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IAgStkGraphicsTriangulatorResult Interface


The result from triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list. This is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive.

Public Properties

Public Property BoundingSphereGets the bounding sphere that encompasses the mesh.
Public Property IndicesGets indices into Positions and Normals. Every 3 indices represent 1 triangle. The indices returned consider the three components of a position or normal (x, y, and z) as a single array element. Multiply the index by 3 to get the location of the x component in Positions or Normals.
Public Property NormalsGets the normals of the mesh. Every position in Positions has corresponding normal. Normals are commonly used for lighting. Three array elements (in the order x, y, z) constitute one normal.
Public Property PositionsGets the positions of the mesh. Three array elements (in the order x, y, z) constitute one position.
Public Property TriangleWindingOrderGets the orientation of front-facing triangles in the mesh.

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsTriangulatorResult

See Also

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