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IAgCrdnConditionSetScalarThresholds Interface


Condition set based on single scalar calculation compared to set of threshold values.

Public Methods

Public Method SetThresholdsAndLabelsSet thresholds and threshold labels.

Public Properties

Public Property IncludeAboveHighestThresholdThe threshold indicates whether to include conditions above the highest threhsold.
Public Property IncludeBelowLowestThresholdThe threshold indicates whether to include conditions below the lowest threhsolds.
Public Property ScalarThe input scalar calculation.
Public Property ThresholdLabelsThe input threshold values, flags indicating whether to include conditions above the highest and below the lowest threhsolds, and corresponding labels.
Public Property ThresholdsThe input threshold values, flags indicating whether to include conditions above the highest and below the lowest threhsolds, and corresponding labels.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnConditionSetScalarThresholds

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