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AlignToAxis Method (IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive)
See Also
The central body that the marker will point towards the axis of.
The axis to align each marker's up vector to.

Windows & Linux


Sets the up vector of the markers to point towards the axis of centralBody. It will be aligned with the tangent vector of the surface that points towards the axis. Setting axis to the north axis of the centralBody will have the same effect as calling MarkerBatchPrimitive.AlignToNorth.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub AlignToAxis( _
    ByVal CentralBody As String, _
    ByVal Axis As System.Array _
public void AlignToAxis(
    string CentralBody,
    System.Array Axis
[Managed C++]
public: void AlignToAxis(
    String __gc ^ CentralBody,
    System::Array ^ Axis
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT AlignToAxis(
    BSTR CentralBody,
    SAFEARRAY * * Axis
public void alignToAxis(
    String CentralBody,
    AgSafeArray Axis
[Python - STK API ]
def AlignToAxis(self, CentralBody:str, Axis:list) -> None:


The central body that the marker will point towards the axis of.
The axis to align each marker's up vector to.

See Also

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