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AgECrdnCalcScalarType Enumeration
See Also


Defines available calculation scalar types.


eCrdnCalcScalarTypeUnknown-1Unknown or unsupported calculation scalar types.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeAngle0Scalar equal to angular displacement obtained from any angle in VGT.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeFixedAtTimeInstant1Constant scalar created by evaluating input scalar calculation at specified reference time instant.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeConstant2Constant scalar value of specified dimension.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeDataElement3Any time-dependent data element from STK data providers available for parent STK object.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeDerivative4Derivative of input scalar calculation.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeElapsedTime5Time elapsed since reference time instant.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeFile6Tabulated scalar calculation data loaded from specified file.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeFunction7Defined by performing one of specified functions on input scalar.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeIntegral8Integral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of specified numerical methods and using one of specified accumulation types.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeFunction2Var9Defined by performing one of specified binary operations on two scalar arguments.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeVectorMagnitude10Scalar equal to magnitude of specified vector.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypePlugin11A calc scalar plugin based on a COM object.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeCustomScript12A calc scalar uses scripted algorithm in MATLAB (.m or .dll), Perl or VBScript to define its value and rate.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeSurfaceDistanceBetweenPoints13Surface distance along the specified central body ellipsoid between two points (or their respective projections if specified at altitude).
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeDotProduct14Scalar equal to the dot product between two vectors.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeVectorComponent15Scalar equal to the specified component of a vector when resolved in the specified axes.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeAverage16Average of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of specified numerical methods and using one of specified accumulation types.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeStandardDeviation17Standard deviation of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of specified numerical methods and using one of specified accumulation types.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypePointInVolumeCalc18Calculations Along Trajectory. Use IAgCrdnCalcScalarPointInVolumeCalc to access it.
eCrdnCalcScalarTypeCustomInlineScript19Custom inline script scalar.
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