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SetWithOptionalParameters Method (IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive)
See Also
An array containing new positions (in the order x, y, z) for the point batch.
An array containing the numeric representation of colors for the point batch. There must be one color for each position in positions. In .NET a Color should be translated to a number by calling its ToArgb method and casting the result as an unsigned integer.
Optional parameters for the point batch

Windows & Linux


Defines the positions, colors, and optional parameters of points in a point batch. The points are rendered in the primitive's Reference Frame. renderPassHint is provided for efficiency.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Sub SetWithOptionalParameters( _
    ByVal Positions As System.Array, _
    ByVal Colors As System.Array, _
    ByVal OptionalParameters As IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters, _
    ByVal RenderPassHint As AgEStkGraphicsRenderPassHint _
[Managed C++]
public: void SetWithOptionalParameters(
    System::Array ^ Positions,
    System::Array ^ Colors,
    IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters ^ OptionalParameters,
    AgEStkGraphicsRenderPassHint RenderPassHint
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT SetWithOptionalParameters(
    SAFEARRAY * * Positions,
    SAFEARRAY * * Colors,
    IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters * OptionalParameters,
    AgEStkGraphicsRenderPassHint RenderPassHint


An array containing new positions (in the order x, y, z) for the point batch.
An array containing the numeric representation of colors for the point batch. There must be one color for each position in positions. In .NET a Color should be translated to a number by calling its ToArgb method and casting the result as an unsigned integer.
Optional parameters for the point batch


Calling this method with a renderPassHint of Unknown is equivalent to calling Set with just positions and colors. When a more specific renderPassHint is used, this method can be more efficient.

See Set for a full discussion.

See Also

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