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IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained Interface


Axes aligned using two pairs of vectors. One vector in each pair is fixed in these axes and the other vector serves as an independent reference.

Public Properties

Public Property AlignmentDirectionSpecify a desired alignment direction and the applicable parameters.
Public Property AlignmentReferenceVectorSpecify an alignment reference vector.
Public Property ConstraintDirectionSpecify a desired constraint direction and the applicable parameters.
Public Property ConstraintReferenceVectorSpecify a constraint reference vector.


CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained


Create the axes oriented using vectors fixed in these axes and independent reference vectors.
IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained axes = (IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained)provider.Axes.Factory.Create(
    "AxesName", string.Empty, AgECrdnAxesType.eCrdnAxesTypeAlignedAndConstrained);
Create the axes oriented using vectors fixed in these axes and independent reference vectors.
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim axes As IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained = DirectCast(provider.Axes.Factory.Create("AxesName", String.Empty, AgECrdnAxesType.eCrdnAxesTypeAlignedAndConstrained), IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrained)
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