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IAgStkGraphicsTextureFilter2D Interface


A texture filter.

Public Properties

Public Property LinearClampToEdgeGets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Linear, MagnificationFilter: Linear, WrapS: ClampToEdge, WrapT: ClampToEdge.
Public Property LinearRepeatGets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Linear, MagnificationFilter: Linear, WrapS: Repeat, WrapT: Repeat.
Public Property MagnificationFilterGets the magnification filter used when the pixel being textured maps to an area greater than one texel.
Public Property MinificationFilterGets the minification filter used when the pixel being textured maps to an area less than or equal to one texel.
Public Property NearestClampToEdgeGets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Nearest, MagnificationFilter: Nearest, WrapS: ClampToEdge, WrapT: ClampToEdge.
Public Property NearestRepeatGets a texture filter with the following properties: MinificationFilter: Nearest, MagnificationFilter: Nearest, WrapS: Repeat, WrapT: Repeat.
Public Property WrapSGets the texture wrap for the s direction.
Public Property WrapTGets the texture wrap for the t direction.
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