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IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartInterval Interface


A smart interval.

Public Methods

Public Method FindStartTimeFinds a start time of the interval. An exception is thrown if the start time cannot be determined from the interval's current state.
Public Method FindStopTimeFinds a stop time of the interval. An exception is thrown if the stop time cannot be determined from the interval's current state.
Public Method GetStartEpochReturns a copy of the start epoch. Changes to the epoch will not affect the state of the interval.
Public Method GetStopEpochReturns a copy of the stop epoch. Changes to the epoch will not affect the state of the interval.
Public Method SetExplicitIntervalSet the interval's start and the stop times changes the interval's state to explicit. Exception is thrown if specified start time is greater than stop time.
Public Method SetImplicitIntervalSet the reference interval and changes the state to Implicit.
Public Method SetStartAndStopEpochsSets the interval's start and stop epochs as two smart epoch components. Exception is thrown if specified start time is greater than stop time.
Public Method SetStartAndStopTimesSets the interval's start and stop epochs as explicit times. Exception is thrown if specified start time is greater than stop time.
Public Method SetStartEpochSets a start of the interval using specified epoch component.
Public Method SetStartEpochAndDurationSets the interval's start epoch and the interval's duration.
Public Method SetStartTimeAndDurationSets the interval's start time and the interval's duration.
Public Method SetStopEpochSets a stop of the interval using specified epoch component.

Public Properties

Public Property DurationAsStringThe duration of the interval.
Public Property ReferenceIntervalThe reference interval used to compute start/stop times of this interval if the state of the interval is set to implicit.
Public Property StateA state of the smart interval.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartInterval

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