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IAgCrdnCalcScalarFactory Interface


The factory creates scalar calculation components.

Public Methods

Public Method CreateCreates and registers a scalar calculation using specified name, description, and type.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarAngleCreate a scalar calculation equal to angular displacement obtained from any angle in VGT.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarAverageCreate a scalar calculation that is the average of an input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarConstantCreate a scalar calculation of constant value of the specified dimension.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarCustomInlineScriptCreate a custom inline script scalar.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarDataElementCreate a scalar calculation defined from a time-dependent data element from STK data providers available for parent STK object.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarDataElementWithGroupCreate a scalar calculation defined from a time-dependent data element from STK data providers available for parent STK object.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarDerivativeCreate a scalar calculation that is the derivative of an input scalar calculation.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarDotProductCreate a scalar calculation that is defined by a dot product between two vectors.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarElapsedTimeCreate a scalar calculation that is the time elapsed since a reference time instant.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarFileCreate scalar calculation specified by external data file.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarFixedAtTimeInstantCreate a scalar calculation defined by evaluating the input scalar calculation at the specified reference time instant.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarFromCustomScriptCreate a calc scalar calculation that uses scripted algorithm in MATLAB (.m or .dll), Perl or VBScript to define its value and rate.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarFunctionCreate a scalar calculation that is defined by performing the specified function on the input scalar or time instant.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarFunction2VarCreate a scalar calculation that is defined by performing a function(x,y) on two scalar arguments.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarIntegralCreate a scalar calculation that is the integral of an input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarPluginFromDisplayNameCreate a scalar calculation based on a COM plugin. For information how to implement and register VGT plugins, see COM-based Engine Plugins..
Public Method CreateCalcScalarPointInVolumeCalcCreate a scalar calculation along trajectory.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarStandardDeviationCreate a scalar calculation that is the standard deviation of an input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarSurfaceDistanceBetweenPointsCreate a calc scalar calculation that is surface distance along the specified central body ellipsoid between two points (or their respective projections if specified at altitude).
Public Method CreateCalcScalarVectorComponentCreate a scalar calculation that is defined by a specified component of a vector when resolved in specified axes.
Public Method CreateCalcScalarVectorMagnitudeCreate a scalar calculation equal to the magnitude of a specified vector.
Public Method IsTypeSupportedReturns whether the specified type is supported.

Public Properties

Public Property AvailableCalcScalarPluginDisplayNamesAn array of display names associated with available scalar calculation plugins. The elements of the array are strings. Display names are used to create Calc scalars based on COM plugins using CreateCalcScalarPluginFromDisplayName method.


Create a calc scalar constant.
//Create a calc scalar constant.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant calcScalar = (IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant)provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create(
    "CalcScalarName", "Calc scalar constant.", AgECrdnCalcScalarType.eCrdnCalcScalarTypeConstant);
Determine if the specified calc scalar type is supported.
// Check if the specified calc scalar type is supported.
if (provider.CalcScalars.Factory.IsTypeSupported(calcScalarType))
    //Create a CalcScalar with the supported Type
    IAgCrdnCalcScalar calcScalar = provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create(
        "MyCalcScalar", string.Empty,
Determine if the specified calc scalar type is supported.
[Visual Basic .NET]
' Check if the specified calc scalar type is supported.
If provider.CalcScalars.Factory.IsTypeSupported(calcScalarType) Then
	'Create a CalcScalar with the supported Type
	Dim calcScalar As IAgCrdnCalcScalar = provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create("MyCalcScalar", String.Empty, calcScalarType)
End If
Create a calc scalar constant.
[Visual Basic .NET]
'Create a calc scalar constant.
Dim calcScalar As IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant = DirectCast(provider.CalcScalars.Factory.Create("CalcScalarName", "Calc scalar constant.", AgECrdnCalcScalarType.eCrdnCalcScalarTypeConstant), IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstant)
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