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IAgCrdnAxesCommonTasks Interface


Provides methods to create non-persistent VGT axes components. Non-persistent components do not have names, do not get saved/loaded and are not shown in the VGT browser.

Public Methods

Public Method CreateFixedCreates non-persistent fixed axes based on specified axes.
Public Method CreateTopocentricAxesEulerAnglesCreates non-persistent axes fixed in axes on the surface of a central body with the location specified by the origin point. The euler angles define the axes's orientation.
Public Method CreateTopocentricAxesQuaternionCreates non-persistent axes fixed in axes on the surface of a central body with the location specified by the origin point. The quaternion defines the axes's orientation.
Public Method SampleComputes and returns tabulated orientations and angular velocities of axes with respect to reference axes using specified sampling parameters.
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