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IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection Interface


A collection of related interval lists.

Public Methods

Public Method FindIntervalCollectionReturn computed collection of interval lists.
Public Method OccurredDetermine if specified time falls within any of the computed interval lists in the collection.

Public Properties

Public Property LabelsGet the labels associated with the interval lists in the collection.
Public Property TypeReturn the type of collection of interval lists.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection


Determine if epoch occurred in interval collection.
string eventCollName = "LightingIntervals";
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection intervalVectorCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections[ eventCollName];

// any time that the vehicle has ephemeris its time will occur in the LightingIntervals collection (as a sunlit, penumbra or umbra time)
string dateDuringEphem = "1 Jan 2012 20:00:00";

IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult occurredResult = intervalVectorCollection.Occurred( dateDuringEphem);


Console.WriteLine("Occurred at {0} index", occurredResult.Index);

// Use the index from IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult as the index to IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult.IntervalCollections
IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult intervalResult = intervalVectorCollection.FindIntervalCollection();
IAgCrdnIntervalCollection intervalCollection = intervalResult.IntervalCollections[occurredResult.Index];

string dateNotDuringEphem = "1 May 1980 04:30:00.000";
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult occurredResult2 = intervalVectorCollection.Occurred( dateNotDuringEphem);

Console.WriteLine("Did not find time {0} during eventIntervalCollection {1}'s times.", dateNotDuringEphem, eventCollName);
Determine if epoch occurred in interval collection.
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim eventCollName As String = "LightingIntervals"
Dim intervalVectorCollection As IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection = provider.EventIntervalCollections(eventCollName)

' any time that the vehicle has ephemeris its time will occur in the LightingIntervals collection (as a sunlit, penumbra or umbra time)
Dim dateDuringEphem As String = "1 Jan 2012 20:00:00"

Dim occurredResult As IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult = intervalVectorCollection.Occurred(dateDuringEphem)


Console.WriteLine("Occurred at {0} index", occurredResult.Index)

' Use the index from IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult as the index to IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult.IntervalCollections
Dim intervalResult As IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResult = intervalVectorCollection.FindIntervalCollection()
Dim intervalCollection As IAgCrdnIntervalCollection = intervalResult.IntervalCollections(occurredResult.Index)

Dim dateNotDuringEphem As String = "1 May 1980 04:30:00.000"
Dim occurredResult2 As IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResult = intervalVectorCollection.Occurred(dateNotDuringEphem)

Console.WriteLine("Did not find time {0} during eventIntervalCollection {1}'s times.", dateNotDuringEphem, eventCollName)
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