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IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds Interface


Defined by determining if input scalar is within specified bounds; returns +1 if satisfied, -1 if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary.

Public Methods

Public Method GetMaximumGet the maximum bound value from the condition. Call SetMaximum to apply changes.
Public Method GetMaximumUnitlessGet the unitless maximum bound value from the condition. Call SetMaximum to apply changes.
Public Method GetMinimumGet the minimum bound value from the condition. Call SetMinimum to apply changes.
Public Method GetMinimumUnitlessGet the unitless minimum bound value from the condition. Call SetMinimum to apply changes.
Public Method SetSet the min/max bounds. Throws an exception if the minimum is greater than maximum.
Public Method SetMaximumSet the maximum bound value for the condition.
Public Method SetMaximumUnitlessSet the unitless maximum bound value for the condition.
Public Method SetMinimumSet the minimum bound value for the condition.
Public Method SetMinimumUnitlessSet the unitless minimum bound value for the condition.
Public Method SetUnitlessSet the unitless min/max bounds. Throws an exception if the minimum is greater than maximum.

Public Properties

Public Property OperationGet the operation from the condition that determines how the bounds are considered. The operation can be set to define satisfaction when the scalar is above minimum, below maximum, between minimum and maximum or outside minimum and maximum.
Public Property ScalarGet the scalar calculation from the condition.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds


Create a condition defined by determining if input scalar is within specified bounds.
//Create a condition from a scalar.
IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds condition = (IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds)provider.Conditions.Factory.Create(
    "ConditionName", "Condition from a scalar.", AgECrdnConditionType.eCrdnConditionTypeScalarBounds);
Create a condition defined by determining if input scalar is within specified bounds.
[Visual Basic .NET]
'Create a condition from a scalar.
Dim condition As IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds = DirectCast(provider.Conditions.Factory.Create("ConditionName", "Condition from a scalar.", AgECrdnConditionType.eCrdnConditionTypeScalarBounds), IAgCrdnConditionScalarBounds)
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