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IAgStkGraphicsPickResult Interface


A single result from Scene.Pick.

Public Properties

Public Property DepthGets the depth of the picked location in the 3D scene.
Public Property ObjectsGets a collection of objects that were on the pick stack for the picked object.
Public Property PositionGets the position of the picked location in the central body's fixed reference frame. The array contains the components of the position arranged in the order x, y, z.


Change a model's color on mouse over
// Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY);
if (collection.Count != 0)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = collection[0].Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = objects[0] as IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive;
    // Was a model in our composite picked?
    if (composite == m_Models)
        IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive model = objects[1] as IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive;

        // Selected Model
        model.Color = Color.Cyan;

        if (model != m_SelectedModel)
            // Unselect previous model
            if (m_SelectedModel != null)
                m_SelectedModel.Color = Color.Red;
            m_SelectedModel = model;

// Unselect previous model
if (m_SelectedModel != null)
    m_SelectedModel.Color = Color.Red;
    m_SelectedModel = null;
Zoom to a particular marker in a batch
Array selectedMarkerCartesianPosition = null;
// Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY);
if (collection.Count != 0)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = collection[0].Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive batchPrimitive = objects[0] as IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive;

    // Was a marker in our marker batch picked?
    if (batchPrimitive == m_MarkerBatch)
        // Get the index of the particular marker we picked
        IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex markerIndex = objects[1] as IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex;
        // Get the position of the particular marker we picked
        Array markerCartographic = markerPositions[markerIndex.Index];

        IAgPosition markerPosition = root.ConversionUtility.NewPositionOnEarth();

        double x, y, z;
        markerPosition.QueryCartesian(out x, out y, out z);

        selectedMarkerCartesianPosition = new object[] { x, y, z };

IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;

IList positions = new List();
positions.Add(new object[] {39.88, -75.25, 3000.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {38.85, -77.04, 3000.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {38.85, -77.04, 0.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {29.98, -90.25, 0.0 });
positions.Add(new object[] {37.37, -121.92, 0.0 });

Array positionsArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), positions.Count * 3);
for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; ++i)
    Array position = positions[i];
    position.CopyTo(positionsArray, i * 3);

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive markerBatch = manager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitive.Initialize();
markerBatch.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri(
markerBatch.SetCartographic("Earth", ref positionsArray);

// Save the positions of the markers for use in the pick event
markerPositions = positions;

// Enable per item picking
markerBatch.PerItemPickingEnabled = true;

Change model colors within a rectangular region
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
// Get a collection of picked objects in a 100 by 100 rectangular region.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
List newModels = new List();
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.PickRectangular(mouseX - 50, mouseY + 50, mouseX + 50, mouseY - 50);
foreach (IAgStkGraphicsPickResult pickResult in collection)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = pickResult.Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = objects[0] as IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive;

    // Was a model in our composite picked?
    if (composite == m_Models)
        IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive model = objects[1] as IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive;

        // Selected Model
        ((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)model).Color = Color.Cyan;
// Reset color of models that were previous selected but were not in this pick. 
foreach (IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive selectedModel in SelectedModels)
    if (!newModels.Contains(selectedModel))
        ((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)selectedModel).Color = Color.Red;
SelectedModels = newModels;


Zoom to a model on double click
IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive selectedModel = null;
// Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
// The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection collection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY);
if (collection.Count != 0)
    IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection objects = collection[0].Objects;
    IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive composite = objects[0] as IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive;

    // Was a model in our composite picked?
    if (composite == m_Models)
        selectedModel = objects[1] as IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive;
Change a model's color on mouse over
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
' The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
            Dim collection As IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY)
If collection.Count <> 0 Then
	Dim objects As IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection = collection(0).Objects
	Dim composite As IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive = TryCast(objects(0), IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive)

	' Was a model in our composite picked?
                If composite Is m_Models Then
                    Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive = TryCast(objects(1), IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)

                    ' Selected Model
                    model.Color = Color.Cyan

                    If model IsNot m_SelectedModel Then
                        ' Unselect previous model
                        If m_SelectedModel IsNot Nothing Then
                            m_SelectedModel.Color = Color.Red
                        End If
                        m_SelectedModel = model
                    End If
                End If
End If

' Unselect previous model
If m_SelectedModel IsNot Nothing Then
                m_SelectedModel.Color = Color.Red
	m_SelectedModel = Nothing
Zoom to a particular marker in a batch
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim selectedMarkerCartesianPosition As Array = Nothing
' Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
' The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
Dim collection As IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY)
If collection.Count <> 0 Then
	Dim objects As IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection = collection(0).Objects
	Dim batchPrimitive As IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive = TryCast(objects(0), IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive)

	' Was a marker in our marker batch picked?
	If batchPrimitive Is m_MarkerBatch Then
		' Get the index of the particular marker we picked
		Dim markerIndex As IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex = TryCast(objects(1), IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex)
		' Get the position of the particular marker we picked
		Dim markerCartographic As Array = markerPositions(markerIndex.Index)

		Dim markerPosition As IAgPosition = root.ConversionUtility.NewPositionOnEarth()
		markerPosition.AssignPlanetodetic(CDbl(markerCartographic.GetValue(0)), CDbl(markerCartographic.GetValue(1)), CDbl(markerCartographic.GetValue(2)))

		Dim x As Double, y As Double, z As Double
		markerPosition.QueryCartesian(x, y, z)

		selectedMarkerCartesianPosition = New Object() {x, y, z}
	End If
End If

Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager

Dim positions As IList(Of Array) = New List(Of Array)()
positions.Add(New Object() {39.88, -75.25, 3000.0})
positions.Add(New Object() {38.85, -77.04, 3000.0})
positions.Add(New Object() {38.85, -77.04, 0.0})
positions.Add(New Object() {29.98, -90.25, 0.0})
positions.Add(New Object() {37.37, -121.92, 0.0})

Dim positionsArray As Array = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Object), positions.Count * 3)
For i As Integer = 0 To positions.Count - 1
	Dim position As Array = positions(i)
	position.CopyTo(positionsArray, i * 3)

Dim markerBatch As IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive = manager.Initializers.MarkerBatchPrimitive.Initialize()
markerBatch.Texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( _
markerBatch.SetCartographic("Earth", positionsArray)

' Save the positions of the markers for use in the pick event
markerPositions = positions
' Enable per item picking
markerBatch.PerItemPickingEnabled = True

manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(markerBatch, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))
Change model colors within a rectangular region
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
' Get a collection of picked objects in a 100 by 100 rectangular region.
' The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
Dim newModels As New List(Of IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive)()
Dim collection As IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection = scene.PickRectangular(mouseX - 50, mouseY + 50, mouseX + 50, mouseY - 50)
For Each pickResult As IAgStkGraphicsPickResult In collection
    Dim objects As IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection = pickResult.Objects
    Dim composite As IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive = TryCast(objects(0), IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive)

    ' Was a model in our composite picked?
    If composite Is m_Models Then
        Dim model As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive = TryCast(objects(1), IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive)

        ' Selected Model
        DirectCast(model, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Color = Color.Cyan
    End If
' Reset color of models that were previous selected but were not in this pick. 
For Each selectedModel As IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive In SelectedModels
    If Not newModels.Contains(selectedModel) Then
        DirectCast(selectedModel, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Color = Color.Red
    End If
SelectedModels = newModels

Zoom to a model on double click
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim selectedModel As IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive = Nothing
' Get a collection of picked objects under the mouse location.
' The collection is sorted with the closest object at index zero.
Dim collection As IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection = scene.Pick(mouseX, mouseY)
If collection.Count <> 0 Then
    Dim objects As IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection = collection(0).Objects
    Dim composite As IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive = TryCast(objects(0), IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive)

    ' Was a model in our composite picked?
    If composite Is m_Models Then
        selectedModel = TryCast(objects(1), IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)
    End If

See Also

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