sets the divisor for the result of the convolution kernel operation.
Public Property KernelGets or sets the convolution kernel of the filter. The array contains the 9 elements of the Kernel of the convolution matrix. The elements are provided as the entire first row, followed by the entire second row, followed by the entire third row, each from left to right.
Public Property OffsetGets or sets the offset for the result of the convolution kernel operation. The value is added to the result of the operation.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter


Blur an image with a convolution matrix
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;
// The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
IAgStkGraphicsRaster image = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri(

// Set convolution matrix to blur
Array kernel = new object[]
        1, 1, 1,
        1, 1, 1,
        1, 1, 1
IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter convolutionMatrix = manager.Initializers.ConvolutionFilter.InitializeWithKernelAndDivisor(ref kernel, 9.0);

IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image);

// Display the image using a screen overlay
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize();
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Width = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Height = 0.2;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginBottomLeft;
overlay.Texture = texture;

Blur an image with a convolution matrix
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim overlayManager As IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase = DirectCast(manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays, IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)
' The URI can be a file path, http, https, or ftp location
Dim image As IAgStkGraphicsRaster = manager.Initializers.Raster.InitializeWithStringUri( _

' Set convolution matrix to blur
Dim kernel As Array = New Object() {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, _
 1, 1, 1}
Dim convolutionMatrix As IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter = manager.Initializers.ConvolutionFilter.InitializeWithKernelAndDivisor(kernel, 9.0)
image.ApplyInPlace(DirectCast(convolutionMatrix, IAgStkGraphicsRasterFilter))

Dim texture As IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D = manager.Textures.FromRaster(image)

Dim overlay As IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.Initialize()
DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsOverlay).Width = 0.2
DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsOverlay).WidthUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction
DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsOverlay).Height = 0.2
DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsOverlay).HeightUnit = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnitFraction
overlay.Texture = texture
DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsOverlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginBottomLeft

overlayManager.Add(DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlay))
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