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AgECrdnAxesType Enumeration
See Also


Represents vector types.


eCrdnAxesTypeUnknown-1Unknown or unsupported type.
eCrdnAxesTypeLagrangeLibration0Libration point axes using one primary and multiple secondary central bodies. Set primary and secondary bodies, and point type.
eCrdnAxesTypeAngularOffset1Axes created by rotating the Reference axes about the Spin vector through the specified rotation angle plus the additional rotational offset.
eCrdnAxesTypeFixedAtEpoch2Axes based on another set fixed at a specified epoch.
eCrdnAxesTypeBPlane3B-Plane axes using the selected target body and reference vector.
eCrdnAxesTypeCustomScript4Customized axes offset with respect to a set of reference Axes.
eCrdnAxesTypeFixed6Axes fixed in reference axes.
eCrdnAxesTypeAlignedAndConstrained7Axes aligned using two pairs of vectors. One vector in each pair is fixed in these axes and the other vector serves as an independent reference.
eCrdnAxesTypeModelAttachment8Axes aligned with the specified pointable element of the object's 3D model. The axes follow the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified pointable element.
eCrdnAxesTypeSpinning9Axes created by spinning the Reference axes about the Spin vector with the specified rate. The axes are aligned with the Reference axes at the specified epoch plus the additional rotational offset.
eCrdnAxesTypeOnSurface10Projection of the reference point onto the central body.
eCrdnAxesTypeTrajectory11Axes based on trajectory of the point relative to the reference coordinate system.
eCrdnAxesTypeTemplate12Represents a VGT axes created from a template. This type of axes is not creatable.
eCrdnAxesTypeAtTimeInstant13Axes orientation fixed relative to reference axes based on orientation of another set of axes evaluated at specified time instant.
eCrdnAxesTypePlugin14An axes plugin point.
eCrdnAxesTypeFile5Axes specified by data from a file.
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