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IAgCrdnCollection Interface


A collection of VGT objects.

Public Methods

Public Method ContainsSearches for a an element with a given name. Returns false if the specified element does not exist.
Public Method GetItemByIndexRetrieves an item from the crdn collection by index.
Public Method GetItemByNameRetrieves an item from the crdn collection by name.

Public Properties

Public Property CountReturns a number of elements in the collection.
Public Property ItemRetrieves an element of the collection using the name of the element or a position in the collection.


Get an embedded component
if (crdn.EmbeddedComponents.Contains("Origin"))
    IAgCrdn embeddedComponent = crdn.EmbeddedComponents["Origin"];
Enumerate all embedded components of a VGT component
foreach (IAgCrdn embeddedComponent in crdn.EmbeddedComponents)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, kind: {1}", embeddedComponent.Name, embeddedComponent.Kind);
Iterate all embedded components of a VGT component
for (int i = 0; i < crdn.EmbeddedComponents.Count; i++)
    IAgCrdn embeddedComponent = crdn.EmbeddedComponents[i];
    Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, kind: {1}", embeddedComponent.Name, embeddedComponent.Kind);
Get an embedded component
[Visual Basic .NET]
If crdn.EmbeddedComponents.Contains("Origin") Then
	Dim embeddedComponent As IAgCrdn = crdn.EmbeddedComponents("Origin")
End If
Enumerate all embedded components of a VGT component
[Visual Basic .NET]
For Each embeddedComponent As IAgCrdn In crdn.EmbeddedComponents
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, kind: {1}", embeddedComponent.Name, embeddedComponent.Kind)
Iterate all embedded components of a VGT component
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < crdn.EmbeddedComponents.Count
	Dim embeddedComponent As IAgCrdn = crdn.EmbeddedComponents(i)
	Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, kind: {1}", embeddedComponent.Name, embeddedComponent.Kind)
	System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(i),i - 1)
End While
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