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IAgStkGraphicsGraphicsFont Interface


A font that is suitable for use with the Text Batch Primitive. For best performance, avoid creating duplicate font objects. Instead assign the same font object to several text batch primitives.

Public Properties

Public Property AntialiasGets a value that indicates whether this font is antialiased.
Public Property BoldGets a value that indicates whether this font is bold.
Public Property ItalicGets a value that indicates whether this font is italic.
Public Property NameGets the typeface name of the font.
Public Property OutlineGets a value that indicates whether this font has an outline around its characters.
Public Property SizeGets the size of the font.
Public Property StrikeoutGets a value that indicates whether this font has a horizontal line through its characters.
Public Property StyleGets the Font Style enumeration that contains the style for this font. This does not include the Outline property.
Public Property UnderlineGets a value that indicates whether this font is underlined.

See Also

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